Chapter 25 - Blood and Wires

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Chapter 25 - Blood and Wires

"Erik told me about the Russia thing."
"He did?"
"Oh." Pavel put down his book and turned to me. I squeezed his hand and looked away. "What do you think?"
"I really like the idea."
"You do?"
He nodded, I closed my eyes and felt his arms wrap around me. "We had the most amazing time there and I would just love to stay there again for longer..."
I turned over to face him. He was smiling a little and his hair hadn't been cut in weeks so it was close enough to a full on afro. I ran my fingers through his hair and grinned.
"Shall we then? When you get better?" I asked, letting go of his hair.
"You're happy to?" He muttered. I nodded. A wide grin spread across his face and his eyes lit up. "It's gonna be great," he laughed. He kissed me , wrapping his arms around me. My hand brushed over the bandages on his side. "Gentle," he muttered, yawning and squeezing me. He rested one of his head on my shoulder smiled. "We can still do all our studies in Russia you know. We can do everything but the exams from where we're staying. Where will we stay, should we rent an apartment? Where in Russia should we stay? Ah this is too exciting," he babbled.

Erik had been hanging around us over the past few days. Pavel spent most days in bed reading or beginning his long process of catching up on study. Whilst Pavel slept Erik accidentally let slip an older conversation he and Pavel had had. Pavel wanted to go back to Russia while we waited till the start of the year for our submission to star fleet. He knew we'd be safe there and we could study quietly in peace and enjoy each other's company as if nothing was wrong. I liked the idea, even though it was less relevant now that they were reasonably safe. Pavel however was not in good shape for travelling. He had a few more weeks at least before he was in any shape for travelling. Pavel lay down and yawned beside me.
"We're gonna be in space soon," he muttered.
"We are." I said back in an undertone. "You ready?"
He frowned, "I don't know if I'll ever be ready for it."
There was a slow silence for a while. Pavel fell asleep while I read through emails on my phone. I hadn't checked it much recently and half the emails were overdue notices for assignments and homework. Pavel and I had really neglected our studies over the past few weeks. We needed to get back into it if we wanted to board early next year. I turned my phone off and lay down. Pavel wrapped his arm gently around me and moved into a comfortable position.
"Goodnight," he whispered sleepily.
"Night Pav."

"Wakey wakey"
"Go away Erik," I grumbled rather angrily.
Erik had formed a habit of waking us up so we could eat, study and sleep all on a tight schedule.
Pavel muttered something about rather being stabbed again and pulled the blankets over our heads. The blanket violently flew off us and we groaned at the bright sunlight.
"Will you not," I asserted loudly. "I'm wearing pajamas cover your eyes." I pulled up my singlet top and glared across the room at Erik who he his back turned.
I picked the sheet up off the floor and wrapped it around me. Erik turned back around and rolled his eyes. Erik threw a textbook onto Pavel's bed and rummaged through the kitchen. "You've got an hour and then you're back to studying."
"You sound like mum," Pavel complained.
"Ha like I ever studied," Erik laughed.
"I hate you so much," I muttered at Erik.
"You two are not morning people," he laughed again. "You getting up Pavel or are you just gonna stay there for a while?"
Pavel didn't audibly respond. Instead he flipped Erik the bird. I rubbed my eyes and pulled a carton of juice out of the fridge. Pavel groaned from across the room and put a pillow over his face.
Erik stood up and stretched. "I'm coming back in half an hour, you two better be up."
I nodded at him as he left and sat back onto the bed.

"I was having a good dream," Pavel muttered sleepily. "It was us in space. We were waking up together and we started kissing and then we had a hot shower and then we went back to sleep."
"We had a shower together did we?" I asked. He made a sleepy noise of agreement. "What did we do in said shower?"
"Lots of kissing," he mumbled.
"Wait were we naked?"
There was a long pause before Pavel muttered a soft 'maybe.'
"Wait is that why you said it was a good dream?"
There was another strong pause followed by another maybe. Pavel took the pillow off himself to look at me. He had a curious expression plastered on his face, obviously wanting some sort of reply.
"Doesn't sound too bad..." I said back in an undertone. Pavel hid a grin and took my juice off me.
Pavel and I had done a few things in the time we'd been together. Stress and being fugitives along with assignments had reorganised our priorities but we were yet to go all the way or do anything close to it. The furthest we'd gone was falling asleep together and maybe a bit of subtle touching here and there but really we'd just had other things to worry about. Pavel passed me back the now empty cup of juice and sat himself up.
"Thanks for the juice," he laughed. I rolled my eyes at him.
"You're lucky you're already injured."

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