Chapter 32

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Previously on Chapter 31

"Think about it. You're a mother, Y/N. You need to know if you're being in this state. It might affect your little daughter's emotions state. You don't want that to happen to her, do you?" He said. I shake my head. "Of course not..." I said. "Then think about it... just come with me. Live at Konoha for a while... okay?" He said. I let out a sigh and turn away from him. I nod my head slowly. "Okay... I'll think about it..." I said.

-Return to Konoha-


I've decided to move back to Konoha for a while. I just can't stand being here. The only reason I moved to Sunagakure was so I can be close to Gaara. But all Gaara have been doing to me lately was give me a cold shoulder.

It was painful for me to stay here, and what Naruto said is true. If I let it be like this... it will affect my mental health, which isn't good for my daughter's well-being. So I had to leave.

So that leads to where I am right now. I'm standing in front of the gate. With Temari and Kankuro. My daughter is standing next to me, with Naruto on her other side.

Temari gives me a sad smile. She walks towards me, placing her hands on my shoulder. "I'm going to miss you, Y/N..." she said. "I'm going to miss you too, Temari..." I said. A tear escapes her right eye as she pulls me into a hug.

"Don't forget to send me letters once in a while" she said. "I won't... don't worry. You're my sister after all" I said. She pulls away and smiles at me. I turn to look at Kankuro.

"So long, little sis..." Kankuro said, ruffling my hair. I just smile at him. I walk towards him and wraps my arms around his torso. "I'll to miss you, Kankuro" I said. He wraps his arms around me. "I'll miss you too, sis..." he said. I pull away and wipe the tears that manage to slip out of my eyes.

I turn to look at Naruto. "Ready to go?" He said. I turn to look at my daughter. She looks up at me. I run my hand through her hair. "Are you ready to visit Konoha, my dear?" I said, kneeling down in front of her. She smiles and nods her head. "I'm ready, mama..." she said. I smile and crouch down in front of her. She wraps her small arms around my neck.

I stand up and turn to the others. Temari and Kankuro wave their hands. I smile sadly and give them a nod. I turn around and leave Sunagakure with Naruto.

Gaara P.O.V

I watch as Y/N walks away with Naruto. "I'm sorry, Y/N. As much as it hurts me to see you leave. This is the best for you. I won't be able to hurt you again..." I said. Tears streams down my cheeks as I lean my back against the wall where I'm currently hiding. I lean my head against the wall, as I look up at the sky above me.

I'm sorry, Y/N...


After traveling for days. We've finally reached our destination. I stare at the giant gate in front of me. I look at the sign that said Konohagakure.

"Looks like I'm back..." I said. I feel an arm around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Naruto. He give me a small smile. "Let's head inside. You need to see Granny Tsunade..." he said. I just nod my head and place my daughter on her feet. I hold her hand as we make our way inside the village.

We make our way into the Hokage office. We're now standing in front of Lady Tsunade's office. Naruto give the door a soft knock. I can hear a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door.

Naruto push the door open and walks in. He turns to look at me to see me still standing by the door. "Y/N-Chan? Come..." he said, offering his hand. I place my hand on top of his. We make our way inside. I stand next to Naruto as we stand in front of Lady Tsunade.

She give me a soft smile. She turns to look at D/N. I notice her turning to Naruto, who seem to get the picture. Naruto turns to look at me.

"I'll look after your daughter for you, Y/N..." he said. I smile and nod my head. I turn to look at D/N. I lean down and smile at her. "Baby... I want you to go with uncle Naruto, okay?" I said. She smiles and nod her head. She turns to look up at Naruto and lift both of her arms. Naruto smiles and picks her up in his arms.

"Be a good girl, okay?" I said. "Okay mama" she said. Naruto smiles at me. He turns around and walks out of the room. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Lady Tsunade.

"Y/N... I've heard what happened. Naruto have told me everything" she said. I just give her a small smile. I feel tears slowly building up in my eyes. I hear the sound of chair moving and a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"How are you holding up?" She asked. "It hurts..." I muttered, as more tears begin to stream down both of my cheeks. She caress my hair softly. I just bury my face into her neck, as I start to cry softly.

After a while, I finally start to calm down. She pulls away from me, and walk back towards her seat. She looks at me and smile softly.

"Welcome back to Konoha, Y/N..." she said. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade. But... where would I be staying? I suspect the house I used to stay in will have other people occupying it..." I said. She nods her head.

"I suppose so. But no need to worry. In the meantime, you can stay at a hotel. Until I can arrange a proper living space for you, Y/N..." she said. "Thank you for your kindness Lady Tsunade" I said. She smiles and nods her head. I give her a small smile. She told me I'm good to go. I bow at her and turn around to walk out of the room.

I come face to face with Sakura. She smiles sadly at me and wraps her arms around me. I wrap my arms around her and instantly burst into crying. I still find it hard to believe that I won't be able to see Gaara, for... who knows how long.

I close my eyes as an image of Gaara smiling at me flashes before my eyes.

I tighten my embrace around Sakura, as I start to cry more

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I tighten my embrace around Sakura, as I start to cry more. All the sweet memories I have with Gaara. All those laughter... the kiss we shared, they all now just a sweet memories.

I miss you, Gaara...

*to be continued*

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