Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

When we get there, we instantly enters the room. Kakashi-Sensei is there. Then I notice the concern look Lady Tsunade gives me and Temari. "What's going on?" I asks, nervously. "We have receive a letter from Sunagakure..." she start. I just stare at her nervously, anxious to hear what news she's going to inform us. But what she said next, make my heart stop...

Gaara have been abducted by the Akatsuki

-Rescuing Gaara-


I drop on my knees as I let the news sink in my head. That's what's been nagging my head... I shouldn't have left him alone... I should've been there with him... I thought to myself. Kid... we can still save him... don't worry... don't panic... just calm down... Saphira said.

I quickly stands up and turn around. "Y/N! Wait!!" I heard someone calls out. But I keep on running, not caring about anyone.

Someone caught my wrist. I quickly turn around to see Temari. "Let go! I need to save him..." I said. She pulls me into a tight hug. "I know, Y/N... I know... I want to save him as much as you do..." she said in a soft tone. That's when I lost it... I broke down crying on her shoulder.

"Let's head back to Sunagakure..." she said. I nod my head, then we start running at full speed, trying to get to Sunagakure as fast as our strength could let us.


It takes us 2 days to reach Sunagakure. We heard the news that Kankuro got poisoned when he tries to go after Gaara's abductor. I try my best to heal him, but he needs an antidote. If he didn't get any... he'll... no, I don't wanna think about it. He'll survive this... I'm sure he will.

Then someone enters the room. I turn around to see Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi-Sensei. "It's the White Fang! I'm going to kill you!!" Granny Chiyo said. But before she could attack Kakashi-Sensei. Her brother stops her. "Look closely... he just looks like him... he is not the White Fang..." he said. I let out a sigh of relief as there won't be any battle here.

Sakura ties her hair up as she approach Kankuro. Then start checking on him. I hug Temari to comfort her, as I notice she starts crying softly. It must have been really hard on her. Gaara has been abducted by a group of rogue Ninja, the Akatsuki... who I have heard is hunting for the Jinchuuriki inside their body... and to make things worse... now Kankuro is poisoned.

"He'll be alright, Temari... I know he will... please don't lose hope..." I whispers. She nods her head as she hugs me tightly. It's a little too tight, but I didn't say anything... knowing she needs comfort. I just let Temari cries on my shoulder as I rub her back. I try to hold back the tears starts threatening to fall on my cheeks. I can't be weak... I don't wanna break Temari even more. 

Sakura walks back in with 3 bucket. I realize each of those bucket contains liquid. It's not normal water, because it's too thick to be water. It must have been a solution that Sakura have made.

Then she starts performing her healing technique. She reach in the bucket and raise her hand. The liquid flowing her hand.

"Hold him down..." she instruct the other medics. They nod their heads and hold Kankuro down. She place the liquid on Kankuro's chest, then she starts pushing the liquid down. His body absorbs the liquid and he starts squirming from the pain.

"Hold him down!" Sakura yells out. I clench my shirt as I can't bare watching him in so much pain. After 2 more of it. Sakura breathes heavily. "He's past the critical condition now... but we still need to make an antidote for him..." Sakura said. The medics escorts her to the green house where all the herbs will be.

"Kankuro... you scared us too death..." I said. He just let out a chuckle. Then he frowns, "I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to stop them... they took Gaara away" he said. I shake my head as I hold his hand. "you did your best, Kankuro... don't blame yourself. We will  save him... you need to rest..." I said. "Y/N... I have something that can help..." he said, then he raise his hand and his puppet moves it's hand. There's a piece of cloth in it. "It belongs to Gaara's abductor..." he said.

I reach down and pick up the piece of cloth. I turn to Kakashi-Sensei. "Sensei?" I asks. He nods his head, knowing what I'm about to ask for. He performs his summoning jutsu and Paku appears.

I approach Paku and kneels down. "Paku... can you track this?" I asks. He nods his head and I place the cloth closer to him. He takes a sniff "okay... I know where they are going... follow me!" He said, then he starts running. Kakashi-Sensei and Naruto starts following him. I stand up and was about to run after them when a hand grabs mine.

I turn around to see Temari. "Y/N... please bring my brother back... and please be careful... I can't afford to lose you... you're like a sister to me... and soon to be my sister in law..." she said. I nod my head and give her a quick hug. "I promise I'll be okay... and I will bring Gaara back..." I said. Then I pull away and start running after the others.

We start jumping from tree to tree. "What do they want from Gaara anyway??" Naruto asks. I can feel the anger in him. "I've heard a lot about Akatsuki... they hunts Jinchuuriki and absorb their tailed beast" I said. "But why would they do that?" He asks. I just shake my head. "I don't know... but I do know about one thing..." I said, tears starts to stream down my cheeks and I wipe them away. I can't cry... I have to be strong.... for Gaara. "What?" Naruto asks.

Jinchuuriki will die if their tailed beast got taken from them forcefully

*to be continued*

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