Chapter 21 - Shooting Star

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Chapter 21 - Shooting Star

For a few seconds there was nothing but pure uninterrupted silence. Bones stood up slowly and raised his eyebrows as I slowly lowered the warm phone from my ear. He studied my face and whispered my name softly, causing my head to slowly tilt in his direction. "Oh god it's Pavel," I said standing up. "Oh god help me Bones, it's Pavel I need to go -" I said urgently, words beginning to fail me. Bones nodded, "I'm going to ask the neighbours to mind Jo, you get your stuff and wait in the car," he said running out the door. I took a deep breath and tried to think. My phone buzzed again, it was a text sent from Pavel's phone.

'Bring a med kit - EC'

After frantic scramming and desperate searching I found Bones' med kit in a bathroom cupboard, and grabbed a few more things before running and quickly getting into the car. Bones came running from the house next door and jumped into the drivers seat, quickly fumbling with the keys and starting the engine. Bones sped out of the driveway and pressed on the gas pedal until we were going at an almost dangerous speed. The road was eerily calm and the street lights wearily flickered on and off as we rode through the quiet streets surrounding Star Fleet Academy. My palms began sweating as I gripped the straps of the med bag tightly and tried to calm myself down.

As Bones sped through the streets, a loud siren rang out from behind us, leaving red an blue lights flickering in the reflections of the mirror. Bones swore loudly and kept driving. "We're nearly there," he muttered, "you get out of the car and I'll handle the cops. I've got a medical licence so they'll probably let me go. Just when I stop the car, run." I nodded and unclipped my seatbelt waiting for the car to slow down. As it stopped I jumped and ran out.

From the time when I left the car, to when I stopped outside Pavel's dorm, everything change in a weird an almost frightening kind of way. Fear made everything seem almost surreal, like I was running through a dream rather than getting suffocated by the crisp and cold air around me. It seemed like I wasn't even there, like I wasn't properly existing. All my thoughts went cloudy, all sounds seemed incomprehensible. I ran faster than I ever had, and looked around for them.

"I'm here, where are you?!" I breathed heavily, standing near Pavel's dorm, looking around frantically. "I see you," he called into the phone, yelling out my name. Erik stood up and waved his arms, showing me where he was. I ran over to them, trying to see properly in the dark. Pavel was rested against a tree, clutching his side. I ran beside him and touched his chin softly, looking into his eyes. He looked up at me, his breath was heavy and the colour from his face had drained. "Pavel?!" I asked, starting to cry. His eyes were drooping but he half smiled when he recognised me. Pavel breathed heavily and groaned. "What happened?!" I asked. Pavel pulled his hands from his side.

His side was covered and dripping in thick blood, with a deep wound opened through the clothing. I gasped, I wasn't ready for this. I tried to think but I was starting to freak out. "Oh god," I muttered ripping open the medical bag. I stopped for a second and looked at Erik. "Um I need your shirt," I said staring to remember what to do, and pulling on a pair of latex gloves from the bag. I carefully removed Pavel's shirt from his side and took it off, leaving him bare chested and starting to shiver. I grabbed the emergency blanket and pulled it around his shaking body. Quickly I cleaned the wound, receiving various noises of pain from Pavel. Erik passed me his shirt and I pressed it against Pavel's wound. Erik stood up and called the staff from the medical wing.

Pavel grew weaker by the second. He was fighting, fighting to stay alive. "Come on stay with me Pavel!" I said desperately tapping his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and shut. Erik helped apply pressure and I held Pavel's hand. "How did he get stabbed?!" I asked, trying to keep Pavel conscious. "Damien, he came up behind him and stabbed him in the side," Erik answered. Pavel yelped in pain and started muttering fast Russian. "Ah Vienna help me," he muttered helplessly clutching his bleeding side. "I'm here Pasha I'm here," I muttered, moving so I could cradle him without damaging his side. "I'm scared," he whispered, closing his eyes. "I don't want to die." I kissed his head. "You aren't going to die, just hold on okay?" Pavel whimpered. "If something happens and-" before he could continue I stopped him. "You aren't going to die Pavel don't say that!" He clutched his side again, "I love you. You mean everything to me..." His voice started to fade and his eyes closed. "Pavel?! Pavel!!!"

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