105 - Alone Time

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Pavel eventually agrees to play sport with them and he drops the ball more times than he catches it. He throws it to Erik, only making it about half way. Vienna tries not to smirk. He takes a seat in the shade and Vienna joins him.

"My thighs still ache," she mutters, looking out towards the fields.

"I'll kiss them better," he counters, surprising Vienna with his reasonably smooth comment. She doesn't reply, just smirking to herself and wondering if she's getting a more full picture now that they're completely comfortable around each other.

Evening comes and they play another few games of laser tag. Vienna finally loses a game when Pavel shoots her from behind after hiding in a bush for twenty minutes. She gets him back in the next game and he frowns. They eat dinner together in their tent while the dogs are around and though he's just eaten, Pavel gives Vienna hungry eyes. She looks up and notices, going back to her dinner with a smile on her lips.

"What's on your mind, love?"

"Oh, just the usual. Astrophysics, navigating, space."

"Is that so?"


She looks up at him again and he wears the cutest smirk she's ever seen. She puts her plate down and he comes over to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. His body is so warm and she wonders if she's ever felt him cold before.

"So, what's actually on your mind?" She whispers.

"This," he mutters, bringing their lips together and cupping her chin.

"Hey, sure you don't want a fluffy friend in there before I take them back?" Erik calls out, sounding like he's right outside the tent. Pavel is glaring at the tent entrance and calls out something in Russian. There's no reply and the tent zipper opens. One of the small dogs is placed inside and the tent is zipped back up. Pavel swears.

Vienna encourages the dog over and puts in in her lap, telling Pavel to just stay where he is. She puts her hand on the dog's back and encourages him to do the same. He shakes his head.

"He'll bite me."

"He won't bite you."

"I'll bite you," Erik mutters, still outside the tent. "Want me to let Barkley in?"

Pavel calls out a sting of Russian and it sounds vaguely threatening. Erik goes quiet and Pavel looks away, frowning. Vienna tells him to try patting the dog again and he reluctantly brushes it with his fingertips. The dog licks his hand and he yelps. Vienna keeps patting the dog, Pavel asks her to take it out and she looks at him, still patting the dog.

"Hold it."

"I'm not holding it."

She picks it up and puts it down next to her. It sniffs her plate and then sniffs the rest of the tent. Pavel looks super uncomfortable and scoots away from it. He would leave the tent if Barkley wasn't waiting outside.

"Please take the dog out," he says. "I'm uncomfortable. I don't like dogs."

"Okay, okay," she says softly, picking the dog up and undoing the tent zipper. She gives the dog back to Erik and puts them in the back of the trailer. Hikaru goes with him for a ride back to the farm house and Vienna comes and sits down with Selwyn and Saxon.

Selwyn is describing an animal on Kelzenone that most people keep as a pet. It's a little like a possum and Selwyn wishes he could bring one to keep as a pet on Earth. They only problem is they're considered major pests everywhere else but Kelzenone. Pavel comes out and sits with them, trying not to seem disappointed that his nice moment with Vienna was interrupted. They'll get a chance to be alone again later, he tells himself of that as he watches her smile at their friends' stories.

Night time comes and goes. Pavel and Vienna decide not to do anything so they have a chance to recover a little. They cuddle and talk about laser tag earlier, thinking that their trip is coming to an end soon. They don't want it to end and the thought saddens them a little. Vienna kisses his cheek and tells him goodnight. He sighs, so glad to be alive.

They spend another day in the city and Pavel takes a photo of Vienna as she walks through the streets of his hometown. He tells her how beautiful he looks and saves the photo. They visit another bookshop and Vienna finds another book. Erik talks them all into day drinking a little and doing karaoke. Selwyn and Pavel don't like the idea but are outnumbered and share the same look as they enter the booth. Erik, Saxon and Hikaru start them off with a song Vienna hasn't heard in what feels like a lifetime.

Karaoke is fun, albeit a little messy. Erik manages to spill his drink on himself and Pavel tells him he's an idiot. Erik doesn't care, he's having fun. Selwyn refuses to sing but Vienna talks Pavel into singing one song with her and one song only.

They head back at dusk and Vienna and Pavel are keen to get away by themselves for a little bit. He has his hand on her leg at karaoke and she gave him a look, knowing that they could enjoy themselves a little more when they got back. The sun is setting and they go for a walk, everyone else at the campsite rolling their eyes.

They find a spot far, far away and roll out a picnic rug, kissing each other as soon as it's on the ground and laying down. They've got the same thing on their minds and the mood lighting the sun gives off is giving them both a comfortable glow.

Pavel has Vienna moaning loudly after a few minutes and he wears a cheeky grin, loving seeing how her expression changes. She tells him to stop teasing and he undoes his jeans, eyeing her off hungrily. She bites the inside of her lip in anticipation and he pushes into her slowly. She moans softly and he says something in Russian, his expression also changing to one of pure bliss.

"You make me weak," he grunts, moving her hair from her face.

He doesn't waste any time, his hips crashing into hers and his hands gripping her tightly. She moans and he quickly climaxes, apologising as soon as he has air in his lungs.

"I'm so sorry," he says. "It always happens so quickly."

He finishes his apology by sticking his fingers into her and she can't bring herself to care all that much about duration. She moans until her coil unwinds and she tightens around him, feeling her whole body go loose. She looks at him breathless and manages a smile, he lays next to her, smiling stupidly.

They talk until the sun goes down and stop when they hear a branch snap. Pavel stands up, worried that one of the dogs has come out but a few more bushes rustle and neither of them can see a dog. Vienna fixes her shirt and Pavel does up his jeans, wondering if someone has come looking for them.

What happens next sends a chill to the core of their spines. There's a voice, a laugh and a figure emerges.

"Pavel Chekov. I told you that next time I saw you, I'd kill you."

(Author's Note)
Enjoy :)

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