Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I let out a sigh "it's okay... I guess... Gaara's going to be Kazekage... I understand... Wait?! Gaara's the new Kazekage?!!" I scream out in shock. They just stare at me wide-eyed, surprised by my sudden outburst. But I just stand there feeling completely dumbfounded.

Gaara's the new Kazegake... don't worry Gaara, some day I'll too be the Hokage. Just you wait, Datebayo!

-Visiting Konohagakure-


I knock on Gaara's door of his office. "Come in..." I heard he said from the other side of the door. I open the door and enters the room. He looks up from his stack of paper.

"Oh, hey baby..." he said, smiling at me. I give him a soft smile, then I walk towards him. I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulder from behind. "How's your paperwork, Gaara?" I asks. He place his hand on my shoulder. "It's doing okay... a little trying... but now that you're here. I don't feel that tired anymore..." he said. "How cheesy..." I said giggling slightly.

He chuckles and pulls me to his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck. He nuzzle his nose against mine. I blush at the gesture, which makes him laugh even more. Then he cups on of my cheeks and place a soft kiss on my lips. I tilt my head and deepens the kiss.

A sound of knocking makes me pulls away from him. I try to get off of his lap, but he held me in place. I give him a stern look. "Gaara... this isn't a place to show intimation... this is your working place... not home... you can hold me all you want... but you need to remain professional here..." I said. He just pout at me, but then releases me. I giggle and peck his cheek softly. He smiles at me, and I gesture towards the door to let him know someone is still waiting for his permission to enter the room.

"Come in..." he said. Then the door opens to reveal Temari. "Do you need anything, Temari?" He asks. "Yeah... but not with you actually... more like with Y/N..." she said, looking at me. "Oh... okay. I'll see you at home, yeah?" I said to Gaara. He nods his head at me and pulls at my hand, wanting me to lean down. So I did and he pecks my lips softly. I place a soft kiss on his forehead and walks out of the room with Temari.

She leads me to a park. "So... what is it?" I asks. She blushes slightly, which makes me raise an eye-brow. "Judging by the way you act... I'm guessing you have taken a liking towards someone..." I said, this makes her blush even more. "Yupp... definitely it..." I said, feeling more sure.

"Yeah... there's someone that I like, but I don't know if he feels the same way..." she said. "Okay... who is it then?" I asks. "Um its..." then she said the name in a whisper. "I'm sorry what? Repeat that please. I can't hear you..." I said, leaning closer to her. She looks a bit flustered. "S-Shikamaru..." she said, stuttering a little. My eyes widened a little. Then I pull back and look at her. "Really?!" I said. She nods her head as her cheeks turning even more red.

"So... what do you need my help for?" I asks. "Help me get closer to him... you know... like a Cupid. Since you know... you used to be a citizen of Konoha and you're also a friend of his..." she said, fiddling with her finger. "Ah~ so that's what this is all about. Well... sure... anything for my sister" I said. She start to grin at me as she pulls me into a tight hug. Which is a little too tight.

"Temari... too... tight..." I wheeze out. She instantly pulls away from me. "Sorry... just got a little excited" she said. "A little... suurreee" I said, teasing her. She blushes and hit me on the shoulder. "Ouch! Meanie! You know I'm just joking..." I wailed out. She giggles and hugs me, this time more gentle.

"So... in order to help you get closer with him... you need to visit Konoha... any plan?" I asks. "Yeah... I was called by the Hokage to help mentoring the Chunnin Exam... she also requested me to take you with us..." she said. "Oh... alright... that's perfect then... I just need to ask Gaara for permission..." I said, nodding my head. "Yeah of course... you need to have your husband's permission..." she said. This time it's my turn to blush. "Temari!!! We're not even married yet..." I said, hitting her shoulder. "YET... but you'll soon to be his wife... exactly in a couple of months. 3 months from now, right?" She said. "Wow you're backfiring me, earlier it was me who's teasing you..." I said, sulking a little.

Temari laugh and pat my back softly. "Hey... just so you know... I'm not teasing... I'm just happy... happy that I'll have an amazing person like you as a sister in law... and happy that my lil bro have found the love is his life... who cares so much about him..." she said. I smile brightly at her and hugs her. "You're an amazing person as well, Temari... thank you so much for welcoming me into your family..." I said. She just hugs me back, rubbing my back softly.

Then I pull away. "So... when are we leaving?" I asks. "In a couple of hours actually..." she said. "What??? And you tell me now?" I said. She laughs "let's go tell Gaara then..." she said. I nod my head "yeah... okay" I said. Then we make our way back to his office.


Right now I'm packing all my stuff. Gaara have gave me his permission. Although I asks him a couple of times, since I'm suppose to always be by his side. He ensure me to be okay and that I need to visit them. He also told me that Naruto have returned and he thought that I might want to meet him.

I head to the gate where Temari is waiting. I smile at her and she smiles back. "Let's go then?" She said. I nod my head "yeah... let's go!" I said. Then we start walking in the direction of Konohagakure. But there is a nagging feeling in my chest... it's a really bad feeling that something is going to happen. Then my mind drift off to Gaara. Like I shouldn't be leaving.

Why did I have this bad feelings? I hope nothing will happen to Gaara

*to be continued*

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