Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Sometimes I still get a nightmare from it. But Gaara is always there to give me comfort, making sure that I'm always calm and comfortable. Gosh... I love him so much.



Gaara is busy today, so I can't spend some time with him. It's noon at the moment, so I have to prepare a meal for Gaara. I'm sure he haven't eaten yet. So that is what I'm doing right now, preparing his fav meal.

Once I'm done cooking, I place them inside a bento box. Then I leave the house and make my way to his office.

When I get there, I knock on the door. I heard a soft "come in" from the other side of the door. I open the door and peak inside. He looks up from his stacks of paperwork. I can see a small smile appear on his face making me grin at him.

"Hi, Gaara~" I said, cheerfully. "Hey..." he said. Then I walk towards him and place the box in front of him. He pulls me to his lap and hugs my waist. He place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

He pulls away slightly and leans his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to spend some time with you... and when I'm home... I'm always sleeping..." he said, caressing my cheek. I place my hand on top of his and shake my head. "Gaara... you don't have to be sorry... you're the Kazekage... it only makes sense that you're busy..." I said. He smiles and peck my lips. "How did I get so lucky? I have an amazing girlfriend like you..." he said, still smiling at me happily.

I get off of his lap. "Eat up, Gaara... I cooked your fav meal..." I said. He grins "really?" He said. He opens the bento box and smile at the content. He looks up at me "thank you, baby..." he said. I peck his lips and pulls away. I take a seat across from him. I watch as he starts eating.

"How is it?" I asks. "Amazing! It taste delicious. Your cooks are the best, baby..." he said. I smile happily in respond. He continues to eat, then he stops for a bit. "Oh right... have you eaten?" He asks. "Of course... I ate before I come here..." I said. "That's good... don't you ever skip meal, okay?" he said. I smile softly at his caring side. "Don't worry Gaara... I can take care of myself... okay?" I said. He reach for my hand and caress the back of it softly.

After he's done eating, I gather all the bento boxes. I place a soft kiss on his cheek and lips. "I'm going to head home now, okay? I need to clean up the house" I said. He smiles at me and nod his head. Then I turn to leave his office.


I'm walking towards our shared house, when out of no where... a kunai is thrown my way. I jump out of the way and looks around. I place my hand on my sword handle, pulling it out.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I scream, looking at the direction the Kunai is thrown. But I got greeted by silence. But I know someone is hiding somewhere as they wait for the right time to strike me again. I can sense them.

"Skulvakas Ven..." I said, still looking at that place. I can see 1 chakra nature, which seems to be hiding in the ground. "I know you're there... show yourself!" I demand. The person appears from the ground.

"Who the hell are you?! And what do you want?" I scream at him

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"Who the hell are you?! And what do you want?" I scream at him. I notice his cloaked. Black with red cloud.

"An Akatsuki..." I said. He smirks at me. "So you're the girl Deidara told us about... interesting... he kept talking about how strong you are..." he said. I clench my hands into a tight fist, trying to control my anger. "Enough blabbering!! Tell me why you attacked me!" I scream again.

"Our leader Pein sent me here... he wants to recruit you..." he said. "Tch... as if I would join a group of losers like you... your group abducted Gaara and nearly killed him! No... you DID killed him... and because of you... we lost Lady Chiyo!! I'll make you all pay for that!!" I scream. I disappear and reappear behind him. But my sword just went past his body. He turns around and holds me by my neck. I choke and struggle to breathe. He slams me against the wall, pain shot up in my back. Then he releases me, I slid on the floor. My eye sight is going in and out of focus. I know I'll lose consciousness. But I try to stay awake, who knows what he'll do if I passed out.

"True... we've done that... and we can easily done it again... if you want that precious boyfriend of yours to be safe... join us... and we'll leave him be... your choice..." he said looking down at me, then he sinks on the ground. Once I make sure his chakra sign is no longer around. I give in to the pain and passed out.

Gaara P.O.V

Someone runs in the room, making me jump in my seat. "Kankuro... this better be important..." I said, sternly. "Gaara... your girl... Y/N..." he said, panting. As soon as I hear her name from him, worry starts to build up inside my chest.

"What happened to Y/N?" I said, standing up. "She is found unconscious an alley... she's in the hospital now..." he said. My eyes widened as I turn to Matsuri who is helping me with the paper work. "Take care of the paper works... I need to go and make sure Y/N is okay" I said. She nods her head. Then I run out of the office and straight to the hospital.

I pant slightly when I get there. I asks the reception where Y/N's room is. Then fast walks towards her room.

Temari is there, sitting on one of the benches. "How is she? What happened?" I said. "I don't know... a guard found her there... she have a deep cut on her back... someone must have attacked her" she said. I sit on the bench and clutch my hair. "I shouldn't have let her go home alone... this is all my fault..." I said, as tears stream down my cheeks. Temari sits next to me and rubs my back. "Don't blame yourself, Gaara... Y/N wouldn't want that..." she said. But I kept crying.

The door opens and Y/N walks out. I stand up and walks towards him. "H-how is s-she?" I said. "She is fine... the wound on her back is not that deep... but I need to stitch it... and she'll be okay... she's asleep right now..." he said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Can I see her now?" I asks. "Yes you can... but don't make too much sound... the patient needs to rest..." he said. I bow at him and enters the room.

I approach her bed and take a seat on the chair. I gently hold her hand in mine. "Y/N... I'm so sorry. I should've done a better job in protecting you... I'm sorry..." I said.


My back is hurting so bad. But I didn't give a mind to it. I heard Gaara's voice and his apologies. I open my eyes and turn to him. I raise my hand and place it on top of his head.

His head instantly snaps up to look at me. I can see the tears in his eyes. "Y-Y/N... I'm sorry..." he said again. I shake my head and wipe his tears. "Shh... don't apologize... I'm okay... things like this could happen anytime... not of this is your fault..." I said. He chokes a sob and hugs me, with his head on my chest as I'm still laying on my back. I wince as his weight put more pressure on my back.

He instantly lets me go. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." he said. "Stop apologizing... I'm okay. It's just a small cut..." I said. "It's not just a small cut, Y/N... you need to have stitches on the wound..." he said. "But still... I'm okay... don't worry" I said. "I'll always be worry when it comes to you..." he said. I giggle and cups his cheeks, pulling him closer to I can kiss his lips. He kisses me back softly.

He pulls away only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Y/N... from now on... I will be assigning someone to guard you at all caused..." he said. I open my mouth to say something but he place his finger on it to stop me from talking. "Don't argue with me... I did this for your own safety..." he said. I huffed "alright... alright... anything to make you feel less worry..." I said. He grins at me. I giggle as I push his forehead with two of my fingers. "Such a dork..." I said. He laughs and leans in for another kiss.

I can't tell him what happened... I don't want to worry him more... it's hard enough for him and his busy schedule as the Kazekage. I can't add more pressure on him.

What should I do?

*to be continued*

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