Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

"Can't you see I'm carrying a baby? What if I drop her?!" I scold him. "Sorry..." he said. I roll my eyes at him. "Tch... whatever... just leave me alone..." I said. This time he didn't follow me.

Gaara... why would you asked him to protect me?? You know he have feelings for me... aish.. seriously



I make my way home. I must have a talk with Gaara regarding this whole protecting me... and of all the people he could ask for help. He chose Sasuke?! He have got to be kidding me.

I open the door to our house. I can see Temari doing some house chores. I also remember how Gaara have asked Kankuro and Temari to come every now and then to keep me company.

"You seem tense... is there something wrong, Y/N?" She asked, noticing how angry I look. "I'm fine... is Gaara home yet?" I asked. "Not sure... I just got here. Maybe? And sure... I can take care of D/N... come here you little cutie~" She said, cooing slightly as she walks over to me to pick D/N from my arms. I smile softly as I watch my daughter starts giggling as she's being held by her aunt.

I make my way to my room. I need to take a shower. My whole body is covered by sand that's was carried by the winds. So it feels sticky.

I make my way to the washroom after grabbing my necessities. I turn the water on and adjust it to my preference. I let out a hum once I got it right. I take my clothes of and step under the water. I let out a content sigh as I let the water wash over my body.

I stay in there for a bit... until I decide it's enough. I turn the water off and grab my bathrobe. I put it on and make my way out of the washroom. I re-enter my room to see Gaara sitting on the bed.

He smiles at me as I walk out. "Honey..." he said. He stands up and walks over to me. He's about to hug me, but I gently grabs his hands and lowers it down before he could.

He looks at me in confusion. "What? What is it? You don't want my hug anymore?" He said. "It's not that, Gaara. We have to talk. It's important..." I said. He looks at me with a concern expression. But he nods his head and gently pulls me along.

He take a seat on the bed and gently pulls me to sit with him. "What is it, honey? What do you wanna talk about, hm?" He said. "Why of all people... you chose Sasuke?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Well... 1, he's a strong person. 2, he cares so much about you... therefore he won't let anything happen to you. 3, I'm not home all the time. So I won't be there to protect you... and I can't be calm if I don't know whether you're safe or not" he said, calmly. I just let out a sigh at the reasons he's giving me.

"But... does it HAVE to be Sasuke? He don't just care for me, Gaara. He's in love with me! So having him as a bodyguard... makes me feel uncomfortable and besides, can take care of myself. I don't need to have any bodyguard" I said. "Y/N... I just want you to be safe..." he said. "But having people following me around... it's making me feel uncomfortable..." I said. He lets out a sigh at what I said. He stands up and turns to face me.

"Y/N. Please... try to understand my situations... my worries! Before meeting you... Temari and Kankuro are the only ones I have. Now the world brought you to my life. You're the only person who's been there for me, to support and comfort me. It makes you the closest thing I have to home. The home I fail to have as a kid and don't forget we have a child now. I can't imagine what'll happen if the two of you get hurt" he said. "Gaara..." I said.

His whole body starts to shake lightly. I stand up and walks over to him. I wrap my arms around his torso, he wraps his arms around me tightly. He buries his face into the crook of my neck. His whole body starts to shake, as his sobs starts to grow louder.

I pull away and looks at him. "I know you're worried about me, Gaara. But I assure you. I can take care of myself" I said. "You said that before, Y/N! But look what happened. You got attacked and abducted by the Akatsuki! Even though we manage to get you to safety. Do you remember what happened? They've brainwashed you to the point you don't remember about me!" He said, raising his voice slightly. I flinch because that's the first time he ever raised his voice at me.

"I was devastated, okay? I don't wanna take a risk!" He said. "So I have to put aside the fact that I feel uncomfortable?" I said. "If you're so uncomfortable about the whole guarding thing... just stay at home, Y/N. Temari and Kankuro can come and keep you company" he said. I let out a sigh at his response. "Alright... fine. I will just try to ignore the fact that a rogue ninja is following me around" I said, with a hint of sarcasm. He pouts at me. "Okayyy... I get it. Stop giving me that face!" I said. He just smiles and pulls me into a hug.

I let out a sigh and leans my head against his chest. "I hate arguing with you..." I admitted. "I'm sorry... I just... I just had to assign someone to guard you. I'm not around you so much because of my Kazekage duty. It worries me so much. I can't focus on my job because my mind keeps on coming back to you. I... I can't lose you... I don't want to. You mean the world to me, Y/N..." he said. I pull away slightly and look up at him.

"Okay... just for you. I'll let him guard me" I said. He smiles and kiss my nose. "Thank you, honey... I love you..." he said. I smile softly at him. "I love you too, Gaara..." I said. I lean up and gently place a soft kiss on his lips. He lift his hand and gently cup the side of my cheek. I tilt my head a little and deepen the kiss.

A cry makes me pull away from Gaara. "D/N must be looking for me..." I said. He nods his head. I walk out of the room and make my way to where the sound is from.

Temari is trying her best to calm her down. She look a little panic. I let out a giggle and walks over to her. "I can take it from here... thank you, Temari" I said. She looks relieved and let me take D/N from her. I carry my baby tenderly and gently rocks her. I start to hum a soft song, to try and calm her down.

She slowly starts to calm down. I smile softly and kiss her nose. She lets out a cute giggle. I coo softly at her cute laugh. I gently poke her belly, making her laugh even more. I giggle at her reaction.

I feel a pair of arms snaking around my waist from the back. I turn my head slightly to see Gaara. He's looking at his daughter with so much fondness in his eyes. A soft smile spread across his face. I smile and leans my head on his chest.

*to be continued*

A/N: I'm so sorry about the long wait. I was thinking of discontinuing this book. But then I remember you guys and how disappointed you'll be. So... I'm back now... and just for you.

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