Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"Hey... it's okay... I'll help you two, okay?" I said. He nods his head and smile at me. "Thank you..." he said. I smile at him and hugs him.

-Change of Plans-


When I wake up, it was dark outside... so I know it's already night time. I turn my head to the clock to see its 8 PM. My eyes widened in shock, I have to cook some dinner for Gaara.

I turn to stand up, then make my way to the kitchen. But when I get there, I can see Gaara is there and he is cooking.

"Gaara..." I said. He turns around and smile at me. He walks towards me, he wraps his arms around my waist. "You're finally awake... Kankuro told me that you passed out..." he said. "He told you??" I said. He nods his head. "Gosh... why would he tell you... I'm sorry Gaara. You must be busy with your work" I said. He shakes his head and cups my cheeks. "No... it's okay... I'm glad he told me... so I could take care of you... and as for the paperwork... I told Matsuri to take over... though most of the paperwork is done..." he said.

"But..." I start. "Shh... it's okay... don't think about it... it's not good for yours and our baby's health.." he said. "Yeah... you're ri- Wait... what?? Baby?" I said, looking at him in shock. "Yeah... the doctor told me that you're pregnant, Y/N..." he said. "I'm gonna be a mother?" I said. He nods his head, smiling at me. "And I'm going to be a father... I can't express how happy I am..." he said. I can feel tears in my eyes. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. I smile thinking of how I'm going to be a mother soon. But then I frown slightly as I remember something. I look into Gaara's eyes in worry. "But Gaara..." I start. "What is it?" He said in a soft tone. "We're not even married yet..." I said. "Baby... we'll be married in two weeks, remember?" He said. "Ah yeah... sorry. I had so much going on inside my head..." I said. He cups my cheeks. "Don't... don't stressed yourself so much, Y/N... it's not good for our baby..." he said. I nod my head slightly.

"Okay... I'll try to relax..." I said. He smiles and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry... we'll get through this... together..." he said. I nod my head "together..." I said. Then I lean up, placing a soft peck on his lips. "I love you, Gaara..." I said. "I love you too, Y/N... so so much..." he said, leaning in for a deep kiss.

Then he pulls away completely. "Come on... let's get you something to eat..." he said, grabbing my hand. "I'll help..." I said. "No, you won't... you'll just sit on the chair... I'll prepare everything for us..." he said, leading me to the dining table and make me sit down. I just pout at him. He chuckles and leans down to place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he went back to the sink and continue cooking.

After we're done eating. I was about to stand up, but Gaara told me to stay seated. I look at him, confused. He stands up and walks around the table. He pulls the seat back slightly and picks me up, bridal style. I let out a yelp and sling my arms around his neck.

"You could at least warn me if you want to carry me" I said. He chuckles "sorry... I just don't want my two precious people to be too tired..." he said. I just roll my eyes and let him carry me to our bedroom.

He lays me down gently on the bed, then he walks around the bed and tuck himself in. He pulls me closer to his chest. "Goodnight, baby..." he said. Then he place a soft kiss on my stomach "and good night little one... daddy loves you..." he said, against my tummy. I smile softly, he's going to be a good dad, I know for sure he will. "Good night, Gaara..." I said. He pecks my lips softly, then bury his face in my hair. I cuddle closer to his chest and close my eyes, slowly drift off to sleep.


I wake up early in the morning, feeling the sudden urge to puke in the pit of my stomach. I pull Gaara's arms away from me and run to the bathroom.

Gaara's P.O.V

Y/N suddenly move, causing me to wake up. I open my eyes to see her running to the bathroom. I stand up and follows her. She must be feeling sick. I think it's one of those traits a pregnant person feels. What was it called again? Oh right... morning sickness.

I help her by holding her hair back and pat her back softly. I waited for her to finish up. Then help her walk to the sink. I get some water on my hands and carefully bring it to her, trying my best not to spill it.

"Here... wash your mouth..." I said. She takes the water in my hands to her mouth. Then she gurgles and throw the water to the sink. I did it a couple more times.


"Fresh enough?" He asks. I nods my head. He smiles and peck her lips. My eyes widened and cover my lips. "Gaara! I just throw up a couple of seconds ago! My breath probably stinks!" I exclaim. He laughs "I don't care... I'd kiss you bad breath or not..." he said. I roll my eyes and push his forehead with my fingers. "Such a dork..." I said. He chuckles "I'm gonna leave you to wash up... can you wash up on your own? Do you want me to help?" He asks. I blush "I-I can d-do it myself..." I said. "Alright..." he said. Then he peck my forehead and leave me in the bathroom to wash up.


Zetsu P.O.V

'So the girl is pregnant, huh? This'll be a hard thing for us' I thought to myself. Then I went back to our hide out. Everyone is gathering in our usual meeting spot.

"Well? Anything new?" Pein asks. "Pein... we have a huge problem..." I said. "What problem?" He asks. "The girl is pregnant..." I said. Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Looks like we're gonna have to wait until the baby is born... we may be a group of bad guys. But we won't hurt an innocent baby..." Itachi said. Pein nods his head "yeah... change of plans... we're going to have to wait until the baby is born... in the meantime... we need to make a plan on how to capture the Nine-tailed... we need to gather all the tailed beast in order to get our plans to work out..." he said. We all nods our heads in agreement.

*to be continued*

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