50 - Beam

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Vienna skips a class to finish everything but gets to the rest of her afternoon tutorials in time and realises that everything Pavel has helped her with is really sinking in. Dentistry is harder than she imagined it to be, especially when they're expected to be able to work on teeth of all sorts of alien species. One of the patients she gets looks a lot like Selwyn and she wonders if they'd be from the same planet.

Pavel's not around when Vienna finishes her classes and after ringing him, she finds that he's working down in engineering. She's honestly glad that he's spending time with other people and focusing on his hobbies. She just wishes he was there with her after her stressful morning. She makes sure to get ahead and go over the class content from today. She was studious in high school but high school studious and Starfleet Academy studious are two entirely different things.

Vienna comes over the day after when her classes are finished and finds Pavel sprawled out amongst scattered notes for Astrophysics Six. It looks so much more complicated than what she's doing but Pavel seems to only half concentrate on it to get it done.

"You surprise me," she mutters. "It's like I struggle to really wrap my head around just how intelligent you are."

He doesn't address the comment, just looking up at her with a thankful smile. He puts his pen down and asks if she wants to eat something. She nods wearily and wonders if how she's feeling now is how Pavel feels constantly. She considers it for a few minutes and he asks if she's alright. She admits to zoning out and joins him in the kitchen, asking if he plans on cooking something.

"I could make pasta, but I can't promise it'll taste great."

"I don't mind, Pasha, as long as I don't have to cook anything. I'm too tired."

He nods and makes a start on pasta, trying his hardest not to burn anything. He manages a dish that he describes at 'edible' but Vienna thinks it's a pretty decent effort. She appreciates him cooking and thanks him softly, glad that she has Pavel there with him.

There's a knock at the door and Pavel figures it could be David locking himself out again but when he opens the door, Vienna just hears a squeal. She looks over and Pavel's being held by his collar against the wall and three other figures are coming towards her. Damien's in the middle and she feels her chest tighten. Her PADD is in her hand and she manages to page McCoy seconds before Damien has his hand wrapped firmly around her wrist.

He pulls her out of sight of Pavel and she can hear him screaming from the other side of the room.

"Maybe you remember the conversation we had a little while ago," Damien says calmly. The men he's with lock the bedroom door with just the two of them and she feels like her heart is about to erupt through her chest.

"You don't seem to get it," he mutters. "The life you could have with me, compared to what you'd have with him. I'd make you so much happier, Vienna. I'd make you feel so damn good. I think you should let me show you..."

"No," she whimpers. "No, no don't. I don't want that. Get off me Damien, let me go!"

He cups his hand around the side of her face and smiles at her. The hand on her face is so gentle and she doesn't like it. He pulls her lips towards his and she tries to pull away, moving her face in any direction she can to get away from him.

"Don't make this difficult," he grunts, pushing her up against the wall. "This doesn't have to be difficult! Just fucking kiss me and you'll see. You're so beautiful, your lips are so wasted on a boy like Pavel, you know that, yeah?"

He grins and tightens his grip this time, pushing his lips against Vienna's and ignoring the squeals she gives back in return.

"Just relax!" He barks, pushing his lips back against hers again. She starts crying and has an idea, closing her eyes and letting her whole body go limp. She falls to the floor and listens as Damien swears, picking her body up with minimal difficultly and throwing her on the bed. She listens as he leaves the room, trying to keep her breathing steady and as convincing as possible.

"Let's get him a chair," Damien mutters, "When she wakes up, I want him to watch."

She can't hear Pavel at this point and she has a feeling they've probably stuffed a cloth in his mouth or taped it shut. She stays completely still, telling herself she needs to get help. There's a million things running across her mind and she has no idea what to do.

Vienna hears shuffling and then Pavel's voice yelling as soon as something's removed from his mouth.

"You leave her alone! You stay the fuck away from her!" He screams. "Don't you fucking touch her!!"

Damien laughs and moves over to where Vienna is, running his fingers softly against her cheek. His fingers disappear and she pretends to still be unconscious. She doesn't know what else to do. It goes quiet for a few seconds and she wonders what's happening. Her face suddenly goes cold and she jolts up, realising she's just had water thrown on her face to wake her up. She looks to Pavel with fear in her eyes and he struggles against the chair he's bound to, his eyes locked onto hers.

"Pasha," Vienna says softly. "Pasha, I'm scared."

She closes her eyes uncomfortably as Damien starts caressing her cheek again. Her breath is catching but he doesn't seem to care, just pushing his lips onto hers again. Pavel screams in incoherent Russian and thrashes against the chair, almost knocking it over but not managing to get away with Damien's friends holding it.

Damien smiles as Pavel keeps struggling, looking back to Vienna and undoing the buttons on her shirt. She looks away, tears spilling from her eyes and her body starting to shake uncomfortably.

Pavel manages to kick one of Damien's friends, knocking the chair backwards and breaking the buckles of the straps that bound him. He scrambles to his feet and gets punched right in the nose by the other friend. Pavel swings his legs up and kicks him in the face. He kicks the same guy in the stomach and he falls to the ground. The first gets back up and swings at Pavel but misses, Pavel uppercutting his jaw before he gets hit by a blue beam and crumples to the floor.

(Author's Note)

So I have another piece that I've written that's a modern au featuring our boy Pavel A Chekov (wow big surprise there) and it's unpublished but I was writing it last night and I hit 100k words on it last night so that was hugely exciting

Wow, as an author it really would be in my best interest to branch out from more than just fanfics about cute Russian boys but anyway like that's going to happen pfffft

Enjoyyyy ♪

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