Chapter 28

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Previously on Chapter 27

I'm a little confused why he said that. But I'm too sleepy to say anything. I blink a few times and could have sworn I see tears streaming down Gaara's cheeks. But before I could comprehend what is happening. I feel myself drifting off to sleep with only one thought in my mind.

What's wrong with Gaara?

-His Sudden Changes-


When I wake up, Gaara is no where to be seen. He's probably already in his office. I make my way out of our shared bedroom and head to the nursery room to check on my daughter.

I smile when I see her grinning at me. I walk towards her, scooping her up in my arms. "Good morning, D/N. Did you sleep well, honey?" I said. "Yes, mama..." she said. I smile and kiss her cheek softly. I make my way out of the nursery room and head to the kitchen.

I place D/N in her baby chair and start preparing her food. Since she's 1 year old, I can feed her more than just mashed fruits. It's time to let her have new food. But of course, I make sure they're high in nutrients. D/N's a growing baby, so she needs good foods in order to grow stronger and healthy. I'm sure she'll be a strong Kunoichi like Gaara and I.

Thinking about Gaara, makes me wonder if he have had his meal. I glance at the clock to see its 10 in the morning. 'Hm... maybe I should bring him his lunch' I thought to myself. Yeah... maybe I should.

I hear D/N making sounds. I turn my head to look at her. "What is it, honey?" I asked. "Hunlyy!" She said, pouting at me. I let out a giggle. "Sorry, honey... I'll have your meal done as soon as I can, okay?" I said. She nods her head, grinning happily. I quickly make D/N some meal. I take a seat on the chair next to her and starts to feed her. She happily eats them.

"Do you like it?" I asked. "Yum yum!" She said. I let out a laugh at her cute response. "Mama will be making some meal for Papa, okay? Then we'll go to his office afterwards..." I said. "Okay!!" She said, clapping her hands.

"Now be a good girl while I cook for your Papa..." I said. She grins and nods her head. I smile and kiss her head. Then I stand up and make my way to over to the kitchen and start cooking for Gaara.


I have D/N in one arm, while holding a bento box on the other. I make my way through the sand covered ground, making my way to Gaara's Kazekage office. It's been a while since I've been there, because of my instability. Now that I'm all better, I can finally visit my husband at his work again.

I reach his office and make my way inside. I knock on his door. I hear a soft 'come in' from the other side. I smile and open the door. Gaara is sitting on his seat behind the desk.

"Hey, Gaara..." I said, smiling at him. He looks up at me and looks back down. "Oh, it's you... hey" he said, in a low voice. I furrow my eyebrow at his coldness. I shake my head and walk towards him.

"I brought you some food, Gaara... and D/N is here too. She misses you..." I said. "Hmm... I'll play with her later..." he said. "Okay... what about the food? I think you should eat first, then resume your work, hm?" I said. "Later... I have a lot of work to do. Just go home..." he said. I frown at his response. Why is he acting so cold?

"Hmm... alright. I'll just leave it here. I'll see you at home..." I said. "Yeah, whatever..." he said. I bit my lips as tears build up in my eyes. I blink them away and force a smile. "I love you..." I said. He didn't say anything back. A tear escape my eyes and I just turn around to walk away.

What's going on with Gaara? He never acted like the way he's acting right now. He didn't even say 'I love you' back to me. It hurts so much to see him acting so coldly towards me.

I reach home and meet Temari, who's washing the dishes. She notices me entering the house and turn to me. "Oh you're back already, Y/N? I thought-?" She started, but stopped mid-sentence when she notices the tears in my eyes. She dries her hand and walks towards me.

"Are you okay?" She said. I just look down and burst into tears. Temari gestures Kankuro to come over. He walks towards us and pick D/N from my arms. Temari wraps her arm around my shoulder and lead me to the couches.

"What happened?" She said, sitting next to me. I just cover my face as I try to control myself. "Papa... cold to mama..." D/N said, in her baby voice. Temari turn to her in confusion and look back at me. "Gaara acts cold towards you?" She said. I just nod my head, still not trusting my voice. I know it's going to crack and she wouldn't be able to understand.

"He's probably just busy..." she said, trying to keep me calm. "B... But he n-never acted s-so cold, even when h-he's b-busy..." I said. "Shh... it's okay. I'm sure he have a reason" she said. I just nod my head, trying to keep an open mind. Gaara's probably just busy. He's been taking care of me because of what happened to me. It only makes sense that he's trying to catch up with everything. I hope tomorrow things will be better.

"I'm tired. Temari... Kankuro... can you two take care of D/N for me?" I said. Temari nods her head. "Yes, of course, Y/N..." she said. "Rest well, sis..." Kankuro said, smiling softly at me. I smile weakly at them.

"Mommy be taking a rest now... be good, honey?" I said, as I place a soft kiss on D/N head. "Okay..." she said, smiling at me. I smile softly at her and stand up. Then I make my way towards Gaara's and I's shared bedroom.

I get under the cover and pull the blanket until it reaches below my chin. I turn to my side as I cry softly, thinking of the way Gaara's acting to me. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep with tears still streaming down my cheeks every once in a while.

Gaara... what's wrong with you?

*to be continued*

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