Chapter 35

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Previously on Chapter 34

I turn my head to look out the window once again. A tear escape my right eye as I thought of Gaara. How is he? Did he miss me as much as I miss him? Or did he think of me at all?

Gaara... I miss you so much

-Welcome To The World-


Months have passed and now I'm pregnant for 9 months. My due time is close. It could be any day. My daughter always stays close. She would place her ear against my stomach. Just like what she's doing right now.

"Mama... I can hear the baby's heartbeat!" She said, in an excited tone. I let out a giggle and run my hand through her hair. "Are you excited to be a sister?" I said. She grins and nods her head. "Yes! I'm excited to be a sister! I promise to be the best sister!" She said. "And you will be..." I said, smiling at her. She moves closer to me, and place a soft kiss on my cheek. "I love you, mama..." she said. "I love you too, baby" I said, kissing her forehead.

I hear the sound of  knocking. The door slowly open to reveal Naruto. "Oh... hey, Naruto..." I said. He just smiles and walks closer to me. "I brought you some fruits. Sakura-Chan said it's good for a pregnant girl" he said, placing a basket of fruits next to me.

"Thank you, Naruto. I'm sorry I can't move much" I said. He shakes his head. "It's alright, you're due anytime... so it's best if you just stay in bed" he said.

"I need to go to the bathroom though..." I said. "Oh. Here... let me help you" he said, offering his hand to me. I place my hand on top of his. He gently pulls me off the bed. He guide me to the bathroom and wait outside.

After I'm done with my business. I make my way to the faucet and wash my hand. Suddenly, I can feel something wet flowing down my thigh. I look down to see my water have broke.

"Naruto! Help me! I think my water broke!" I yelled. The door bursts open. Naruto quickly went to my side. "Okay, hang in there, Y/N. I'll take you to the hospital, okay?" He said, in a soothing voice. I just nod my head. I wrap an arm around his neck. He quickly scoop me up in his arms.

He turns to look at my daughter. He crouch in front of her. "Wrap your arms around my neck, dear. But please make sure to hold on tight. We can't have you falling off" he said. My daughter did as told. He runs towards the door and make his way to the hospital.


I keep trying my best to push the baby out of me. At a time like is... is when I wish Gaara is here with me. Holding my hand, whispering comforting words in my ear to encourage me.

I breathe heavily, as a sound of crying resonate in the room. I let my head fall onto the pillow, feeling exhausted after trying my hardest to push a life out of me. That was so tiring.

Sakura walks towards me with my newborn baby in her arms. "Congratulation, Y/N. It's a boy!" She said. She places the baby in my arms. I hold him close to me.

"Hey, little guy. Welcome to the world..." I said. "Do you have a name?" Sakura said, as she gently wipe my sweat. "Hmm... I think I'm going to name him, S/N..." I said. "S/N... you picked the perfect name" she said, smiling at me. I smile back at her and turn my head to look at the baby.

'Gaara... I wish you're here with me. We have a new child. This is your son, Gaara' I thought to myself. I feel tears streaming down both of my cheeks. I miss my husband so much. I'd do anything to be able to see him... be in his arms and feel his love again.


I'm sitting up in the hospital bed, holding my little baby in my arms. I hum a soft song as I gently hold his tiny hand. He have red hair, just like Gaara. He have my nose and my lips.

He yawns softly and opens his eyes. He blinks and stares at me. "Hey, honey... it's me. Your mama..." I said. I smile as I notice he have a sea foam green eyes, just like Gaara.

I hear the sound of knocking coming from the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens to reveal Naruto. He's holding D/N in his arms. She grins as she looks at me.

"Mama!" She said. "Shh! Your brother is asleep..." I said. She instantly covers her mouth. Naruto places her down. She walks up to me and stand on her toes, trying to take a look at S/N. She pouts when she realize she's too short.

Naruto lets out a chuckle and pick her up once again. But this time, he places her next to me. I pat next to me, signaling her to come closer. She scoots closer to me. I gently place the baby in her lap.

"He's so cute..." she said. "Congratulation, honey... you're a sister now..." I said. She grins and looks at the baby. She gently place a soft kiss on the baby's forehead.

The baby suddenly starts crying. "Mama, what did I do??" She said. "He's probably just thirsty, honey..." I said. I gently pick my son in my arms. I turn my head to look at Naruto.

"Naruto... can you... um..." I said. "Huh? Oh right!" He said. He turns around, facing away from me. I smile and move my hospital gown aside. I let my baby drink the milk from me.

I turn to look at my daughter to see her staring at me in awe. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I said. "Is that what I drink when I was a baby?" She said. I smile and nod my head. "Of course, honey. Every newborn always drinks breast milk..." I said. She let outs out a hum.

S/N pulls away from my breast. I gently cradle him in my arms. I pat his back softly, trying to make him burp.

"What are you doing, mama?" She said. "We have to help the baby let out a burp, or they're going to feel uncomfortable and throw up what they drank. As don't want that, do we?" I said. She shakes her head, making me smile at her.

I hear a soft burp coming from my son. I smile and cradle her in my arms. He yawns softly and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"Do baby sleep a lot?" D/N asked. "Of course, honey. You slept a lot too when you were a baby..." I said. "Why?" She asked. "I'm not sure about that one..." I said. She just pouts, making me let out a giggle and gently punches her cheek. A frown appear on my face as I thought about my husband. Oh Gaara...

I wish you were here

*to be continued*

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