48 - Go Away

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Pavel and Vienna stay until it gets late, playing card games and talking in weird Russian/English mix. Erik and Dariya drink a little, Pavel has a glass of scotch and Vienna politely declines. Pavel tells her he feels warm after the first glass and she kisses his cheek softly. Erik talks him into another glass and he nurses it, muttering about how his top half feels like it's floating a little.

"You don't drink?" Erik asks, looking to Vienna.

"I drank once and got really sick. I'm not all that interested in it anyway."

"I could make you something if you're not one for scotch?"

"I'm alright thank you," she mutters. Pavel mumbles something in Russian and leans on her shoulder, closing his eyes. "Any idea what he said?"

"He mumbled something about staying here with you. I think you guys should just stay in Pavel's room the night and head back in the morning. From what I remember, he gets either really giggly or really sleepy when he's drunk and this time, I think it's fair to say he's sleepy drunk."

Vienna looks to her shoulder and sees Pavel sleeping softly. She leans her head against his and grins. He shuffles a little in his sleep, yawning and adjusting where his head is positioned. Vienna will have to wake him to get him to bed but for now, she lets him sleep.

Erik finishes another drink and puts his glass down. He asks Vienna if she needs a hand getting him into bed and she tells him that she'll wake Pavel soon. Erik just nods and considers pouring another drink. Vienna puts her hand on Pavel's knee and he smiles in his sleep.

"You know, we were having a conversation during breakfast before you woke up. I asked him if he's in love with you. He had no doubt in his answer. He loves you Vienna. I haven't seen him like this before. Since he was a teenager he's always been so focused and so lost in his interests. Now that he's with you, it's like he's a little more awake. He has to think about more than just his hobbies for once. It's good for him."

"I'm glad he feels the same way. I care about him, a lot."

"He needs just that. I'm sure starting at the academy wasn't easy for him. I know he was miserable here. I imagine he... I imagine you're a lot more familiar with his struggles than I am. I found out when he was getting changed and didn't shut his door all the way. I was too scared to say anything for nearly a week. I thought he was too smart to really... I don't know. It was a little unexpected."

"I didn't see it either. I thought he was just shy, that he was just quiet." Pavel stirs and Vienna shakes him a little. "Pasha, Pasha you need to get to bed. My shoulder probably isn't all that comfortable."

"Da," he mutters. "Come sleep with me. Come to bed."

"That's a little forward," Erik mutters, snorting in amusement.

Vienna rolls her eyes light-heartedly and helps Pavel up, taking his hand and walking with him to bed. She says a soft goodnight to Erik on her way and he waves, watching as they disappear down the hall. Pavel falls right back asleep as soon as he's on top of the mattress and Vienna shuts the door, sitting on top of the bed and setting an alarm for the morning. She lays next to Pavel and kisses the top of his head. He mutters her name sleepily and curls around her, smiling to himself. For a few minutes, she wonders if there's any better feeling in the world.

Vienna wakes with Pavel holding her close. He groans at the alarm and clutches his head, muttering in Russian and burying his face in the pillow. Vienna turns the alarm off and sighs, cuddling back up to Pavel. She kisses his lips softly and though his eye are closed, he smiles, saying something soft in Russian. His eyes slowly open and he grins at her.

"Kiss me again?"

"Certainly," She says, kissing him again.

He wakes up a little as he kisses her. He moves on top of her and starts kissing at her neck, remembering when they were heating things up a little in the hotel last time. She giggles, loving his enthusiasm and how warm his body feels against her. Pavel goes back to kissing her lips and he gently bites at her bottom lip, making her whole body shake a little.

"Pasha," she whispers, running her hands through his hair. He responds in Russian, grinning at her. "You can... You can put your hand here if you want..." She takes his hands and puts it just below her breast, looking up to him to try and guage his response.

"Are you... Are you certain?"

She nods and smiles at him. He looks a little nervous but lets his gaze fall to where his hand rests. He hesitates a little, not sure if he really has the confidence to move forward with her. He swallows and moves his hand up a little, squeezing her gently. Vienna grins and lets out a soft breath.

"You can be a little firmer, it won't break."

He breaks into a grin and squeezes her a little more this time. He can feel his heart pounding in her chest. She kisses along his neck as he explores a little with his hands. He lets out a soft noise of contentment. He worries about how obvious his arousal is but she doesn't seem to care, just enjoying the moment.

Erik calls out to them and Pavel bites back a very obvious groan and yells something at him in Russian. He goes back to kissing Vienna and the door handle turns, Pavel moves off her, glaring at Erik as soon as he's in the room.

"What part of 'go away' confuses you, Erik??"

"We have a problem," he says, seriously.

"I have one too and it involves you coming into my room when I've told you not to."

"Pavel, I'm serious. Just, hurry up and get out here. This is important."

Erik leaves and shuts the door, Pavel just sighs. He runs a hand through his hair and mutters about having a spare shirt in the room somewhere. He pulls his own shirt off and digs through his old wardrobe, only finding a short-sleeved shirt. He goes to put it back and Vienna questions why he's not wearing it. It's reasonably warm, probably too warm for anything long sleeved.

"I don't like wearing short sleeves. I don't like my arms being so obvious to everyone. People stare, they give me weird looks, I don't like it. I only wear long sleeves. I think there's one in here somewhere."

Vienna doesn't question it any further, just tying her hair up and watching Pavel rummage through a drawer. He finds a shirt and pulls it on, disappearing into the bathroom before joining her and Erik. Erik seems tense, his lips pursed tightly together and his eyes focused.

"What is this about?" Pavel asks, taking a seat opposite Erik at the dining table.

"You're not safe going back to the academy. Damien has it in for you two. Especially you, Vienna. I worry about what would happen if you ran into him alone. I still have a few friends at the academy and one of them knows someone close to Damien. He's got Vienna in his sights."

"Listen," Vienna says, frowning as she speaks. "It's not like we can just run away from the academy. I'll make sure I'm always with someone when I leave my room and Pavel and I will make sure to stay in crowded areas. There's not much he can do with crowds around. He'd be risking suspension. We're falling behind on classes anyway being here. We've done a little work online but I need to be in actual class to make sure I'm keeping up."

Erik sighs, knowing that she has a point. "Vienna, you and Pavel need to be careful. I mean it. Don't take him lightly. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of you."

Pavel sighs, a little nervous about having something else to worry about. He knows he doesn't stand much of a chance against Damien physically. They get breakfast and Pavel and Erik talk quietly in Russian for a little while. Vienna wonders what they're saying to each other. Her Russian is still so limited. Aside from a few basic nouns, greetings and some of Pavel's favourite swear words, she doesn't understand much else.

(Author's Note)

Part of the reason I rewrote Angels was aside from fixing the actual written element of it, I wanted to iron out the less realistic parts. It strays a lot more from the original than I imagined it would, but I feel like that is probably a good thing.

Enjoy ♪

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