Chapter 24 - Never Leave Me

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Chapter 24

"Erik?" Harley's eyes met his and there were a few seconds of silence.
"Quinny..." Erik muttered.
Harley frowned, " You know I hate being called that." Erik smiled, Harley laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever, what's been happening?" She asked laughing, pushing her thick glasses up.
Erik gestured towards Pavel. "This has been happening."
Harley picked up her PADD and tapped on it a few times before Pavel's profile came up. There was a small red bar across the top with 'High Alert' printed across it. "Your brother?" She asked.
Erik nodded and sat down, "How have you been these past few years Harley?"
She shrugged, "not the best to be honest but I'm getting better."

Pavel yawned and clutched my hand. "You alright?" He whispered as Harley and Erik kept talking.
I nodded, "Yeah, I should be fine."
Pavel yawned again, and closed his eyes. "Why am I so tired?" He asked himself, squeezing my hand again.
I brushed his hair out of his eyes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You'll be fine soon," I muttered, meaning what I said. He was getting better slowly, and I knew he'd be fine. All we needed was time.

Harley swapped patients with one of the nurses who was looking after Pavel so she could stay with us. Erik had left briefly and Harley was fiddling with a few machines beside Pavel. As she turned over he eyes made contact with his left arm. Her expression change slightly and she leant down beside him. "May I?" She asked, her hand hovering over his arm. There was a weird kind of fear in his eyes as he reluctantly nodded and passed her his arm. All his scars were faded, but still slightly visible. "I'm sorry," she muttered, letting go of his arm. She pulled back her own sleeves, showing similar kinds of marks, except only they looked a lot newer than Pavel's did. "I know what you've been through," she sighed, pulling her sleeve back up. She gave him a weak smile. "After Erik's girlfriend, my best friend died, things didn't go so well for me."
Pavel gave her a weak smile back. "Things will change," he said confidently, "I promise you that."

~-~ Eight Days Later ~-~

"I told you so," I grinned, helping Pavel stand up. "I knew you would be fine."
He smiled. "Thank you, for staying with me." I kissed his cheek and put my arm carefully around his waist. We were trudging slowly back to my dorm room. Snow had just started falling lightly around us and winter was surely coming. "You never told me what happened to Damien," Pavel said yawning.
"He got arrested when someone reported him in a grocery store because his hands were convered in blood or something. He's expelled from star fleet an is under trial. There might be a court case but everything's under investigation so it will take a while for anything much to happen."
"It feels so weird," he muttered. "Feeling safe, and like everything's fallen into place. I feel so relieved and happy, it almost feels wrong. Like things are too good to be true..."
I shrugged, "Well we might as well enjoy it while it lasts." We reached the door and I swiped my key card through it. Pavel and I walked slowly inside, looking around the almost foreign seeming room. I laid him down on the bed and sat beside him. "How do you feel?" I asked. He gave me a thumbs up and moved under the sheets. "I'm just going to have a showered, I'll be back soon." I turned around to look at him, he had already fallen alseep. I smiled, and kissed his cheek."You don't realise how glad I am that you're okay," I said softly.

I woke up with Pavel's arm around my stomach, something I'd missed more than anything over the last week or so. His body was warm despite the cold weather, as it always was. I rolled over carefully and kissed his cheek. He stirred but stayed asleep. I crawled out the bed carefully and walked over towards the bathroom washing my hands and face. I had large dark bags under my eyes and looked like I hadn't sleep in a week (which wasn't entirely untrue). I picked up the used towels off the floor and put them in my laundry basket and sighed. I needed to clean up, buy food, wash things but I had no idea where to start. I sat down and looked at the floor. It was weirdly quiet.

I had been cleaning for thirty minutes listening to music until my phone buzzed.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey it's Erik, is everything alright?"
"Yeah I guess so, Pav's sleeping right now and I'm cleaning up."
There was silence for a second, "Can I come over and help? I have something I want to tell you."
"Um sure," I replied, "see you soon."

Erik came in, closing the door behind him. He looked reasonably better than he had in days, he was shaved, and better rested. He smiled when he saw me and looked down at Pavel. "He alright?" He muttered quietly. I nodded and gave him a hug. "Are you alright?" He asked, pulling of his jacket. I nodded, I was still stressed and tired but I was close enough to alright.
"How are you?" I asked sitting down.
He shrugged, "Alright I guess. It was weird seeing Quinny again."
I nodded. Pavel stirred from the other side of the room.
"There was something you wanted to tell me?" I asked quietly.
He nodded. "I think you two should go to Russia."
There was a silence.

"Wait what?"
"Russia. Pavel told me about how happy you two were there."
"Erik, we're academy students, money isn't exactly~"
"Don't worry about that part okay. Seriously though, you two would be safe there and you got advanced placement onto the ship so you just have to do your final exams and then you board in early April. I already talked to your proffesor a about it. You can do that, you just need to pass the exams and you're on the ship."
I looked over at Pavel. "He can't travel though, and I don't speak any Russian, my family is over here and that's a massive lifestyle change and it's so cold, I don't know if I could do something like that."

Erik studied me for a moment. "Your family?" I nodded. "This is a crazy thing to say but isn't Pavel close enough to your family now?" I looked down. He was right. I nodded again.
"I need time to think about something like this. I don't know, I actually like the idea, but what about you where will you be?"
He smiled, "I'm back and forth. I'm wherever I want to be. I've been all over the world but Russia is my home. My work is all documenting so anything goes." I nodded. Pavel groaned from across the room. I looked at Erik and stood up. Pavel groaned again and sat up. He started muttering my name and failing around.
"I'm here," I laughed, sitting down beside him. He gently pulled me down next to him.
He opened his massive blue eyes and grinned at me. "I hate waking up without you,' he grinned. I kissed him softly and he gently gripped the back of my neck. I could feel him smiling into the kiss and my arms melted around him. Our kiss was quickly stopped when a weird spraying noise. We looked up an Erik was spraying a can of disinfectant around us. "Sorry," Erik muttered. "Love is in the air."

Pavel and I laughed and sat up in bed. Pavel sleepily wrapped himself around me and kissed my cheek.
"You hungry?" I asked, brushing his hair from his face.
"A little actually," he yawned. I broke into a grin and stood up slowly.
"You must be at least a little better if you're hungry," I smiled, walking over to my phone. "Pizza?" I asked.
Erik nodded and stretched. "I'll go get it."
Pavel muttered my name from across the room and gently pulled up his sheet. His wound was weeping a little and looking yucky. I frowned and grabbed a few tissues, dabbing his sides softly. "Does it hurt?" He shook his head. I kissed his cheek and smiled. "You'll be okay." He smiled and kissed me again, only causing more disinfectant. We glared at him across the room and he put the can down.
"Wouldn't want to risk catching whatever you two have," he muttered. "I'm out of here, bye guys." We muttered back guys and went back to smiling at each other.
"I'm so happy you're okay," I grinned. He smiled and kissed my hand, looking back into my eyes. "You're adorable," I muttered. He laughed and kissed me again.
"I'm so glad I'm still alive," he whispered, brushing the hair from my face. "I love you, you're my angel," he whispered with a smug smile.
"Yes Vienna?"
"Never leave me."

(Author's Note)
I'm so sorry I really am but this chapter was rewritten like 5 MILLION THOUSAND times and it just wasn't right and I was writing other stuff but now I reckon I can get back into it.
Thank you for all of you pushing me to update because it actually made me do stuff and it shows how you like my stuff and yeah it's really great.
Thanks so much for all your support and patience :)
Also I added media of chibi versions of the characters in the first few chapters
- Luckyclover
Yuck biology is terrible
Just don't do school kids
Be a goat herder in Nepal or something

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