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Two months pass far too quickly.

They see each other every day, Vienna basically moves in with Pavel and they pretend like the time they have together isn't bittersweet. They learn to be affectionate again and study beside one another. They fall asleep together every night in one another's arms and dream of the stars.

They can't bring themselves to make love again in those two months. Pavel tries to initiate it once and Vienna seems uncomfortable with it. He doesn't try again. She keeps getting her mind rolling back to Damien and his messy jeans, along with the eyes he gave her. She shivers at the thought and Pavel puts his PADD down to look to her, asking if she's okay. She nods, kissing his cheek and going back to her own study. They have three days left. She tries not to get upset thinking about it.

With two days before they leave, everyone gathers in Erik and Saxon's apartment for drinks. Vienna even drinks, feeling like she needs it to melt her nerves for a while. Pavel stays by her side and slowly nurses a glass of scotch. Erik is glad to have Vienna there.

"I have news," Saxon says, already a little drunk. "I... I got put on the Enterprise. I'm going away too."

Vienna smiles for him, glad that he's going to be on one of the finest ships in the fleet. She's sad another friend is going. She's sad their friend group is splitting in two. She drinks a little more and tries to keep her emotions in check. Her eyes are a little watery and she takes her mind elsewhere for a while.

Two years is a long time. It's a long fucking time.

She puts her glass down and heads into the bathroom. She lets out a quiet cry and dabs some toilet paper on her eyes. She gives herself a few minutes to calm down and comes back out like nothing happened. Pavel puts his hand on her knee and smiles.

Vienna pulls Saxon aside when she gets the chance and he gives her a sad smile.

"I tried to tell him when you were in hospital. He thought I meant I liked him as a friend but it's a little too late now. I'll move on. There'll be other cute aliens up there in space waiting for me. Oh, and I forgot to tell you. Look."

Saxon pulls back his sleeve and shows Vienna a tattoo on his wrist. He tells her that Selwyn designed it. It's beautiful and he smiles softly. She tells him she'll miss him and he expects her to write to him. She promises she will.

That night, back in their dorm, Vienna has her hand on Pavel's leg. She's had a fair bit to drink and Pavel wonders if she's in a worse mental state than he's being seeing. She kisses his neck and moves her hand up a little, testing the waters. He moves her hand and looks away, his own head spinning at little.


"Not like this, Enya. I couldn't do that to you after we've both been drinking. It's alright. It doesn't have to happen. Just kiss me. That's all I want, love."

She pecks his lips and realises her eyes are watering.

"It's going to be so hard without you. I'm going to miss your smile and your curly hair."

"And the rest of me?"

"Yeah," she mutters, a faint smile pulling at her lips. "That too Pasha. That too."

Selwyn and Erik are there with Vienna when they're waiting at the shuttle bay. She's a mess already but she hides it well. Pavel shows up and wraps his arms around her. She starts crying and he kisses her head.

"Won't be long," he promises. "Two years."

"Pasha," she mumbles. "You better not forget me."

He couldn't forget her if he tried. That much he knows. Erik ruffles Pavel's hair and for just a split second, he hesitates before batting his hand away. Selwyn shakes Pavel's hand and they share a smile. Hikaru shows up, not sure how he's supposed to say goodbye. Saxon is quiet for once and he gives Vienna a long hug. He thanks her, though she's not sure what for. Saxon looks to Selwyn and Vienna feels her heart break for them. He pulls Selwyn into a hug and squeezes him tightly. Selwyn is a little confused by it but says nothing, letting it happen.

"I'll miss you," Saxon says quietly. "Look after yourself."

Saxon gives Vienna one last hug before leaving with Hikaru to board. Pavel is staying just another minute. His eyes are watery and he kisses Vienna's head. She pulls something from her pocket and passes it too him.

"It's a good health charm. It will protect you. I want you to be strong and as brilliant as I know you are."

He smiles, inspecting the smooth metal in his hand. It's a pair of wings and he loves it. He holds it close to his chest and stashes it in his pocket.

"Come back to me, okay? I'll miss you, Pasha."

"Я люблю теья, Еня." He kisses her cheek and hears someone call out for them that it's the final call. He gives her one more kiss on the lips and picks up his bag. He hugs her and squeezes her tightly. "Two years, my love. I'll see you soon, da?"

She smiles, wiping her eyes. "Da, Pasha. With you, all the way."

The End

(Author's Note)

Thank you, my readers. I appreciate every vote and every comment you've left on my story. Thank you for the validation you've given me as a writer and for seeing this six year long journey come to an end. I told myself one day that I'd rewrite angels but I never thought I'd see it to this length and standard. It's weird finally closing this book. I have more in the works, of course, so stay tuned. 

Thank you again dear readers.
Thank you and goodbye ♥
Much love,

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