Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

I head to the gate where Temari is waiting. I smile at her and she smiles back. "Let's go then?" She said. I nod my head "yeah... let's go!" I said. Then we start walking in the direction of Konohagakure. But there is a nagging feeling in my chest... it's a really bad feeling that something is going to happen. Then my mind drift off to Gaara. Like I shouldn't be leaving.

Why did I have this bad feelings? I hope nothing will happen to Gaara

-Gaara Got Taken-


Temari and I are still walking, constantly running so we could get there faster. It takes about 3 days to get there.

After a while, we can finally see the giant gate of the Konohagakure village. I wave at Izumo and Kotetsu as I walk pass them. Both of them wave back at me with a smile. Then we continue making our way to Hokage's office.

"Race you there, Temari!" I yell out and take off running. "Hey! Not fair... you have a head start!!" She screams behind me, making me laugh as I continue running without slowing down. It takes about 15 minutes to get there.

I turn around and smirk as Temari just got here. She pants and bent forward. She stands straight as she stares at me. "Damn... you're too fast..." she said. I laugh in respond. "Come on... Lady Tsunade must be waiting for us..." I said, then we enter the tower.

I knock on a door, and hear a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door. I open the door and enters the room.

Lady Tsunade looks up and smiles at me. "Oh... Y/N... it's been a while, hasn't it?" She said. I bow at her. "Indeed... nothing much have change around here... the village still looks the same from when I left... the only difference is that you already have your face at the Hokage's monument..." I said. She giggles "yeah... that's the only changes around here" she said, nodding her head.

"I heard Naruto have returned..." I said. "Yeah... he did... a week ago actually. He's pretty upset to the fact that you're not here anymore..." she said. "Oh..." I let out, looking down slightly.

"But he understand... so you don't have to worry..."  she added. I just nod my head slightly. "Where is he? Is he out on a mission?" I asks. "Currently... no... he is most likely be training right now..." she said. "Can I go see him?" I asks. "Of course... even though you are not a citizen of Konoha anymore... you're still welcome here..." she said. I grin happily and bow my head.

"May I be excuse? I want to meet everyone..." I said. She nods her head "sure, go ahead..." she said. "Let's go, Temari..." I said. Temari nods her head and we leave the room.

As we walk around the village, I hear someone calls out my name. I stop walking and turn around. As soon as I did, a body collided with mine. In result, making me stumble a little as the person hugs me tightly.

"Y/N-Chan!!!" He screams as he keeps hugging me. I realize it's Naruto. "Hey Naruto..." I said, as I hugs him back. "I missed you, Y/N-Chan... you have no idea how upset I am when I found out you've left" he said. "O... I'm so sorry Naruto... I really want to wait until you get back... but it's urgent..." I said, looking at him with a guilty face. Then he just smile "nah... it's alright... I understand that Gaara needs you by his side..." he said. "Thank you so much for being so understanding, Naruto..." I said. He just smiles and pulls me into another hug.

"What brings you here? I thought you have to be by Gaara's side..." He asks. "Oh... about that? Temari asks me to accompany her... as she needs to be here as a mentor for the Chunnin exam... and something else..." I said the last part, smirking slightly at her. She blushes and punch my shoulder.

"What something else?" Naruto asks. Temari looks at me with a pleading look. "Nothing... nothing..." I said, waving my hand dismissively. "Right... since the Chunnin exam is a in a week... which means we have some time... do you want to hang out, Naruto? You know... just like old times..." I said. "Of course, I want to hang out with you, Y/N-Chan!" He said with a huge grin on his face.

Of course, the first thing we do is eat some ramen at Ichiraku ramen shop. We enter Ichiraku and take a seat at the stool.

"Oh Y/N! How are you? It's been a while since you moved to Sunagakure..." Uncle Teuchi said. I smile "yeah... it has been a while indeed... and I'm doing fine..." I said. "That's good... that's good... so can I take your order?" He said. "Just the usual..." I said. He nods his head "alright... one Pork Cutlet coming right up!" He said. Then he starts cooking our meal.

It didn't take long for our ramen to be served. I start to eat slowly, savoring the flavor. It taste so good. I miss it so much.

Then suddenly someone come running to us. "Y/N! Temari! You're needed at the Hokage's office this instant!" Sakura said in hurry. "Huh? Oh okay! Let's go Temari..." I said. She nods her head then we all start running towards the Hokage's office. What's going on? I hope this doesn't relate with the bad feeling that's been nagging my mind. I hope Gaara is okay... please be okay... Gaara.

When we get there, we instantly enters the room. Kakashi-Sensei is there. Then I notice the concern look Lady Tsunade gives me and Temari. "What's going on?" I asks, nervously. "We have receive a letter from Sunagakure..." she start. I just stare at her nervously, anxious to hear what news she's going to inform us. But what she said next, make my heart stop...

Gaara have been abducted by the Akatsuki

*to be continued*

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