Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

We start jumping from tree to tree. "What do they want from Gaara anyway??" Naruto asks. I can feel the anger in him. "I've heard a lot about Akatsuki... they hunts Jinchuuriki and absorb their tailed beast" I said. "But why would they do that?" He asks. I just shake my head. "I don't know... but I do know about one thing..." I said, tears starts to stream down my cheeks and I wipe them away. I can't cry... I have to be strong.... for Gaara. "What?" Naruto asks.

Jinchuuriki will die if their tailed beast got taken from them forcefully

-Battle Against Akatsuki-


We all stand in front of what seems to be a cave. The entrance is covered by a giant rock. When we first got here, Gai-Sensei and his team have arrived.

I stare at the giant rock. Sakura have tried to crush it, but it didn't budge. "So... How do we destroy it?" I asks, looking around. Then I turn my attention back to the giant rock. I notice there's a seal in it.

"Sensei... look!" I said. Pointing towards the seal. He looks where I'm pointing at. Kakashi Sensei explains what it was and mention that there has to be 5 of it around here. There's one in front of us, so we need to find the other fours. So Neji and I uses our Dojutsu and look around.

"I found one over there... and there" I said, pointing to the direction. We all splits up. I direct each of them to the right direction. "Did you guys find it?" I asks. They respond a 'yes.'

Kakashi-Sensei told us that all the seal needs to be tear at the same time. He starts to count down as Sakura gets ready. As soon as Kakashi-Sensei tears the seal, Sakura runs forward and punch the giant rock, shattering it into pieces.

Naruto and I runs into the cave. In there, I can see a blonde guy sitting on top of something... or more like someone.

My eyes widened when I realize who it was. Tears starts to pool up in my eyes. "Gaara!!! Wake up!!! Please... you can't leave me like this..." I scream as the tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

The blonde guy smirks "scream all you want... he's not going to wake up... this guy is dead" he said as he pats Gaara's cheek. I shake my head as I glare at him "GET OFF OF HIM YOU BASTARD!!!" I scream out of pure anger.

I clutch my hair as I begin to scream. I feel Saphira's chakra flowing inside me. Slowly my body begins to change.

 Slowly my body begins to change

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I let out an animalistic growl. "I'll make you pay for what you've done to Gaara!" I scream. Next to me, Naruto is slowly changing as well into his Kyuubi mode.

Deidara P.O.V

"So he's the one... Itachi gives us a good explanation. Did you see the girl, un..." I said. "Yeah... Looks like we have another tailed beast... turns out there's not only 12... we have an unidentified one... we have to take hers as well... by the look of it... she's powerful" he said. I nod my head as I turn to him. "I'll go for the girl... you get the boy..." I said, looking at him eagerly.

He turns to me "we both know that I'm stronger than you..." he said. "What did you say?!" I scream at him. "Hard of hearing?" He mocked. I glare at him.


I feel even more angry when they start arguing one another. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "Shut up, idiots!!" I scream, making them jump. Deidara just smirks at me. "This girl is sassy... I like it~ too bad that she'll be dead... just like her boyfriend right here..." he said. "Wait... don't kill her just yet... we can ask Pein what to do... maybe we can get a good use of her..." the other guy said. 

"Hey!! Don't talk about me as if I'm not here!!!" I scream again. Deidara turns to me. "Right... sorry..." he said, though I know he's not sorry at all. He's just being sarcastic. I roll my eyes at him. "Let's just get this over with..." I said, wanting no more than to get Gaara back.

Deidara stands up and he take something out of his hostler. It seems to be a piece of clay. Then he opens his hand, I can see there's a mouth in it. I shudder in disgust at the sight of it. Then he starts forming the clay, when he opens his hand again... there's a bird in it. He throws it to the ground and the bird starts to grow in size. He hops on top of it, then he grabs Gaara. Then he flies away, taking Gaara with him.

"Hey!!! Where are you going?! Give Gaara back!!" I scream, flying after them. "Y/N-Chan!! Don't just go by yourself!!! This guy is dangerous!! Hey!!!" I heard Naruto screaming below me. I ignore him and just keep chasing after them.

Naruto P.O.V

I've never seen Y/N-Chan so angry before. I can't let her handle that guy by herself. Gaara who's never hurt before... well except for when he battles against Sasuke. But this Deidara guy is in a whole lot higher level than Sasuke is. It could be dangerous for Y/N-Chan.

I turn to Kakashi-Sensei. "We need to go after them! I can't let Y/N-Chan battle against him alone! That guy is dangerous..." I said. He nods his head, then we starts running... chasing after Y/N-Chan.



Saphira... lend me your speed... I asks her. As you wish... she respond. Then I can feel myself growing in speed. It didn't take long for me to catch up to him. I punch him hard on the face, sending him plummeting to the ground. I catch Gaara before he hits the ground.

Naruto and Kakashi-Sensei arrived not long after. "Y/N-Chan... leave this guy to us... I'll handle him. You take care of Gaara" he said. I just nod my head and cradle Gaara close in my arms.

"Gaara..." I call out. He didn't respond, his eyes is close tight. Tears pools up in my eyes. "W-wake up... p-please... you can't leave me like this... I promise to always be there for you... why would you leave me?" I cried out. "Gaara... p-please... c-come b-back to m-me..." I cried harder, hugging him close to my chest. I start to cry my heart out.

I shake my head. "He's not leaving me... this is not over..." I said to myself. I lay him down gently on his back. "Waise... Heill..." I said. Soft blue light starts emitting from my hand. But nothing... it didn't do a thing. I choke a sob as I hug her again, swaying back and forth.

Gaara... don't leave me...

*to be continued*

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