Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

I shake my head. "He's not leaving me... this is not over..." I said to myself. I lay him down gently on his back. "Waise... Heill..." I said. Soft blue light starts emitting from my hand. But nothing... it didn't do a thing. I choke a sob as I hug her again, swaying back and forth.

Gaara... don't leave me...

-Lady Chiyo's Death-


I keep crying as I hold onto Gaara. I refuse to believe that he's gone. There has to be a way to bring him back... there has to. He can't leave me... he can't!

I feel someone placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Naruto. He looks at me with a sad gaze. "Naruto... Gaara is not dead... he's still alive... h-he's just asleep... h-he's only s-sleeping..." I cried out. "Y/N-Chan..." he start. He pulls me into a side hug as I continue to hold onto Gaara.

Lady Chiyo walks forward and leans down. "Move away, Y/N... let me help him..." she said. I lay Gaara on the ground gently. Lady Chiyo place his hands on Gaara's chest and starts performing a jutsu.

But as she continues performing that jutsu. I can see how she's getting weaker. "Skulvakas Ven..." I said in a low tone. I turn my head to look at Lady Chiyo's chakra flow. My eyes widened in shock when I see what's actually going on with her. She's giving up her life for Gaara.

Lady Chiyo got exhausted as her slow chakra slows down. Naruto kneel in front of her. "Use my chakra" he said. "Place your hand on top of mine..." she said. Naruto did as she said.

Soon enough the jutsu completes. Lady Chiyo falls to her side and Sakura hugs her. I look down at her in a sad gaze. She took Gaara's place.

I turn to Gaara as I notice he starts breathing. I let out a sob as I lay down next to him, placing my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating again. I let out a sigh of relief as I hug him tightly. "Gaara... you came back..." I cried. I close my eyes as exhaustion finally consume me, slowly drift off to sleep.

Gaara P.O.V

'I open my eyes. What's happening... all I remember is seeing dark. I thought I was dead. But why am I here?' I thought to myself. I feel a sense of warmth in my side. I look down to see a h/c haired girl.

"Gaara... I see you're awake... welcome back" I heard someone said. I look up to see Naruto, who's looking down at me with a bright smile. "Naruto..." I said. Then I look back down at Y/N... who appears to be asleep, hugging my waist tightly with her head on my chest.

Naruto notice I'm looking at Y/N. "She never left your side, you know... she's cried so much just now at the thought of you being dead..." Naruto said. I remembered hearing someone crying. It must be her... it must be Y/N who's crying.

I raise my hand and place it on top of Y/N's head. She starts to move in her sleep. "Gaara... don't leave me... I promised to always be there for you..." she said in her sleep. I smile softly at this. "Hey Y/N? Baby..." I said. Her eyes flutter open as she looks at me.


I open my eyes to see a pair of sea foam eyes. I move to sit up and he did the same. "G-Gaara?" I started. He smiles and nod his head. He caress my cheeks "yes, Y/N... it's me. I'm right here, baby.... I'm not going anywhere..." he said in a soft voice.

"Gaara!!!" I scream as I hug him tighter. He lets out a chuckle as he hugs me back. I cried into his chest as I clung onto him as if my life is depending on him. "You scared the living day light out of me! Y-you... y-you were d-dead... a-and... Lady Chiyo... a-and y-y-y-you..." I struggle to get the right words out.

"Shh..." he whispers, caressing my head softly. "I'm okay now... don't cry..." he said. "Don't leave me... ever..." I said. "I'm not going anywhere, baby... I'm right here now, aren't I?" He said. I nod my head as I smile happily.

I pull away from the hug and looks at him. He looks back at me and cups my cheeks. "I love you, Y/N... I love you so so much..." he said. I smile "I love you... Gaara... so so much..." I said. He leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I slowly closes my eyes and kiss him back.

I pull away then the crowd starts to cheers. I stare at them in complete shock. I didn't even notice them. Since when are they here? I can see Temari in the crowd. "Temari!" I scream as I run towards her. I hug her tightly. "We did it! We saved him!!" I cheer. I pull away and turn to Lady Chiyo, who's being held by Gaara. "But... But she's..." I said in a sad tone. Temari looks sad as well.


We return to Sunagakure. Gaara held my hand as we walk through the village. Everyone gathers in line as they welcomed us.

We held a funeral for Lady Chiyo. Gaara is giving her a speech. "It's all thanks to her... that I'm still able to stand here right now... you will always be remember, Chiyo-Sama..." he said. The crowd gives him a cheer. Then they bury her body. I start crying softly. I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to look at Gaara. I lean my head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm on my waist, pulling me closer to him. A life is spared by a life that's been taken away.

Lady Chiyo... just like what Gaara said... you will always be remembered

*to be continued*

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