51 - Foggy

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Vienna screams. She runs towards him and Damien doesn't try and stop her. She puts her head on his chest and feels his heartbeat, feeling her whole body turn gelatinous as soon as she realises he's just been stunned.

Another two blue beams shoot across the room and Vienna screams. She looks up and McCoy stands there, phaser in hand with a blonde man standing next to him. McCoy lowers his phaser and comes over to Pavel, checking his heartbeat.

"He's okay," he confirms, putting a hand on Vienna's shoulder. "He's okay, he's just stunned. He'll come back in ten minutes. Are you okay? What did he do to you?"

"I'm fine," she quickly dismisses, looking over to the bed where Damien lies unconscious. She starts doing her buttons back up and lets out a sob, realising her hands are shaking too much to do them up. McCoy pulls her into a hug and she cries into his shoulder. The other man takes the collar of the second friend of Damien's that fought and brings him into the other room. McCoy starts cleaning the blood coming from Pavel's nose and Vienna fills him in on what happened.

"Thank you," she says. "For coming here. I didn't know who else to call. It happened so fast, I'm too scared to think of what would have happened if you didn't show up."

"Don't think about it," McCoy says softly. "You're both safe now. Don't focus on what almost happened, it'll just upset you more. You're both alive and it seems you got away in a better state than that guy had planned."

Vienna nods and takes a deep breath. McCoy goes over to the replicator and places a small patch in her hand.

"This will ease your shaking. It should help you calm down a little too."

She doesn't question it, just taking the patch and sitting down on the couch, waiting for it to kick in, she's wrapped her shirt around her to cover herself up but it's not done up still. She holds her hands out in front of her and inspects how they are after she feels a wave of calm hit her. They're steady now and she does her buttons up, her eyes still a little cloudy. She closes her eyes, replaying everything over and over again.

Vienna snaps out of her thoughts when she hears screaming.

"Еня! Где моя Еня?!"

Vienna knows just enough Russian to understand what he's saying and she sits up, calling out to him softly. He scrambles from the bedroom and sees her on the couch, breathless and McCoy trailing behind him.

"Chekov, calm down, you shouldn't be standing up yet!" McCoy barks, frowning at the young Russian in front of him.

Pavel ignores him, coming over to Vienna and muttering a long string of tangled Russian. She can't pick up what he's saying but by his tone, she can take a guess at what he's trying to convey. He starts crying and she wraps her arms around him, her own eyes watering. They start sobbing together and McCoy sighs.

"Let me check you over, Chekov. You just got hit by a stun beam."

He lets go of Vienna and draws a deep breath, lifting his shirt a little to show where he was hit. There's a funny wave pattern on his chest and Vienna watches, wondering how long it'll stay there for. The blonde man is back and stands there silently, yet to say anything.

McCoy goes back with the blonde to handle Damien and his friend still in the room. Pavel brushes the hair from her eyes and initially she shies away from him. She doesn't want his hand near her face after what just happened and Pavel takes his hands away and apologises quickly.

"Enya," he says, his voice almost a whisper. "Enya, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't- T-that I couldn't, and, and Damien and... I'm, I'm so sorry."

"Pasha," she says softly. "Pasha, I'm alright. You fought so hard for me. You took on two guys twice your size and won. I'm so proud of you. It's not easy to do something like that. Please don't apologise. You couldn't have done anything more."

He holds her again and she hides against his chest as the blonde man and McCoy take Damien from the room. Pavel doesn't look, just making sure Vienna can't see him and trying to keep himself calm.

"Next time I see you, Chekov, you're dead. You're fucking dead, understand!?"

Chekov looks up, even though he wishes he hadn't. Damien has a seriousness in his eyes that makes Pavel's skin crawl. He looks away quickly. Vienna whimpers as he goes. Pavel resists the urge to pull her hair from her eyes again. McCoy comes back in and Chekov quietly asks him to stay with Vienna for a minute. McCoy knows why, Vienna isn't entirely sure. Pavel digs through his bathroom cupboard and finds his spray in one of his drawers. He sprays a double dose into his mouth and sits down before it takes over. It makes him a little dizzy and his thinking goes fuzzy. He sighs in relief, glad his thoughts are finally quiet.

(Author's Note)

This is the chapter I accidentally published ages ago whoops

At least there's context now 👍

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