Three days pass and Vienna shows up at Selwyn's door looking concerned. He wonders if he promised to practise dancing with her and forgot but it doesn't seem the case. She comes in and her arms are crossed in front of her stomach. He asks if she's okay and she shrugs, leaning against the kitchen bench.
"I'm freaking out Selwyn. I'm two days late."
"Two days late for what?"
She blinks, wondering if he actually understands human anatomy. "My period. It's late."
"Oh," he says, realising what she means. "It's two days late? Is that normal or?"
"No, it's always on time or early. I'm never this late and I feel physically sick just thinking about it. I'm really scared, Selwyn."
"Vienna, are you certain it's not Pavel's? Are you sure there's no other way you two could have..."
"No, we've never... We haven't. It can't be him. You're the only reason this can be happening. I'm certain. Do I need to take a test?? I don't want to do this alone. And I sure as hell don't want a child."
"Let's not jump ahead," he says calmly. "We'll go to medbay together and ask what they think we should do. I'll stay with you though, okay? Please don't stress about it, it's probably just a false alarm."
Vienna replays the term 'false alarm' over and over in her head in the hopes that it comes true. She sits on a bench waiting for a doctor and Selwyn tries to reassure her. He has requested a doctor familiar with Kelzenone anatomy and there isn't anyone who knows more than standard about it. Fifteen minutes pass before McCoy appears and asks them into his office. He looks to Selwyn and decides to wait a few more minutes before asking questions.
McCoy asks why they've come in and the two of them look at each other. Vienna looks a little pale and Selwyn is just trying to keep level headed. Vienna can't think of how to word what's in her head and she pauses for a second, looking to the floor.
"My period is two days late and I'm worried it might be Selwyn's."
"Ah," McCoy says, trying to be as professional as possible. "When did you have unprotected sex?"
"We didn't," Selwyn quickly says. "How familiar are you with Kelzenone biology?"
"I know the basics."
"I was in a deep sleep and I got woken up. I fell on the floor and Vienna went to check my head for an injury but she found my horns. She rubbed her hand along them to make sure they weren't bleeding but it released a bonding agent and that's what I worry could be causing... Whatever this is."
McCoy nods and asks Vienna to sit up on a biobed while he scans her over. If there were a foetus, it would be too small to detect on his scanner anyway and he just starts by checking her vitals. He asks Selwyn if he would be able to provide a sample of the bonding agent he described earlier and his hair turns a pale green.
"I... I can't. It's only produced when someone else touches them."
Vienna and McCoy look at each other and then to Selwyn.
"Well... I mean, I already have once before. If I put on some gloves and you were okay with it..."
"I'd prefer you not to," he says to Vienna. "You're still a child. I can't let that happen. It would be very morally wrong of me. No offence or anything but you're just too young."
"There's a nurse about my age that I'll ask. I know it's uncomfortable but I'm sure it's better than getting me to try," McCoy mutters. "I'll go find her and then we'll give you some privacy."
McCoy leaves the room and Vienna looks to Selwyn. His hair is much more prominent colour than earlier and she apologises. He brushes it off and tells her he didn't mean to come off as rude earlier. She understands and she tells him she's sorry for putting him through another awkward situation. He doesn't want her to worry and before he can say anything McCoy comes back with a nurse. She pulls on some gloves and Selwyn swallows. McCoy asks Vienna to follow him for a minute and she does, sending Selwyn a reassuring glace on his way out.
As soon as they're alone McCoy asks if Pavel knows. She shakes her head. Pavel's in class and she's been too scared to worry him over what might be nothing. He nods, not questioning her decision. A few minutes pass and the nurse comes back out, giving them a nod.
Selwyn keeps his eyes cast to the floor and his cheeks are glowing. Vienna sits beside him and McCoy takes a vile from his desk of the dark blue liquid and plugs it into his tricorder. They wait a little and McCoy frowns.
"As I thought," he mutters. "So, looking at the chemical breakdown here, I think I've figured out what's going on. It has a high concentration of a chemical quite similar to testosterone. The male growth hormone. I'm guessing that having it on your hands caused you to absorb some and it's causing an imbalance. I'll have to get a blood sample to check first but I'm reasonably sure it isn't the result of a pregnancy."
Vienna breathes a huge sigh of relief. Selwyn seems calmer now, glad that he hasn't accidentally impregnated anyone. McCoy tells him he still needs to run a few more tests before she's cleared to go but she doesn't mind now that they can relax a little.
As soon as they're out of medbay, Vienna finds tears filling her eyes and Selwyn asks what happened. She doesn't know, she just feels relieved and overwhelmed.
"I'm sorry," she says quickly. "I was just really scared. I think I'm overwhelmed and God knows what kind of hormonal influence my brain is under. I'm glad it wasn't anything bad. I just feel guilty about dragging you in there and making you get tested too."
"Vienna," he says firmly, "I'd rather be dragged in there for a few minutes of awkwardness than have you getting sick and stressed from worry. It's over now. We're fine. We should go dance later today to take our mind off of it."
She nods, wanting to get her mind away. She has another class to get to and she bids him goodbye, thanking him again for his patience. She's a little spaced out as she walks to her next class.
Angels (Pavel Chekov)
FanfictionPavel Chekov learns the intricacies of human relationships after sitting near a girl in the fourth row of his ethics class. He's normally the one asking questions but finds a mind as curious as his, a mind curious about him. The highs, the lows, th...