Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

"Y/N... what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I said. She just chuckles "like what? I stare at you normally" I said. "No it's not! You stare at me, as if... you don't know me..." I said. What she said next brought tears in my eyes.

That's because I don't know you...

-Come Back to Me-

Gaara P.O.V

"That's because I don't know you..." she said. I can feel tears pooling up inside my eyes. "W-What do you m-mean? Y-you d-don't know m-me?" I stutter out. She just stare back at me emotionless. "I don't know you..." she said again. I shake my head.

"You all don't belong here... go back to where you all came from" she said, looking at all of us. I shake my head "no... you belong with us! Come back with us, Y/N... with me!" I said. "Who are you? I don't belong to you... I belong here... with the rest of Akatsuki..." she said. "No! You belong with me... Y/N... you're my wife... we... we have D/N... our daughter... do you remember her?!" I said, desperately. What did they do to her? How can she not remember me?!

I glare at the leader of Akatsuki. "What did you do to her?" I said. He just stare at me unfazed. "What? I did nothing... she wants to join us at her own free will..." he said. I shake my head. "No... no! You're lying! Y/N would never join a bunch like you! You must have done something to her! Give her back!" I scream, anger boiling up inside me.

Y/N just smirks at me. "You are just wasting your time... I ain't going anywhere... this is my home..." she said. I shake my head "no... Y/N... you belong back at Sunagakure... you're my wife... please..." I said, pleadingly.

She rolls her eyes at me. Then she turns to Pein. "So, Captain. What are we gonna do with these people?" She said. "Get rid of them..." he said. She smirks and turns to us, her eyes glowing red. "With pleasure~" she said.

"Y/N... please..." I said. I try to walk towards her to try and get her to remember me. But someone held my shoulder. I turn around to see Naruto, and the others who finally caught up with me.

"Don't... she's not the same anymore... she will hurt you..." he said. I shake my head "she won't hurt me... I know she won't..." I said. I turn to look at Y/N, but she's not where she previously stands. I look around to try to look for her.

The next thing I know. I feel a hard kick on my side. But my sand protected me. I turn to the source to see Y/N standing there. "Tch... your sand are always in the way..." she said, clicking her tongue. She looks a little irritated.

I grab her hand and pulls her into a hug. "What the- let go of me! Who the hell are you?!" She screams at me, trying to pry herself off of me. I just shake my head and keeps on hugging her. "No... Y/N... what did they do to you? Why can't you remember me? It's me, Y/N... Gaara... I'm your husband..." I said, as I hug her tighter. "I... I don't know you..." she said. But I can hear the doubt in her voice.

I pull away and leans my forehead against her's. "Yes... yes you do, Y/N... it's me, Gaara... p-please... y-you have to r-remember..." I said in a pleading tone. Her eyes looks at me in hesitation. "I..." she starts, but she stops mid-sentence. Her eyes turns cloudy. She pulls away and raise her sword at me.

"I don't know you..." she said in a cold tone. Then she starts attacking me. I jump backwards. I can't attack her... I'll risk hurting her.

"Gaara! Come on... you have to fight back! You're going to get yourself killed!" I heard Naruto yell out behind me. "No! I can't! I don't wanna risk hurting her! I love her too much to do that!" I scream back. I focus my eyes on Y/N's.

"Y/N... p-please... I love you..." I plead again. She stops for a moment. Her eyes turning normal for a split second. "come back to me, Y/N... you promised me that you'll always stay by my side... you said you won't leave me..." I said.


Gaara... I promise that I'll never leave you... you're not alone. A voice echoed inside my head. It sounds like mine. I clutch my head as a sharp pain shots up. What was that? Is that really me? Is Gaara telling the truth? Is he really my husband?

You don't have to be alone anymore, Gaara... you have me now... I'll always stay by your side... the echo inside my head said again. Did I really said that? Did I really promised him that? What's going on?? What's happening to me?!

My eyes focused. I stare at Gaara, who's taking a cautious steps towards me. "Y/N... please... c-come back t-to me... you belong with us... with me... back in Sunagakure. That's our home, baby..." he said. His voice sounded so broken.

Sunagakure? My home? Is that really my home? I thought to myself. Yes, Y/N... Sunagakure is your home. That boy is your husband and you two have a daughter named, D/N... a new voice echoed inside my head.

Then slowly everything comes back all together. The pain in my head intensified. I clutch my head tightly as I fall on my knees. I scream because the pain got too overwhelming.

Gaara runs over to me. I fall to my side as he caught me in his arms. "Y/N..." he said, looking at me in sadness. I stare up at him. My eyes softened when I saw the tears in his eyes. I reach up and place my hand on his cheek.

"Gaara... don't cry..." I said. His eyes widened as he stares down at me. "Y-you... you r-remembered me?" He said, with hopeful expression. I smile at him and nod my head. "I'm sorry for attacking you..." I said. He chokes a sob as he pulls me closer to his chest. I rub his back softly. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. "Oh, Y/N... I thought I'm going to lose you forever..." he said. I smile softly and wipe away his tears. "you won't... I promised that I'll always be with you, didn't I?" I said. He nods his head, smiling happily at me. My vision blurred out, and my arm fall to my side as everything turns black.

*to be continued*

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