73 - Woah, Science.

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Vienna messages one afternoon and tells Pavel she'll be back in one more week. He sighs in relief, glad he finally has a date to work towards. He tells Erik and Selwyn when she'll back. He works in engineering for the rest of the afternoon, trying to pass the time. Scotty doesn't treat him like he's a kid, something Pavel appreciates endlessly. He works hard, getting lost in his own little part of the universe.

Erik has made dinner and is eating with Selwyn when Pavel returns. He's a little surprised to see that his brother has been cooking. Selwyn offers to cook next time, though he isn't sure if they'd eat anything he can cook. Kelzenone food is almost inedible by Terran standards and he doesn't want to inflict that on them.
Selwyn joins in that night when Erik and Pavel drink. He drinks something from his home planet, insisting it's actually strong enough to have an effect on him. Erik questions just how strong it is and Selwyn smirks, reading the label on the bottle.

Erik takes three drops of Selwyn's liquor on his tongue and feels the room spinning.

"That was a really fucking dumb idea," Erik mutters. "Pavel take one drop and suffer with me."

Pavel doesn't argue, just taking one drop on his tongue and feeling it kick in quickly. He mutters in Russian and Selwyn rolls his eyes at the two of them.

"I don't think you've ever told us what division you're in," Erik says, laying down on the couch before he tips over.

"I'm a science officer. I look at xenobiology and xenomicrobiology."

"Woah," Pavel mutters, "Science."

Selwyn grins at his drunken state, taking another sip of his drink. Erik shares the same grin with Selwyn and Pavel just starts giggling on the floor. Erik takes a video of it to send to Vienna and tells Pavel to say hi.

"Vienna," Pavel grins, looking towards Erik's PADD. "I'm so drunk. I love you! I love you and can't wait to see you again! Come home already, I miss you. Oh and Selwyn does xenobiology? Did you know that? He's a nerd too!"

Selwyn rolls his eyes and Erik stops taking a video of Pavel and sends it to Vienna. Pavel giggles again and gets up to go to the bathroom. He stumbles a little and Selwyn just shakes his head too.

"Rumour has it you're quite fond of Vienna as well," Selwyn says softly, looking to Erik.

"I'm in love with her. Big time. I know I shouldn't, but I lost my ex and Vienna is just like her. It's kinda shitty. Probably worse for Pavel."

"That sounds pretty awful. I know what unrequited love is like. There was this girl on Kelzenone. Man, I fell hard. She was with my best friend's brother. It was rough. She still doesn't know I felt anything for her. Pavel and Vienna are pretty affectionate too, I mean having to watch that would be torturous..."

"I felt my organs being ripped out when he was flirting with her and kissing her in the kitchen a week or two ago. They were kissing on ice as well and it felt like part of my soul had been removed. I mean, he's my brother and he's finally happy. I should be glad for him but Christ it's difficult."

"It is difficult. You'll make it through. I'm sure you'll come to terms with it."

Pavel comes back out and takes his spot on the floor. He's still grinning like an idiot.

"You're a lucky bastard Pavel," Erik mutters, taking a small sip of his drink.
"I am wery lucky. I know this already, Erik."

Vienna comes back to a very excited Russian and another quieter Russian, telling him to calm down. He picks her up and spins her around when she's back in his arms and she breaks into laughter, kissing his cheek softly. Erik rolls his eyes, telling Vienna he's glad she's back.

They walk back together and Pavel swings her hand, listening to her catch them up on everything she's been up to.
As soon as Vienna's back in her room to put her bag away, Pavel places a kiss on her cheek and she hooks her arms around his neck. They share a similar smile and start kissing softly, realising just how much they missed each other. Their lips dance and the whole world around them goes quiet for a little while.

When they can bring themselves to leave her room, Erik is there with Selwyn and Vienna smiles. The four of them sit down together and talk, catching up on everything that has happened in the past two weeks. Erik tells Vienna about Selwyn's alcohol and the fun that they've had with it. Vienna remembers how much she enjoyed getting the video of Pavel when he was super drunk.

They drink again and Pavel and Vienna back out a little earlier for the privacy of Vienna's bedroom. They lay on the bed and smile at one another, lost in each other's gazes. Pavel kisses her neck and she smiles in contentment, happy to be feeling so in love.

"I missed you," he purrs between kisses.

"I missed you so much Enya."

"I missed you Pasha."

"We should go on holiday. Spend some time together, just the two of us."

"I'd like that. We'll go somewhere together. We can kiss like this the whole time."

Pavel can't imagine anything better and kisses her lips again. They've been gone a while, he has a feeling they'll get teased for it. Vienna runs her hand through his hair and he feels tingles shoot down his spine.

It takes a few days but Vienna and Pavel do book a holiday. They go to a small island off the coast of Greece and hold hands as they walk to find where they're staying. It's warm and sunny and Pavel looks incredibly out of place in long sleeves and jeans. Vienna wears a black dress with white feathers on it and looks up at the impossibly blue sky.

"Has our world always been so beautiful?" She asks softly.

"Not always," he says, a little lost in thought. "Maybe since I met you."

She grins at him, swinging his hand a little harder. They find where they're staying and Pavel opens the door for her, following her inside.

"Oh wow," she breathes, walking straight through to where she can see the ocean. She turns around to shoot Pavel a grin and runs forward, laughing and opening up the windows. "We did well, didn't we?"

"We did very well," Pavel smiles, coming over to wrap and arm around her waist.

"We finally have some proper time alone. No interruptions. No one knocking on the door. I think we're going to enjoy it here."

(Author's Note)

Hahahahahaha okay so I did a thing
I got this new idea for a fanfic and may have written the first 4k words for it whoops ~
Another Pavel Chekov one, of course but wow I'm very invested in this new piece when I have a lot of other things I should be wrapping up first.

Anyway, this chapter celebrates my 100th part of this story ♪
Enjoy ♥

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