Chapter 12 - One Two Three

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Chapter 12 - One, Two, Three

One thing that scares me, is that death is completely inevitable. It's just so weird to think that one day, everyone we love, hate, know and see will one day be dead. It keeps pulling at my mind, "What is the purpose and point of living if we're just going to die anyway?" We will one day be forgotten like as if we never existed, and if that isn't scary than I don't know what is...

"Come on, you can't put it off forever..." I said, cleaning my dental tools. He groaned loudly and sat down on the chair beside me. I smiled, "It won't hurt and it won't take long okay?" I softly pushed his head back so he was laying down. "Open wide," I said rolling my eyes. He gave me a 'I-wish-I-didn't-know-you' look and opened his mouth. "This is what vodka does to your teeth Pavel," I said shaking my head and scratching over his teeth. He groaned and said something that was probably meant to be 'that hurts' but ended up as more of a 'zhathharrrts' kind of sound. I sighed and kept working. "Your teeth are really bad you know. It needs extensive repair and hours worth of work. I can only fix some today...." He made another noise that was some sound of agreement. I shook my head and pulled out a mini hypo. It was tiny but really painful. "This may sting a little..." I admitted, checking the substance. He closed his mouth and sat up. "Wait wait, what are you doing?" He eyed the small hypo. "You said nothing about zhat..." I pushed him softly back down into a laying down position. "It's gonna save you from a lot of pain in the future, and its not as powerful as last time." I said, waiting for him to open his mouth. He sighed and finally gave in, letting me put the hypo in him. "Ready, one... two... three..." I slowly put it in him and he gasped in pain. "Sorry," I muttered. "We'll be done soon."

"See it wasn't that bad!" I said smiling, as he glared at me, rubbing his jaw. I kissed him on the cheek. "I wouldn't do that unless it was necessary, I'm sorry okay..." I mumbled kissing him again. "Good news, our assignments are ready for pickup!" I stated, quickly changing the subject. "Sure," he mumbled, standing up and getting ready to leave with me. "It's pretty stupid releasing them this late at night," I complained. Pavel nodded, his mouth was still sore so he wasn't saying that much. We exited the door and hooked arms. The walk to the edge of the campus was a fairly long way, but it was beautiful out, just like that night in Russia but a lot warmer. The stars shone really brightly tonight and it made the walk a lot more wonderful. We reached there about ten minutes later and picked up our completed and marked exams. "I'm too scared to look..." I frowned, looking at Pavel. "On the count of three?" He asked. I nodded, "One... two... three..." we said in sync. I sighed of relief looking at mine. Pavel passed me his and I passed him mine. Pavel got a 96 and a 1/2 out of 100 and I got 92. I was shocked to get such a good mark, and just as shocked seeing what he got. "Well done!" I said hugging him. We gave our assignments back and headed out the door. "Well that was fun..." I muttered walking out with him. He hooked his arm in mine again. "Tonight is a good night," I sighed, watching the stars shimmer. "For you maybe..." he muttered, rubbing his jaw. I laughed and pulled him closer to me.

We were happily enjoying the walk when an icy voice stopped us in our tracks. "Having a nice walk there lovebirds?" A voice rang out. Pavel wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Heard you had a little trip to Russia together? Isn't that sweet..."He muttered. Damien stepped out of the shadows to where he could be seen. "Leave us alone," I muttered, clinging onto Pavel. He snicked, and took slow steps closer to us. I watched him, when I felt a strong pair of cold hangs suddenly pull me apart from Pavel. I screamed, and kicked and did anything I could to pull away. Pavel yelled out my name desperately and tried to pull away. He was being restrained by two really tall and strong looking guys, I was as well. "Let us go!" I screamed. Damien just laughed. "You didn't happen to run into Erik while on your little trip did you?" He asked, standing just out of kicking distance from Pavel. He swore loudly at him in Russian and struggled, gasping for breath in between his screams. "How do you know about my brother?!" Pavel spat, kneeling before Damien helplessly. Damien laughed as if Pavel had just asked a really stupid question. "I have a little Vendetta against your brother. You see as soon as I found out that you two were related, I decided since I can't take it out on him, I'll get even with you." Damien circled Pavel, and slowly kept telling his story. "Back when we were younger, I was out with my lover and she got angry at me. Your stupid brother being the flirt that he is, came to comfort her. He talked with her all night and they decided to go out for a drive. That night, Erik took her out and as they were driving, another car hit her side, killing her instantly while Erik lived. I loved her so much and he took her away from me. I swore that day I found out that I would get even and avenge her death, and now... I will."

Pavel didn't say anything after his story, instead watching Damien turn his attention to me. "And you," He smiled coldly. "You look a lot like her you know. That was the first thing I thought seeing you. And then a Chekov took you away from me too. I don't like that." He pressed his hand up against my cheek. Pavel went crazy, kicking and yelling, screaming abuse at Damien. I tried to move my head away with him, but I couldn't. My head was being forced in his direction. Damien smiled a wicked smile, and leaned in kissing me. I tried to move, but all I could feel was his forceful lips against mine. I never knew kissing would be this horrible.

"LET HER GO!!" Pavel screamed desperately, his voice going hoarse from all the strain. Damien finally pulled away, smirking and chuckling wildly. "This is what it feels like!" Damien muttered angrily at Pavel. "Watch this," he smirked at the guys holding us back. "No!" Pavel choked. "Help me Pavel," I whispered. He pushed his lips against mine again, and as I tried to push him back he rested his hands on my hips. Pavel screamed at Damien, and I tried kicking him. It didn't work. His kissed became more furious and hip hands moved further up. I started gagging and Damien let me go for a second. I took a deep breath, the stress got to me and I threw up. Damien groaned I disgust and took a few more steps away from me. I started crying, and Damien rolled his eyes. "If you think this is over, you're wrong. It's only just begun."

They released their grip on us an walked away at Damien's command. Just before they let Pavel go, Damien gave him a strong blow to the groin. Pavel fell to his knees and groaned loudly. While Pavel tried to get up, struggling through the pain, I threw up a few more times. He struggled up to his feet and scrambled over to me. he wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. It sounded like he was crying too. I started shaking and Pavel rocked me back and forth. "I'm so sorry Vienna..." he whispered. I don't remember much else, I had blacked out.

(Author's note)

Hey hey I got a chapter done whooo!

Anyways thanks for 2K reads on My Pasha for those who read it!!! I'm so happy yay!

School tomorrow hahaha yuck. The only school I wanna go to is Star Fleet academy

Thanks heaps!



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