Chapter 24

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Previously on Chapter 23

Her eyes rolls back and she falls limp in my arms. My eyes widened in disbelieve. The Akatsuki still have their grip on her. They're still able to control her even though they're not in direct contact with her. But don't worry, Y/N...

I will free you

-Looking For Solutions-


I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a pair of sea-foam green eyes. "Gaara..." I said. "Yeah, love... I'm right here..." he said. I let out a soft groan, as I place my hand on my forehead.

I move to sit up and he helps me. He slowly adjust the pillow so I can lean my back against it. "What happened?" I asked. "What do you remember?" He asked.

"Um... all I remember is hearing these voices inside my head" I said. "What did the voice said?" He said, looking at me with a worried expression. "The voice said... to kill all of you" I said. My eyes widened as I realize what happened. I turn my head to look at my husband with a terrified expression.

"Gaara, I didn't hurt anyone right?? Our baby? She's okay, right?!" I asked. "No... don't worry. Everyone is safe... Kankuro manage to stop your movement with his chakra string... it's okay. Just calm down, honey" he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a soft sigh of relief.

Gaara moves to sit next to me. I scoot closer to his side and place my head on his chest. "I'm scared... they can control me. What if they do it again? I'll not be able to forgive myself if I ever hurt any of you..." I said. My whole body starts to shake as tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

Gaara tightens his arms around me, pulling me close to his embrace. I bury my face in his chest and starts to cry harder. He runs his hand gently through my hair, trying his best to give me comfort.

After a while, I finally calmed down. I keep my head laying against his chest with my arms wrap loosely around his torso, I try to regain my breathing.

"Lock me up, Gaara..." I said, in a hush voice. "W-What?" He said. I pull away from him to look at him in the eyes. "Lock me up..." I said, louder and clearer this time. His eyes widened as he looks at me with a shock and disbelief.

"What are you talking about, Y/N? L-Lock you up? Now, why would I do that??" He said. I look at him with pleading eyes.

"You have to, Gaara... you're not safe! Neither of you are safe as long as you let me out and free. Please... just lock me up. I can end up attacking other people too! I don't want that..." I said, looking at him with pleading eyes. He shakes his head.

"No! You won't! I'll make sure you won't... you don't have to worry, Y/N. We'll look for a solution for you, okay?" He said. I bit my lips as tears starts to gather in my eyes again. His eyes soften as he pulls me in his embrace once again.

"I-I'm scared, Gaara..." I cried out softly. "I know... I know you're scared. I will free you from them. I can assure you that. I promise... don't ask me to lock you up, because I won't. Never..." he said. I choke a sob as I clutch the front of his shirt.

I just snuggle closer to his side. He continue to run his hand through my hair. I slowly relax in his arms. Gaara is the only one that can calm me down. I love being in his arms, it's comforting... and being close with him gives me the sense of reassurance.

The sound of crying broke me out of my thought. "I think D/N misses you..." he said. I pull away from his embrace and looks at him with a worried face. "Do you think it will be safe, Gaara? What if I end up hurting our baby?" I said. "You won't... a mother's love is stronger than anything... come on now..." he said. He stands up and offers me his hand. I hesitate a little, but he grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Come on... it's okay..." he said. I let out a sigh and follow him. He leads me out of our shared room and towards the nursery room. He push the door open. I can see Temari in the room, trying her best to calm D/N.

She turns to look at me and I can see relief spread in her face. "Y/N... finally. She wouldn't stop crying. I tried everything..." she said. I feel a gentle push and turn my head. Gaara gives me a assuring smile. I bit my lips and hesitantly walks over to Temari. D/N is reaching out for me, with her arms outstretched.

(Kotaro, from Gakuen Babysitter

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(Kotaro, from Gakuen Babysitter. He's so cute! Of course... just imagine he's a girl here)

I gently pick her up in my arms. She clutch my shirt tightly. I feel tears building up in my eyes. I start to pat her back softly.

"There there... mommy is here. It's okay... don't cry, my baby" I said in a soft voice. "Mama..." she said. I froze and turn to look at Gaara, who's looking at her wide-eyed.

"D-Did you... d-did you h-hear t-that??" I said. He nodded, still look shocked. "She just uttered her first word..." he said, speechless. I burst into happy tears as I hug my baby closer.

"I'm so happy~" I said, kissing her faces. She sniffled and starts giggling. Gaara walks over to me, smiling fondly at his daughter. "You're lucky, honey... I'm so jealous" he said, pouting a little. I let out a giggle as he wipe the tears from my eyes.

"We will find a solution, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Y/N..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said. He leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. But before he get the chance to, D/N smack his cheek.

He flinch and looks at her wide-eyed. "My mama..." she said, hugging my neck. Gaara blinks and shake his head while laughing softly. "Okay... she may be your mom. But she's mine first..." he said, pinching her cheek softly.

"MY MAMA!!" She wailed. "Okay! Okay!! She's your mama... don't cry..." Gaara said, visibly panicked as his daughter starts to cry. I burst out into giggle as Gaara tries to calm D/N down. I thought only baby boys acted that way towards their mothers. So I did not expect D/N to be possessive of me. But it was so cute!!

Gaara picks her up in his arms and starts to try to calm her down. "Daddy is sorry! Don't cry, baby..." he said, cooing softly. D/N slowly starts to calm after a while.

"My mama..." she said, turning to look at me with a pout on her lips. I let out a giggle and walk towards them. I pick her up in my arms. "Yes, baby. I'm your mama..." I said. She lets out a cute giggle and kisses my cheek.

I love my family so much. The last thing I want is to hurt them. So I deeply hope that we can find a way to free myself from their grasps. Who knows what they will try to make me do next time. I don't wanna hurt my family. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that ever happens. So I hope... we can find a solution.

*to be continued*

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