28 - Rollercoaster

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Pavel seems a little quiet as they walk and Vienna wonders if it's her comment about being on different ships that's making him think. He still swings her hand as he walks and she squeezes it gently to get his attention.

"Sorry," he mutters. "I just haven't thought about what would happen if we were on different ships."

"You would be fine. We would be fine. I think you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. I'm sure we would manage."

"Yes," he says gently. "We would manage." His tone sounds a little uncertain but she smiles at him anyway, kissing his cheek. They arrive outside her door and he sighs, pulling her into a hug before she goes inside. She squeezes him tightly and he smiles, muttering to her in Russian. She loves his soft mutterings and grins, telling him she'll see him tomorrow.

Pavel feels lonely waking out without Vienna in his room. He wants to see her again as soon as possible but just falls back asleep as soon as he closes his eyes again. He wakes up a little later to hear someone at his door. He frowns to himself, wondering if David has locked himself out again. He groans and fixes his hair on the way to the door.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

"Morning," he mutters back, smiling faintly at her. "I am not yet awake."

"That's okay, we'll give you some time."


Sydel steps from behind Vienna and grins, saying good morning to Pavel, who wakes up a little in realising he has company other than Vienna.

"Sydel," Pavel mutters. "Vienna didn't tell me she was bringing you too. I'm not even dressed."

"Don't worry," she laughs. "I didn't realise I was coming here either."

They go inside and Pavel goes to have a shower and get dressed. He comes back out with a towel around his shoulders and finds the two of them sitting on the couch. Sydel's filling Vienna in on some of the news from their old high school. He starts making breakfast and asks if either of them are hungry.

"We've already eaten," Vienna calls out. Pavel nods, wondering how long they've been awake for already.

He makes a start on his porridge, listening in on how Vienna talks when he's not in the conversation. She seems a little louder with Sydel. She's much more chilled when talking to him, he wonders if it's a good or a bad thing. He sits opposite them on a chair as he eats, listening to Sydel explain about a teacher they had last year. He likes hearing their stories, learning more about the life of the girl he loves.

Sydel finds a bus that goes express to a theme park about an hour out of the city. Pavel and Vienna look at each other, trying to gage one another's reactions.

"How are you with heights?" He asks, looking to Vienna.

"I'm not great. Sydel is better, she loves rollercoasters."

"I do too," Pavel smiles, excited by the prospect of riding on one for the first time in years. Sydel grins at Vienna and she realises she doesn't have much of choice otherwise.

"Rollercoasters it is then," Vienna mutters, rolling her eyes. They get on the bus and take a seat towards the back. There are only a few others going and the quiet bus ride goes reasonably quickly. Sydel tells them a little about the park they're heading to and Pavel looks up the statistics on the speeds and forces of all the different rides. Vienna likes hearing them talk about science together, even if it makes her feel the slightest bit disincluded. She doesn't have the same understanding of space, physics or mathematics like they do.

Vienna is a little nervous standing in line for one of the largest coaster in the park. Pavel and Sydel are buzzing about it, she just looks nervously to the huge structure and shakes her hands out. Pavel doesn't notice just how apprehensive she is until the gates open and she freezes.

"Vienna?" Pavel says softy. "What's wrong?"

"I... I'm scared. I won't ride Pavel, I don't think I can get on it."

"Hey," he whispers, "I know it looks bad but I'll be right next to you. I promise I'll hold your hand."

"Pavel... I don't think..."

"That's okay, we don't have to," he smiles. "There's an exit there. We can go together, da?"

Sydel looks over to them, wondering what's going on. Vienna just gestures towards the exit and goes, taking Pavel's hand. Sydel gives Vienna a weird look just before they disappear and they find where the ride exits and wait there for Sydel. Vienna is really quiet and Pavel squeezes her hand to see if she'll respond but she still seems caught up in whatever she's thinking about.

When Sydel comes out, Pavel goes to the bathroom and comes back to argument between the two sisters. They stop when they see him, going quiet and looking away from each other. Pavel looks at them blankly and swallows.

"What... What happened?"

"Nothing," they say in sync, still not making eye contact with either Pavel or each other.

"Maybe we can go on something else," he suggests, trying to diffuse whatever is going on.

They nod, following behind him as they start walking. Pavel feels an incredible awkwardness set in and he realises he hasn't really seen Vienna like this before. He'd normally try and talk to her but he doesn't know what to do with Sydel there as well.

(Author's Note)

Another chapter because it's still Christmas somewhere, right?

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