Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

"Because up to this very seconds. I'm still madly and hopelessly in love with you, Y/N. I'd do anything in my power to keep myself up to date about your well-being" he said. "You're crazy..." I said. He let out a laugh as he stares at me with mad eyes. "Yes! I'm crazy...

I'm crazy for you

-Missing You-


Sasuke keeps a grin on his face. If I'm just a normal person, I would shiver in fear from the way he looks at me. But no, instead of fear... I feel anger.

"Enough chit-chatting! We have a mission to bring you back to Konoha!" I said. "Oh... I'll come back alright..." he said, smiling. "You will?" I said, with a surprised tone.

"If you be with me..." he said. I scoff at what he said. "What makes you think I want to be with you? I love Gaara" I said. "I don't get why you stayed with him! He hurts you, didn't he? How can you still love him after he hurts you?" He said. "You don't understand anything about love. Do you, Sasuke?" I said.

"Well, of course! That's why I keep fighting for you! But you seem to still love Gaara despite him hurting you! Is that why you love him? Because he hurts you?? Will you love me too if I hurt you?" He said. "What are you talking about?" I said, looking at him with a speechless expression.

"WILL YOU LOVE ME IF I HURT YOU?!" He yelled. He disappear and reappear next to me. He give me a hard kick, sending me flying to a tree. My back hits it hard and I fall to the ground.

My eyesight starts to grow blurry. "Y/N!" I hear. But I can't see who it is. All I can see just a blurry figure rushing towards me. "Y/N-Chan... are you alright?" a voice said. By the voice, I can tell that it's Sakura.

She gently lay me down, and check my body to see if there's any injury. She gently place her hands on my stomach. I can hear a gasp coming from her.

"Oh no... Naruto! We have to take her back to the village!" She said. "Why? What happened??" He said, landing close to us. I can't hear what Sakura said, because I'm going in and out of focus. Soon the pain become too much. I close my eyes and slowly lose my consciousness.


I open my eyes and the first thing I notice is a white ceiling. I look around the place and notice D/N. She is sleeping in Naruto's lap, who appears to be asleep as well.

I try to move, but groan as I feel pain shooting up in my stomach. My voice instantly wakes Naruto, who looks around in alert. He turns to look at me and sigh in relief. He gently move D/N from his lap, and place her on the couch.

"What happened to me, Naruto? Why did I feel so much pain?" I asked. He stands up and sits on the chair next to the bed. "Because you're expecting a baby, Y/N..." he said. "W-Wait... what? You mean... I'm pregnant?" I said. He nods his head. I feel tears in my eyes.

"Is my baby okay?" I asked. He smiles and nods his head. "Yeah... Sakura-Chan manage to save the baby's life just in time. But you need to take a bed rest for a while. At least until you really stable..." he said. I let out a sigh of relief and let my head fall on the bed.

The door slides open to reveal Lady Tsunade. "Lady Tsunade!" I said. I try to sit up, but she holds a hand up, asking me to keep lay down. "Don't sit up... you need to rest" she said. I just nod my head and place my body back on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me you're pregnant?" She said. "I didn't know... I just found out about it now" I said, looking at her with a sad gaze. She lets out a sigh. "It is a good thing that we manage to save the baby. But that didn't stop me from feeling guilty. After all, I'm the one that sent you to go to that mission" she said. "I'm sorry, Lady Tsunade..." I said. "It's okay. Just rest, okay?" She said. I nod my head. She smiles at me and turns around to leave.

I look down at my stomach, placing a hand on top of it. A situation like this, is when I need Gaara most. I need him by my side, supporting me during my pregnancy.

I feel tears in my eyes at the thought of him. I still have no idea why he's been acting so coldly towards me. I miss the old Gaara. The loving Gaara who's always ready to console me... who's always ready to protect me. I miss him so much.


Sakura would come to check on me. She told me it'll be best if I stay at the Hospital for a few days. So she can make sure I'm going to be alright. Since I have a baby growing inside me.

I didn't argue with her, mainly because I don't want to see her angry. Trust me... it's terrifying. I shiver at the thought of seeing Sakura angry.

I'm currently sitting on the bed, my back against the headboard. My daughter is sitting on the couch with a drawing book in her hand. I turn to look at her and let out a soft giggle. She have crayons spread all over her face.

"Oh honey..." I said. She turns to look at me. "What is it, mama?" She said. "Come here..." I said, patting the empty spot next to me. She nod her head. She get off of the couch and walk towards me. I reach down and pick her up. I grab a tissue and starts wiping her faces.

"You have crayons all over your face, honey..." I said. "Oh..." she said. "Silly girl..." I said. I boop her nose, making her laugh. I shake my head and giggle softly.

She yawn softly. I pat my shoulder, she moves to lay down next to me and place her head on my shoulder. I run my hand through her hair, caressing her head softly. Soon enough, I can hear soft snore coming from her.

I pull away slightly to look at her. I smile and place a soft kiss on her forehead. I let out a low giggle as I watch the corner of her lips move a little. I hold her closer and hum a soft melody.

I turn my head to look out the window once again. A tear escape my right eye as I thought of Gaara. How is he? Did he miss me as much as I miss him? Or did he think of me at all?

Gaara... I miss you so much

*to be continued*

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