Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

I really don't wanna face him... I don't wanna hurt my brother... I'm sure he still hold grudges against me. But there's nothing I can do now. Oh well...

I can only hope that I won't have to end his life

-Give Her Back! Part 2-

Gaara P.O.V

We keep running towards their hideout. But we got stopped by a group of people. 4 of them in total. I recognize one of them as the one who attacked the village and took me, which leads to my tailed beast gets extract from me.

I growl at the side of him. "Give me back my wife and daughter!" I scream at him. "Ah~ if it isn't Gaara. What does it feel like to live as a normal shinobi, hn? I'm sure you've grown weak now..." He said, smirking at me. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "But I'm strong enough to kill you if you don't give me back my family..." I said. "Why are you so uptight... hm... maybe I should cheer you up a little?" He said. Then what he did next annoyed me even more.

"Gaara~ Gaara~ cheer up and smile, because you're not going to get her back" he said

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"Gaara~ Gaara~ cheer up and smile, because you're not going to get her back" he said. I clench my hands into a tight fists. "I'll kill you!!" I scream then shot up at him. I send my sand towards him to knock him down from the clay bird.


'What's with all that racket?' I thought to myself as I heard a loud sound coming from outside. Saphira... what's happening? Where are we? I said. I don't know, Kid... as of where we are... I think it's the Akatsuki hideout... she said. We have to find a way to get out of here... but first, we need to look for my daughter... I said.

"Skulvakas Ven..." I said, sharpening my eyes. I need to know where my daughter is. I found her inside a room, in someone's arms.

I walk towards the door and try to open it. But I pull my hand back as soon as I make contact with the door knob. They must have put a jutsu on it. There's an electric current. I stare at my hand as there is a slight burn.

I will my chakra to engulf my hand and heal the wound. This is bad... how am I going to leave this place then?

Then I hear footsteps coming closer. I hurriedly lay on the bed, and close my eyes... pretending to be asleep. That way I can ambush whoever it is.

Soon enough, someone enters the room. I try my best to lay completely still, so the person don't get suspicious. I can hear the person's footsteps coming closer to me. I conjure a kunai using my ice technique.

"I know you're not sleeping..." the person said. I turn and attack the person. But stop myself when I see my daughter. I let the kunai drop from my hand as it turn into water on the ground.

"Give her back..." I said. D/N turns to me and reach out, wanting to be in my arms. The person that have entered the room is a girl with blue hair. She let me pick D/N.

"Who are you?" I said, hugging my daughter close to me. "My name is Konan..." she said. "What do you want with us?!" I demand. "We only need you... not the baby..." she said, calmly. She doesn't seem to be affected by my tone.

"What do you expect from me, then?" I asks. "We want to recruit you... come with me... our leader would like to speak with you..." she said again. I frown as I continue to look at her. I don't have a choice but to do what she said. I can't fight them, it will risk hurting my baby. I let out a sigh and follow after her.

Then she stops in front of a room. She lifts her hand and knocks on the door. There's a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door. She opens the door. "You may come in..." she said, turning to me. I just glance at her before walking in the room.

Behind the desk, there's a man sitting. He have black piercing all over his face. "Ah... Ms. L/N... I finally get the chance to meet you in person... my name is Pein..." he said. "Cut to the chest... what do you want with me?" I asks. His face turns into a cold one as he place his hands on the table whilst looking at me. "I would like to recruit you to join us..." he said. I raise an eyebrow at him. "And what makes you think I will join you?" I asks. He smirks at me "feisty... you're an interesting girl... say... are you married?" he said. I roll my eyes and looks at him as if he's the most dumbest person exists.

"As you can see... I'm carrying a baby here... this is D/N. My daughter... so yes... I am married..." he said. He chuckles "I know... I'm just messing with you... you're married to that ex-Jinchuuriki, right?" He said. "Well... if you knew... why the heck did you even asks?" I said, harshly. "Like I said... I'm just messing with you..." he said. "You suck at making jokes... doesn't suit you at all..." I said, rolling my eyes again.

"Join us..." he said again. "I said this once and I'm going to say this again... I am NOT joining you... I never will! So just let me go!" I said, trying my best not to scream. I don't want to startle my daughter.

"It wasn't a request..." he said, his voice turning dark. Someone appears behind me and hits me on the neck. My vision instantly blurs out. Someone takes D/N away from me as I fall to the ground. That's the last thing I remember, then everything turns black.

What am I gonna do? Gaara... where are you? Come and save me... save us

*to be continued*

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