63 - Proposal

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Class is slower than usual. Pavel's been fast tracked through a few more classes and Vienna only notices when she sees his notes open from his last class on his PADD. He sees her watching and closes them, tapping his pen against the desk softly.

"Why didn't you tell me you tested out of more classes?"

"Because I don't want... I don't want it to worry you or anything. I'm certain we'll still be on the same ship, I worry that this would create doubt or something."

"I'm more worried about you keeping secrets," she mutters, looking back to the front of the lecture hall.

"I'm not keeping secrets," he says firmly. "I've tested out of a few classes. It's nothing huge."

Vienna doesn't agree in the least but she decides to hold her tongue. Testing out a Starfleet class is close to impossible but Pavel has done it over and over again. Astrophysics is like breathing to him. Vienna knows that she could probably count all the people as gifted at Astrophysics as Pavel Chekov on one hand. He does the impossible every day and makes it look so damn easy. Vienna gets a little lost in thought and rubs her face, telling herself to pay attention to the lecturer.

For a few hours, Vienna's back at her room while Pavel has more classes. Erik is there and she finds him talking to Amahle. She seems glad to have him there. They're being a little bit flirty again and Vienna finds herself quite entertained watching them. Amahle can't stay long but it seems like she's spent a fair portion of time together already.

Erik asked how classes were and he quickly picks up that she's a little zoned out. He asks if Pavel's on her mind and she nods, rubbing her face to try and wake herself up.

"Now that he's not here, and that you've had a proper dance with him, we should finally try. I'm sure he wouldn't care now anyway."

Vienna looks up at his soft smirk and rolls her eyes. "I mightn't indulge you this time, Erik. I am really not in the mood for dancing and I have study to do soon."

"I can give you a hand with anatomy," he jokes, smiling to himself as Vienna scoffs.

She throws a pillow at him and he laughs. She pulls her PADD from her bag with a sigh and opens her homework. She has a lot to do and she wishes that Pavel would come back and help her with it.

"You know," Erik mutters, "I was in Starfleet for a year. I did all the compulsory first year courses you're doing. I'm quite happy to give you a hand if you need it."

"Thank you. I should be okay though. I just need to concentrate and I'll be fine."

Erik nods and takes his own PADD from off the floor. He's got some kind of translating program open and he's typing some Russian out into English. Vienna works quietly for almost an and a half before there's knocking at her door. Erik gets up to get it and Pavel's on the other side. He seems a little annoyed that Erik's hanging around but doesn't say anything, just sitting on the floor beside Vienna and sighing.

She sits up a little and asks if he's alright. He just nods and takes his bag off his shoulder. She puts her hand in his hair and he closes his eyes appreciatively. He had to do pair work in his new class and his partner was arguing with him about the answer to one of the problems they were given and called Pavel a few names. He doesn't repeat them. It's fairly clear that he's too drained to.

Pavel stays on the floor for a while whilst Vienna keeps studying. Her hand is in his hair and his eyes are closed. Vienna can't tell if he has dozed off or not. Pavel stirs at some point, muttering something in Russian. Vienna waits until he goes still again and asks Erik what he said.

"I mean, that was barely even Russian but I just heard 'not again.'"

"That's odd," she mutters. "I wonder what he's dreaming about."

"He'll probably write it down in that journal of his. He dreams about you a lot."

"You read his journal?"

"I'm his brother, of course I read his journal. He doesn't hide it all that well. His writing has changed since he's met you. I can't exactly explain it. I don't know if it's his wording or even his handwriting but it's definitely different. He writes about you a lot and dreams about you a lot. He mentioned a dream where he proposed to you."

"Oh," Vienna says, a little surprised that Erik is telling her this.

"That's not even the interesting part. Apparently, you said no."

"Well if he asked me tomorrow, I'd say no. We're too young to think about marriage. We haven't even been dating all that long anyway. Only just over half a year. I don't think marriage is in my sights for at least another five years or so."

Erik nods. "Had I had a few more months I probably would have considered proposing to Jezzie. I've never told Pavel that, but it was on my mind for a little while. I know it's not in your sights for a few years but you never know. Pavel would be an idiot not to marry you, though. He knows that. I'm sure."

Pavel stirs again and Vienna kisses the top of his head. He opens his eyes and asks what's going on. He rubs his eyes and sits up on the couch next to Vienna. He asks if they're having dinner soon and Vienna just shrugs. Pavel leans against her and looks at her PADD. She's got a diagram of some alien teeth open and he frowns at it.

They eat dinner together quietly and play cards for a while after. Erik wins a few rounds and Pavel gets a little annoyed by it. Vienna makes sure to kiss him when he loses and keep him in good spirits. They study together for a while and Pavel helps her where he can. Erik watches something on his PADD. For a long while, everything feels calm.

(Author's Note)

I better get writing lol I've only got a week and a half's worth of chapters ready =_=
On another note, it's very cold and possibly going to snow here. I'm nearing two decades on this planet and I've never seen snow fall. I've spent a few hours in the snow once about eight years ago but that's all. I'm both very excited and very frightened hehehehe
Enjoy because I might have to slow updates until I get time to write more ♪

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