Chapter 29

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Previously on Chapter 30

I get under the cover and pull the blanket until it reaches below my chin. I turn to my side as I cry softly, thinking of the way Gaara's acting to me. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep with tears still streaming down my cheeks every once in a while.

Gaara... what's wrong with you?

-You Still Care-


Gaara's behavior towards me and our daughter is no longer the same. His action got worse. If before he would still talk to us... now he didn't even utter a single word towards me.

It bothers me so much. 'Did something happened to him?' 'Why is he acting like that towards me?' 'Why is he ignoring me like this?' Are the questions that kept bothering my mind. But no matter how much I try to think about the possibilities... I had none. I've got no idea what got Gaara to behave like this.

I can handle the pain of him ignoring me... but I'm really worried that it might affect our child's future. After all, she's only a kid. She still needs a father's love. But Gaara isn't giving her any.

I'm currently in the kitchen, cooking some breakfast for Gaara. I decided to cook his favorite, maybe that way he'll stop ignoring me. In the middle of cooking, I hear the sound of footsteps. I turn my head to see Gaara.

He take a glance at me and look away. I smile softly at him, but he looks away. My smile faded. I turn to face the stove as I continue to stir. My sight blurred as tears begins to gather in them.

Saphira... why is he acting like this? I said. I don't know, Y/N... I'm sorry... she said. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I wipe a tear that had slip from my eyes. I place the food on the plate and head over to Gaara.

I place the food in front of him. "Enjoy your meal, Gaara..." I said. He didn't say anything, nor show any sort of emotion. He didn't even look at me. He just start to eat. I let out a sigh and sit across from him as I start to eat as well.

After Gaara finished eating. He gets up and walks away without saying a thing. I can hear the front door opening and closing as he leaves the house.

I place my spoon down and broke down into tears. I cover my face with my hands as I start to cry. I miss him... I miss my loving and caring husband. Why did he suddenly changed?

"Mama?" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see my daughter. I wipe the tears, even though she has seen them. She walks towards me and looks at me with her doe eyes, they're filled with concern.

"Are you okay, mama?" She said. She reaches, both arms up. I pick her up and gently place her on my lap. She lift her hand and gently wipe away my tears. I smile softly at her.

"Mama is okay, honey..." I said. "Then why are you crying? Your eyes is red and puffy" She said. "I just feel tired..." I said. I fake a yawned, which makes my eyes teary. I wipe the tear and smile at her.

"See?" I said. She just stare at me, as if observing me. I just boop her nose, which makes her giggles softly. I smile and hugs her. A tear escape my eyes as I wipe it away, before D/N could see it.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" I asked. "Yes please!" She said, excitedly while clapping her hands happily. I smile and kiss her head. "Go and get ready, okay?" I said. She nods her head and hop off my lap. I smile as I watch her runs to her room to get ready.


I hold my daughter's hand as we walk around Suna. I smile at people here and there who we come across with. "Mama?" I hear my daughter calls out. I turn my head to look at her.

"Can we buy some snacks?" D/N said, with her doe eyes. "Sure honey, what do you want?" I asked. "I want chips!" She said, happily. I nod my head and smile. "Sure... let's go to the market now..." I said. "Yayy~" she cheers happily. I smile at her. We start to make our way to the market.

When we enter the market, I let my daughter's hand go as she instantly runs further inside the market. I let out a giggle and follow her. I make my way to the snacks side of the market. I let out a laugh when I see my daughter with a handful of chips in her hand with a wide grin on her face.

"Honey... you can't possibly eat all that..." I said. She pouts at me. "Pleaaasseee? I promise I won't eat all of them in one day! Just for stocks?" She whined, as she looks at me with puppy eyes. "D/N... you'll get sick if you eat that much..." I said. She looks at me with teary eyes. I let out a soft sigh seeing her like that.

"Alright... alright. come on..." I said. "Yayyyy!!!" She said. I gesture her to come with me. Then we head to the cashier and pay for the chips. I hold her hand as we walk out of the market.


We finally reach home. I place the groceries on the counter. D/N get on the chair and looks excited as I unload the content. I turn to her and smile. "Go on... pick which one you wanna eat now.." I said. "Can I have two?" She said. "Just one..." I said. "Alright..." she said. She reaches out and grab a bag of her fav chip. She sit on the chair and starts to eat. I smile softly and turn to the doorway as Gaara walks in.

"Oh you're home..." I said. He just walk straight to the couch and take a seat. I let out a sigh. I decide to make him some coffee. I make my way to the coffee counter and grab a glass.  I jump when the hot water spills on my foot. "Ouch!" I yelled in pain.

"Why? What happened??" I hear Gaara's voice as he rushes towards me. I look at him in surprise as he looks up at me. "Scald myself..." I said. "Aish... why are you so clumsy?? Come on..." He said. He stands straight and scoops me up.

He makes his way to the bathroom and place my feet on the sink, while holding my upper body.

I wince in pain when the cold water hit my injured feet

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I wince in pain when the cold water hit my injured feet. "Does it hurts?" He said. "It's alright..." I said, giving him a small smile.

He lift me off the sink and place me on the chair. He grab a first aid kit. He kneels down in front of me and start applying an ointment. He just hummed and focus on treating my foot again.

"You really should be careful next time. How can you be so careless??" He said, scolding me. I just smile at him. "Why are you smiling??" He said. "I'm happy... because you still care..." I said, softly. He looks up at me and just stare at me.

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" I asked. He sighs and looks away. I move from the chair and sits in front of him. I hold his hand gently. "Gaara... if I did something wrong. Please tell me. Don't ignore me... I miss you... I miss the old you. You're being so cold now..." I said, tears streams down both of my cheeks. He just stays silent. I look down as I feel my body starts to shake as I cry.

I hear a soft sigh and feel myself getting pulled into a soft embrace. I lean my head against his chest as I cry softly. He tightens his arms around me, placing his hand on my head.

"I'm sorry, Y/N..." he said softly. "Don't ignore me... please" I begged. He just stay silent after that. I just cry again as I hold him as if my life depends on it. I don't know when he's going to hold me again. I can't tell what he's going to do next. He's unpredictable now.

Exhaustion from the stress, and cry starts to eat me out. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep in Gaara's arms. Something I've been missing for a long time. I miss his warmth.

*to be continued*

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