Chapter 37

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Previously on Chapter 36

"Don't worry about mama, honey. Mama will be fine. Don't cry, okay?" I said, cooing softly. I nudge my nose against his, making him crunch up his nose. I let out a giggle. I place a soft kiss on his forehead. I hold him close, letting him place his head against my shoulder. I pat his back softly, trying to get him to sleep.



Taking care of a newborn baby alone is very hard. It makes me wish Gaara is here more than anything. I miss the old times we shared. The time Gaara and I spend together in looking after D/N when she was a baby.

I'm carrying S/N in my arms, as I try to get him to fall asleep. He just stares at me with his cute doe eyes. I smile softly at him and nudge my nose with his. He crunch his nose and giggle at me. He yawns and blinks his eyes.

"Go to sleep, honey" I said, in a soft voice. He slowly close his eyes. I can hear his breathing slows and becomes even, letting me know that he have fallen asleep. I smile and gently place a soft kiss on his forehead. The corner of his lips twitches a little into a smile.

I smile softly and start to hum a soft melody, trying to get him into a deep sleep so I can place him inside his crib. If I place him now when he had just fallen asleep, he would wake up again and starts crying.

After a few more minutes, I slowly make my way to S/N's crib. I lean down and gently place him inside his crib. I pull the blanket up, until it stops under his chin. I gently pat his tummy.

Once I'm sure he's completely asleep. I slowly make my way out of the nursery room. I take a look at the crib one more time, to make sure S/N is still asleep. I smile once I know he is, and slowly closes the door while trying my best not to make any sound.

I make my way to the kitchen, because I need some water. I make my way over to the fridge and grab a bottle of mineral water. I lean my back against the sink as I slowly drink the water.

"Hello, Y/N..." someone suddenly said. I jump and turn to the sound. "What are you doing here?" I said, narrowing my eyes at the person. He smirks at me and jumps down from the window he's leaning on.

"To see you of course..." he said. "Leave, Sasuke. You don't belong here. You've left this village for years! You can't just come back" I said. "I'm not here to return to this village, Y/N. I'm here to see you... I heard you have another kid..." he said. "Yeah... and I almost lost him because of you!!" I spat, glaring at him.

"What do you mean?" He said. "You attacked me, Sasuke. Remember? That day at the forest?" I said. He furrow his eyebrow as if he's thinking about it. I can see his eyes widened in realization.

"You're pregnant? Yet you go on a mission? That old lady..." he growled. "Do not blame Lady Tsunade on it! You were the one that attacked me" I said. That shuts him up, as he just stares at me.

"Just leave, Sasuke... you have no business to be here right now. I don't even want to see you" I said. I turn around, so my back is facing him. After I said that, he just stays silent.

I turn around to make sure he actually left, because I don't hear any sound. But before I can fully turn around, I feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Let go of me, Sasuke!" I said. I try to get out of his embrace. But he just tightens his arms around me. "I won't let you go... not anymore. You're mine, Y/N!" he said. "I'm not yours, and in case you forget. I'm still married to Gaara. Now let go" I said, still trying to get out of his embrace.

"Don't say his name when you're with me. I'm the only one you need to think of. I'M the only one you need to love! No one else... no one else but ME! Do you understand?!" He said. He turns me to face him, with both of his hands on my shoulders.

"I said... do you understand?" He said, tightening his grip. "No, Sasuke! I'm not yours... and I'll never be yours! I love Gaara and we already have two kids! I don't need anyone else, but him! Our love is stronger than anything!" I said, glaring at him.

"Oh please, Y/N. You said your love is strong? Then where are you now? You're in Konoha... and he's all the way back in Sunagakure. So where's your love, hm?" He said. He hits a button... and he knows it. I can feel my lips trembling as I look down.

He pulls me into his embrace. My head is against his chest, but I didn't hug him back. He runs his hand through my hair softly.

"Just forget about Gaara... I'm so much better for you, Y/N" he said. I bit my lips as I try my hardest not to start crying. He tightens his arms around me. I shake my head and push him off with all my might.

I lift my hand and a kunai appear. "Leave... now" I said. He just stares at me. "Leave, Sasuke! I said LEAVE!!" I yelled out. I can hear a sound of crying. I turn my head to look at the stairs and sighs softly. "Just leave, Sasuke..." I said, without looking at him. I turn around and make my way towards the nursery room.

I open the door and pick S/N in my arms. He hold him close to my chest, while gently patting his back softly. I slowly sway my body, trying to soothe my baby.

"Y/N..." someone said. I turn to look at the door and sigh. "What part of 'leave' do you not understand?" I said. "Y/N... I just wa-" he starts as he walks towards me. "I said leave, Sasuke..." I said, glaring at him. He just stands there, not saying anything else.

"L. E. A. V. E! Don't make me use force on you. Not when I'm carrying my son. You made him scared! Leave now...  or I will going to call the reinforcement on you. You're trespassing..." I said.

He looks down and nods his head. He walks towards the window and opens it. He climbs on it and turns to look at me. He gives me a small smile.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you... always" he said. "Just leave" I said, looking away from him. I can hear him heaving out another sigh... then silence. I turn to the window to see it empty, letting me know that he had finally leave. Good riddance.

*to be continued*

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