Chapter 43

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Previously on Chapter 42

I pull away slightly to see Gaara have fallen asleep. I let out a sigh. 'He didn't even eat yet...' I thought to myself. But I just decide to let him sleep, because he needs to rest. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

-Nursing Gaara-


Gaara is slowly getting better. But he still needs a lot of rest to ensure that he's really okay.  He still needs to stay at home, which he can't go to his office to do his work as the Kazekage. He sulks when I told him he can't go to the office. But well, he can't argue with me because he knows I just want him to be well and healthy.

I'm currently cooking some food for Gaara. He's still have a little fever, so I decided to make some warm soup for him. It'll help him sweat a little, which will help bring down his fever.

I can hear whining as I cook. I turn my head to the sound, which sounds like it's coming from Gaara and I's room. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion. Temari walks up and stands next to me.

"I'll continue cooking for you. You go ahead and look after your husband" she said. I smile gratefully at her. I take my apron off and hands it to Temari. I turn around and make my way towards our shared bedroom. I open the door to see Gaara sitting on our bed, with a pout on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, in a soft voice. "Why did you left me?" He said. I let out a sigh and walk towards him. "I was cooking some soup for you. You need to eat, Gaara..." I said. He grabs my hand and pulls me to sit next to him. He throws his leg over mine, while hugging me tightly.

"I don't wanna eat. I just want you here..." he said. I let out a sigh and run my hand through his hair. "But you have to eat, Gaara. How will you get better if you don't?" I said. "I don't care. I don't want you to leave me again..." he said. His voice sounded broken as he said it.

I frown at what he said. "Gaara... I wouldn't leave you. Not anymore" I said. "Promise?" He said. "Of course, darling... I love you, Gaara. I wouldn't leave you" I said. He just tightens his arms around me. I just smile softly as I hold him close to me.

I hear someone knocking on the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens to reveal Temari with a tray in her hands. "The soup is done, Y/N" she said. I nod my head and try to pull away from Gaara. But he just wouldn't let me go.

"Gaara. You have to eat something..." I said. He just shakes his head, not wanting me to leave his arms. I let out a sigh. "Please? I'll feed you?" I said. "Kisses and cuddles after?" He said, turning to look at me with puppy eyes. I let out a giggle and nod my head. "Sure. As much as you want" I said. "Okay..." he said, slowly pulling away from me. I smile and place a soft kiss on his cheek.

I grab the bowl of soup from Temari and turn to look at Gaara. I scoop some on the spoon and lightly blow on it. I turn to Gaara and slowly move the spoon to him, closer to his mouth. He opens his mouth and start to eat. I continue to feed him spoon after spoon until he finished the whole bowl.

"Okay, time to take your medicine" I said. "No... it tastes bad" he said, shaking his head. "Gaara..." I said, in a stern voice. He lets out a sigh and nods his head. I hand the pill to him and he place it inside his mouth.

"Bleh! It tastes so bad!" He said, gagging after he swallowed the pill. He takes the glass from my hand and gulp it down. I just giggle softly while watching him.

"Why are you laughing at me?" He said, pouting at me. "Sorry, Gaara. It's just you're being cute" I said. "Hmph! Anyway..." he said, opening his arms. I raise an eyebrow at him. "What?" I asked. "You promised you'd cuddle me after I eat" he said. "Do I?" I said, purposely teasing him.

"Baby!!" He whined. I burst out laughing as Temari lets out a giggle next to me. "Alright! Alright! You're such a big baby" I said. I get up and he instantly grab my hand, pulling me down on the bed with him. I let out a yelp at his sudden moves.

He lets out a chuckle and throws his leg over me. He gently grab my hand, placing it on his head wanting me to caress his head. I just shake my head, giggling softly and do as he wants me to. He let out a content sigh and snuggle closer to my side.

"I will take this... and leave you both alone" Temari said. I turn to look at her and nod my head. "Thank you, Temari..." I said. She smiles at me. She takes the tray and turn around to leave our bedroom.

"I love you, Y/N..." Gaara said, turning my attention back to him. "I love you too, bub..." I said. "Hmm... you gave me a new nickname..." he said, pulling back slightly to look at me.

"Why? You don't like it?" I said. He smiles at me and place a soft quick kiss on my lips. "Of course I like it. What are you talking about?" He said. "I'm glad..." I said. He smiles at me and place his head back on the crook of my neck. I feel a kiss on my shoulder. I let out a soft giggle at the ticklish sensation.

"What?" He asked. "It tickles..." I said. "Oh" he said. He smiles mischievously at me. "Gaara... don't you dare!" I said, warningly. He place his hands on both of my sides and starts ticking me. I yelp and burst out laughing.

"Yayy!!! Tickle war!!" Someone yelled out, gleefully. I turn my head while still laughing because Gaara keeps tickling me, to see D/N rushing towards our bed. She jumps on the bed and starts to tickle me too.

"Hahahahha!! Stop! Not you too!" I yelped, laughing louder. They just laugh and keeps on ticking me. "P-Please stop!! I c-can't breathe!!!" I yelled. After a few seconds, they finally stops tickling me. I take a sharp inhale, trying to catch my breath.

"Sheesh... you're evil. Both of you..." I said, after I manage to catch my breath. They just chuckle and hugs me, with our daughter in between. "Love you, mommy~" D/N said. I place a soft kiss on the side of her head.

The door to our room opens. Temari walks in while carrying S/N. I smile and sit up. I pick him up and gently rock him. He lets out a giggle, making me cue softly.

I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and a pair of tiny ones around my thigh. I turn my head to see Gaara and look down to see our daughter. I smile brightly to myself. I feel a tear escape my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Gaara asked, gently wiping my tear. "I'm just happy. I'm so happy to be back here again. With you, with our children. We can be one whole family again..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles and leans his forehead against mine. "And I will never let you go... not anymore. I love you, Y/N... SO so much..." he said. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said, closing my eyes.

*to be continued*

A/N: this is such a wholesome chapter that I wrote. I still can't believe this came out of my head. I hope you like this story! Thank you so much for reading. See ya~

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