27 - Translations

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They don't end up at a space museum, instead going back into the city and going shopping again. Pavel spends most of it talking to Axel while the girls look in shops. Axel has an interest in sailing and Pavel asks a lot of questions about it. Axel approves of Pavel, even if he hasn't let Vienna know yet. He admires his curiosity and intellect. Pavel seems to know a little bit about almost everything and he wonders where he's learnt everything that he knows.

"Do you mind if I ask you something a little more personal, Pavel?"

Pavel instantly feels his stomach tighten a little. "Of course," he says softly, hoping he'll be able to think of an answer.

"Do you plan to look after my daughter?"

"I do," Pavel says, no hesitation. "I will look after to her the best of my abilities."

"She has a gentle heart, I worry that it'd break easily."

"I can promise you I'd never do anything to hurt her. She has changed my life so much already, I honestly care for her so much."

"Are you in love with her?"

Pavel looks up at him, a little surprised that he's asking as well. "Sydel asked me the same question the first day we met up. I am in love with Vienna, I just haven't told her yet."

"Do you plan to?"

Pavel nods. "I've told her a few times in Russian, but nerves always stop me before I can tell her in English. I'm getting there though. I do want to tell her soon."

"I admire your honesty," Axel smiles. "I think Vienna has done something right in getting you as her boyfriend. I never really liked the last boyfriend of hers that we met. I think you're quite different though, I have a good feeling about you."

Pavel thanks him and smiles, looking over towards the shop that Vienna's in. He's excited for what lies ahead. Axel's words ease his mind and the knot in his stomach is completely gone. Vienna exits the store and smiles at him, coming over and showing him a few of the items she bought. She seems so bubbly and excited to be with her family, he can't help but smile at her enthusiasm over small things.

By the time Pavel and Vienna get back to Pavel's apartment, they're both feeling exhausted. They've been around the city all day, walking and shopping and eating. Pavel's glad to finally sit down. Vienna puts a few things away before coming and sitting down next to him. She rests her head on his shoulder and he takes her hand in his.

"Your dad and I were talking," Pavel says softly. Vienna tells him to continue and he tries to figure out how to phrase what's in his head. "He asked if I planned to look after you."

"Of course he did," Vienna mutters, rolling her eyes. "And what did you tell him?"

"The truth. That I plan to look after you as best I can, that I care for you so much."

Vienna smiles, sitting up so she can kiss him softly. He wraps his arm around her waist and tells himself he should kiss her all-night long.

"Umm, hey guys."

They separate, surprised by another voice. Pavel's roommate stands there, shirtless in the kitchen and raising an eyebrow at them.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were back tonight."

"Well, I wasn't supposed to be. Was having a fight with the missus. I'm in the dog house tonight," Pavel's roommate, David, mutters. He's got a strong Australian accent and Pavel doesn't understand a lot of what he says.

"I see," Pavel says softly, not sure what else to say.

"By missus he means girlfriend and by in the dog house, he means sleeping on the couch tonight," Vienna clarifies, picking up on Pavel's slightly confused expression.

"Ah," he says, eyebrows knitted together. "But he is in his own apartment, not on a couch..."

"It's an expression. It means he's in trouble with her."

David grins, thanking Vienna for the translation. He takes a plate of food into his bedroom and disappears, humming to himself. Vienna smiles and kisses Pavel on the cheek. She tells him she should go back to her own apartment and he nods, though he really doesn't want her to go.

"We do spend a whole lot of our time together. It would probably be good for us to be able to spend time apart. If we're on a starship together and not on the same shift we'd have to get used to it. I mean, we mightn't even get on the same starship. You're very bright and I'm only just passing."

"Don't say that," Pavel says quickly. "We have to be on the same ship. We have to."

Vienna decides not to say anything else. She's worried about how Pavel would respond to being put on a different ship. It's definitely a possibility, they can't just assume they'll be stationed together. She kisses on the head and bids him goodnight, picking up her bag.

"Can I at least walk you back? I don't want you walking around campus alone at night with people like Damien around."

She nods, taking his hand and thanking him.

(Author's Note)

Number one story in the #pavelchekov ?? What an amazing Christmas present. Wishing all my readers an enjoyable holiday season and many thanks for helping me rekindle such a love for this story ♥

Sorry for the short filler chapter
Enjoy ♪

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