Chapter 40

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Previously on Chapter 39

"Don't cry, mama..." she said. She cups my cheeks with her little hands and starts wiping away the tears. I smile softly at her and hugs her close. I bury my face into her hair as I start to cry again. Gaara... I'm so sorry.

-I'm Coming Home-


Someone burst through the door, startling us in the process. I turn my head to see Kankuro. I move D/N from my lap and stand up.

"Kankuro" I said, walking towards him. I pull him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around me. "I miss you too, sis..." he said, patting my back softly. I tighten my arms around him.

"Kankuro... why are you here? I thought I told you to look after Gaara!" Temari said. I quickly pull away from Kankuro and turn to look at her. "I don't have a choice, Temari... I need to come here" Kankuro said. I look at them back and forth.

"Why? What happened?" I asked. "Gaara have been sick lately. His body is slowly deteriorating. I had to come here because I need to see you, Y/N. Gaara... he loves you. It pains him more than anything to see you hurt. He needs you, Y/N. Please come home" he said, pleadingly.

I burst into tears after hearing what he said. Gaara is sick... he went through so much pain... all because he wants to see me free from the curse. He endures all the pain for me.

"Please come home, Y/N..." Temari pleaded, holding my hands. "Gaara needs you" Kankuro said, placing his hands on my shoulders. I look at them back and forth. I wipe my tears and nod my head. "I'm coming home..." I said. They let out a sigh of relief and gives me a group hug.


I'm standing by the gate, facing Naruto and Sakura. I smile as I look at them. I walk towards them and hug both of them, tightly.

"Thank you so much... you two have been there for me. I appreciate every support you gave me" I said. "Oh come on, Y/N-Chan! You acted like you just know us. We're a team! We're best friends! So of course, we'd help you" Naruto said. I smile at him. I turn to look at Sakura.

"It's been a while since you've stayed with us. It kind of reminds me of our time as a team. Be sure to visit us, Y/N" she said. "Of course, Sakura" I said, looking at her with a smile.

I turn to look at Temari, who's holding S/N in her arms. Kankuro is holding D/N's hand. She smiles at me. "Are you ready to go, Y/N?" She said. I nod my head, smiling at her.

"Ready. It's been 3 years since I left Sunagakure" I said. "Yeah... and it's time for you to come home" Kankuro said, nodding his head. I nod my head, agreeing with what he said. I turn to Naruto and Sakura.

"I guess it's time for me to get going" I said. Naruto nods his head. "Take care, Y/N..." he said. I nod my head. "Until next time, Naruto... Sakura..." I said. They smile at me and nod their heads. I wave at them and turn around. Then we start walking away.

3 Days Later

All of us are walking through the dessert land. It's been a while since I've been exposed to so much sand. So, it's kind of hard for me to see through. I don't care about that though... all I care about is Gaara. I want to see him as soon as possible.

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