Chapter 27

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Previously on Chapter 26

"Oh, Y/N... why does this always happened to you? Gosh... I feel so helpless because I can't even do anything to protect you... I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm so sorry..." I said, as tears streams down my cheeks. I bit my lips as I look down. I place my head on the bed, still clutching onto her hand as I cry silently. Oh Lord...

What should I do now?

-Getting Better-


I open my eyes and notice I'm back in my bedroom. I turn my head to see Gaara, sleeping on the couch. I frown and wonders to myself, why is he sleeping on the couch and not next to me.

I get up and grab the blanket. I slowly make my way towards him. I gently drape the blanket over him. I kneel down next to him and smile as I play with his hair softly.

'I should make some breakfast' I thought to myself. I place a soft kiss on his forehead. Then I make my way out of our shared bedroom. I make my way to the kitchen.

I stand next to the kitchen counter as I cut off some ingredients. I plan on making some fried rice. I'm currently cutting some leek. When I feel a sudden surge of power. The feeling is familiar, making my eyes widened.

Could it be... Saphira? I said. Hello, kid... she said. I let out a shocked gasps. Saphira!! You're back! So the antidote works! I'm free!! I said. Yes kid... you are free... she said. I smile happily as tears streams down my cheeks.

Over the past months since the Akatsuki caught me. The food they gave me, makes me unable to talk to Saphira. Now that I'm able to speak to her, I think it's safe to say that I'm finally free.

A hand on my cheek snaps me out of my thought. I turn my head to see Gaara, looking at me with a worried expression. He gently turns me to face him and cups my cheeks.

"Gaara..." I said. "Are you okay? Why are you crying, love? Are you hurting somewhere?" He asked. I let out a soft laugh and shake my head. "I'm fine... I'm just happy. The medicine works. I'm free, Gaara... I'm free!" I said. His eyes widened at what I said.

"R-Really? You're not lying right now, right?" He said. I smile and nod my head. "I'm serious. I can hear Saphira in my head again. She's back... which means I'm free!" I said. He smiles happily and pulls me into a tight hug.

He picks me up and starts spinning us around. "It works! It actually works!!" He said, happily. I let out a squeal as I hold onto his shoulders. He places me back on my feet and leans his forehead against mine.

"I'm so happy it works..." he said. "I'm happy too..." I said, nodding my head. He smiles softly at me and leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away and smiles at me. "I love you, Y/N... so much. Never forget that, okay?" He said. I let out a soft giggle. "Gaara... you're acting as if we're saying goodbye to each other..." I said. He shakes his head and laugh at me. Though for some reasons... I can hear the sadness in his voice. He didn't say anything and just pulls me closer, burying his face in my hair.

Gaara P.O.V

I bury my face into Y/N's hair as I held onto her as if my life depends on it. I keep silent as I try to hide my tears from her. But even so, I'm sure she will caught on. She's always been an observant girl.

"Gaara... are you okay?" She said. "Hm? Yeah... I'm fine. I just miss you..." I said. She tries to pull away, but I hold her in place. "Are you sure?" She said. I nod my head. "Positive... I just wanna hold you..." I said, biting my lips as I try not to cry.



Since my chakra has been locked for the past few months, I think it's best if I start training again. I have to learn how to get used to Saphira's chakra again.

I asked Temari to accompany me. That way she can look after my daughter while I train. We make our way to the training ground. I turn to Temari, who pick D/N up from my arms.

"Watch mommy train okay?" I said. "Okay!" She said happily, clapping her hands. I make my way to the center of the training ground and take a deep breath.

Saphira... what should we start with? I said. Let's start of easy, okay? Let's start with fly Saphira said. Okay... I said. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting Saphira's chakra to flow through me. Then a pair of wings appear on my back.

I turn my head slightly to look at the wings

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I turn my head slightly to look at the wings. I grin as I let out a happy laugh. "I did it!!" I said. I let out a happy whoop and soar up in the sky. I spin around the sky, happy to finally feel the euphoria of being in the sky. I didn't realize how much I actually missed this.

I make one last spin and lands on the ground. I take a deep breath as I feel exhausted. Man... that flight took a number on me... I said, breathing heavily in exhaustion. I can hear Saphira laughing in my head.

Well... what do you expect, kid? You've only just been using your chakra after having it locked for months. You have to take it easy for now... she said. Yeah... I agree... I said. I sit down on the ground and breathe heavily.

Temari walks over to me and place D/N on her feet. She slowly walks towards me, making me grin at her. I outstretch my hands, pulling her close. "Awee... my little baby is growing up..." I said, kissing her cheek which makes her giggle.

I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Gaara. He smiles at me as he makes his way over to me. "I can see you flying from a far. I'm happy to see you have your strength back... and wow, Y/N... you look like a mess..." he said, sitting next to me. I let out a chuckle and leans my head on his shoulder.

I yawn softly. "Sleepy?" He said. I nod my head. He turns to Temari. "Can you carry D/N? I'll carry Y/N" I said. "Of course..." she said, picking D/N up in her arms. Gaara gently scoops me up in his arms.


Gaara carries me to our room and gently lay me on the bed. "Sleep well, hon.." he said. "Thank you... I love you, Gaara..." I said, looking at him sleepily. I feel a soft pressure on my forehead. "I love you too, Y/N... I'm so sorry, Y/N..." he said, whispering the last sentence but I'm still able to hear it.

I'm a little confused why he said that. But I'm too sleepy to say anything. I blink a few times and could have sworn I see tears streaming down Gaara's cheeks. But before I could comprehend what is happening. I feel myself drifting off to sleep with only one thought in my mind.

What's wrong with Gaara?

*to be continued*

A/N: soooo? Why do you think Gaara kept apologizing for? And who gave Y/N the antidote? What condition did that person gave Gaara in exchange of their help? Read and find out~

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