Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

I nod my head "yeah... we will stop at nothing. Until we get them back... don't worry Gaara... we got your back... I vow to save her even if it's cause my life" Lee said, looking determine with a thumbs up on his chest. Gaara smiles at us. "Thank you... I appreciate that... thank you so much for coming..." he said, bowing at us.


-Give Her Back!-


I wake up in a dark room. I sit up and groan when I feel a sharp pain on my head. I clutch it in my hand as I sit up. 'Gosh... What's happening? It feels like I have been stepped on by thousands of horses...' I say to myself.

Then my eyes shot open. I look around the room frantically. 'D/N! Where's my baby?!' I thought to myself, panicking. I keep looking around the room. There's nothing in the room, except for a chair at the corner of the room.

I stand up from the bed, stumbling a little because I'm still feeling a bit dizzy. Then I walk towards the door and twist the door knob, but it won't budge.

'Where the hell am I?' I thought to myself. Saphira... What the hell is going on? I asks my guardian. I'm afraid that I don't know either, kid... she said. I clench my hands into a tight fist.

Gaara's P.O.V

"Lead us to them, Naruto..." I said. He nods his head at me, then we start running. That Sasuke will be sorry for taking my wife and daughter. I won't let him live if something happen to them.

It didn't take long for us to reach their hideout. We run inside the hideout. "We have to split up... it'll be faster that way..." Naruto said. I nod my head in agreement. Then we separate ways.

Then we meet in a room. "This hideout is like a labyrinth..." Sakura said. I clutch my hair. "Gosh... where is she?" I said to myself. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down... we'll find her..." Naruto said.

"What are you guys doing here? Still trying to get me back? Forget it..." we heard a new voice. I look up to see Sasuke. I clench my hand into a tight fists. "Give her back!" I scream. He turns to look at me. "What do you mean 'give her back'? Who are you talking about?" He said, crossing his arms across his chest. I growl and jump up to attack him. He moves out of the way. "What the hell?!" He screams. I use my sand and pin him against the wall. Then I walk to him. I grab him by the collar. "Give. Her. Back..." I spat each word.

"I seriously have no idea what you're talking about!" He yells at me. "Y/N! My wife and our daughter, D/N... you took them!" I scream at his face. "What the- why would I even do that, huh?!" He screams. "You love her! That's why... and you wanna take her away from me!" I scream. "It's true that I love her... but I won't do such thing!" He argue. I clench my hands, causing him to scream in pain.

"Gaara! That's enough... you're killing him!" Naruto said, holding onto my shoulder. "I don't care! He deserve to die... give me back my family!" I scream. "I swear I don't know what you're talking about!" He screams through pain. I loosen up my hand and the sand leaves his body.

"Gaara... I don't think he is the one..." Lee said. "If it isn't him... then who is? He's the only one with the Sharingan..." I said. "Wait... did you say Sharingan?" Naruto asks. "Yeah... one of the guard that saw her when she was taken. He said that one of the takers have the Sharingan and all I know is he's the only one with that..." I said.

"No... I'm not the only one..." Sasuke said. "Then who took her!" I scream. He stands up and looks at me, I can see anger in his eyes. "My brother... Uchiha Itachi... that means the real takers are the Akatsuki" he said. My eyes widened in shock. "She's in danger if her takers are the Akatsuki. We need to hurry..." I said, clenching my fists.

"The problem is... we don't know where they took
Y/N..." Kiba said. "I'll handle that..." Kakashi said. I nod my head as I watch him forming a hand signs. Then he slams his hand into the ground.

A little dog appears. Kakashi turns to me. "Do you have anything that can help Pakku to track Y/N?" He asks. "Ah... yeah..." I said, reaching inside my pocket and take out a bracelet. "This is the last bracelet that we wore when she got taken..." I said. He gestures to the dog. I kneel down and give the bracelet to the dog so he could smell it. Then he smell the air. "I got it... come on..." Pakku spoke. I nod my head and we head off towards the direction Pakku runs off to.


Itachi P.O.V

"We have to come up with a plan... the Kazekage will stop at nothing to save his wife... and daughter" I said, glancing at the baby who is currently with Konan. "Yeah... we all know how much he cherish the them..." Pein said. "Can I face them?" Deidara asks. "What makes you think you can handle them? I'm sure they sent the nine-tailed Jinchuuriki as well..." I said. "Well... I didn't asks to go alone, did I?" He said, looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"Itachi... Toby... Deidara... and Hidan... you guys go and face them... stop them at all cause from coming here... we can't have them take her back..." Pein said with a serious face. We nod our heads and leave the base.

I use my sharingan to detect where they are. I know my brother will be among them. The only thing that guard saw is Sharingan. They will suspect Sasuke first, before realizing it was me.

I really don't wanna face him... I don't wanna hurt my brother... I'm sure he still hold grudges against me. But there's nothing I can do now. Oh well...

I can only hope that I won't have to end his life

*to be continued*

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