66 - Distress Call

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A few more days pass before either of them address the letter. Pavel's PADD buzzes when he's sitting with Vienna and it's a message from Starfleet about the Enterprise and Pavel doesn't open it.

"Pavel," Vienna says softly. "We won't be on the same ship. We've both been thinking it. I think it's about time one of us says it out loud."

"We will. You'll get put on the Enterprise too. I know it."

"I won't though. The Enterprise is Starfleet's shiny new toy and they're picking the best and brightest. I'm not... I'm passing, Pavel, but there are countless other students far more dedicated and skilled than I am. I'm not hopeful. We need to acknowledge that me getting onto the Enterprise is very unlikely."

Pavel rolls the words 'very unlikely' around in his head without speaking. Vienna is waiting for him to say something and he bites the inside of his lip, not making eye contact.

"We need to be optimistic about this... We'll both be on the same ship. You're taking a really pessimistic path here. We're supposed to both be on the Enterprise."

"Pavel," she says, her voice firm. "I'm not being pessimistic. I'm being realistic. If I was pessimistic I would be saying that we'll never be on the same ship. I just... I worry about how you'll manage if you're not prepared. I don't want you to be hit with the realisation that I'm not with you at a time when you really need me there..."

"Vienna," Pavel mutters. "Enough. I don't want to talk about it any longer. We'll be fine. We'll be together."

"We need to talk about it! I want you to acknowledge that it mightn't happen."

"Enough, Enya," he mutters, standing up and walking away from her. Vienna doesn't go after him. She feels like they won't get anywhere if he's in denial and she crosses her arms, sighing to himself. Pavel is in kitchen. Vienna is on the couch. They don't interact for another hour and a half.

Erik comes over and tastes the tension in the air. He asks Vienna about it and she doesn't say anything. She doesn't want to go over it again and Pavel doesn't seem comfortable with it either. Erik looks at the two of them, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Am I imagining things or are you two not talking to one another?"

Vienna doesn't say anything. Pavel doesn't contribute either and Erik get the idea. He says something to Pavel in Russian and he just shakes his head. Erik keeps talking and Pavel doesn't seem to want to tell him anything.

"Look, I don't like seeing you two like this. Why don't we just sit here and put everything on the table. I can be a mediator if need be, I just don't want to sit here in silence. Is this about Pavel's offer?"

"He refuses to acknowledge that we will probably be on separate ships. I worry about what will happen when that inevitably occurs."

Pavel mutters something in Russian and Vienna quickly finds herself frustrated at him. She doesn't like him using Russian in order for her not to understand and she sits there biting her bottom lip.

"He said that he's just scared. He thinks that thinking about it will only make you both worry and jinx it."

Pavel looks at Erik and frowns. "You weren't supposed to say anything..."

"And why not?" Vienna says, "Why can't you just talk to me? I used to love listening to you speak Russian but now it's like you're just using it against me. I can't enjoy it anymore..."

Pavel is still reluctant to say anything but he just quietly asks Erik to give them a minute alone. Erik nods and disappears into the bathroom. Vienna's yet to look at him and he shuffles a little closer.

"I'm scared, Vienna. I'm so scared. I don't want you to go on another ship but I think I'm scared because deep down... I know it's going to happen. I just don't want to think about it."

Vienna sighs and cuddles up close to him. Her knees are hooked over his lap and she's up against his chest, glad that he's admitting that he's scared. She kisses his cheek and after about ten minutes, Erik comes back out and asks if they're okay. Pavel tells him that they're fine, in English, and holds Vienna just a little bit tighter.

Another week passes and Erik leaves the country for a little bit. He doesn't specify where he's going but Pavel doesn't feel the need to ask. Pavel seems pretty ecstatic when he's gone. He picks Vienna up and spins her around, making her erupt into giggles. He kisses her and takes her hands, asking if she wants to out for ice cream to celebrate. She gladly accepts his offer, kissing his cheek before going to find her shoes.

They city lights seems a little brighter than usual and Pavel swings Vienna's hand, looking up at the stars.

"That'll be us," he says softly. "That'll be us up there one day."

"You've been dreaming of this a while now, haven't you, love?"

He looks back to her and nods, a fond smile on his lips. He kisses her and says he loves her in Russian, following the comment with a word Vienna has heard before but can't remember.

"That last word," she starts, "What does that mean again?"

"Devushka? It means girlfriend, remember?"

"You still getting a kick out of using that term, hm?"

He blushes a little and nods, swinging her hand a little more. They take a seat across from the Golden Gate Bridge and kiss one another softly. They refer to it as 'their spot' and realise it's been too long since their last visit. They make the most of their time there and forget about Starfleet for just a little while.

Three days later, all cadets are summoned to a hearing and Vienna finds Pavel before taking a seat. She asks if he has any idea what's going on and he shakes his head, a tight concern across his lips. They take a seat and James Kirk is called up to the stand for a violation of the ethical code of conduct. Vienna and Pavel look at one another. They remember him as McCoy's friend and how he'd helped when Damien had come and attacked them. They listen to the trial and a minute or two into it, someone comes in with and urgent message. Vienna and Pavel look to one another again.

And in a few seconds, everything kicks into motion. There's a distress call from Vulcan, all cadets are sent to the hangar while the primary fleet in engaged elsewhere and they leave the hall in shock.

"Pavel," Vienna says softly, heading swiftly towards the hangar. "Listen I know now's not a good time but..."

"Don't," he warns. "We might have bigger things to worry about in a minute."

She decides not to say anything, just walking and feeling her hear beat uncomfortably in her chest. They get to the hangar, there's people everywhere. Within a few minutes they start calling out names and assignments and Chekov's called first.

"Chekov, USS Enterprise. Report to the bridge immediately."

"Vienna," he says weakly. "They're putting me on the bridge, I'll be..."

"Pavel, wait, I can't hear."

He stops talking so she can listen and shakes his hands out, looking towards the shuttle he needs to get on.

"Hallows, USS Hood."

Pavel's mouth drops open then, his breath starts catching and Vienna grabs his hands, pulling him away from the rest of the crowd and telling him to calm down.

"Pavel, I told you this would happen. I need to you to calm down, you have a job to do."

"I have a job to do," he repeats.

"We've been training for this. You will be okay. Stay safe and stay strong. I love you."

"I love you too, Enya," he says softly. "Look after yourself."

She kisses his lips softly and goes before she can say anything else. She's freaking out much more than she cares to admit.

(Author's Note)

I'm catching a boat to Kyushu so might be a few days before I update next :))))
Enjoy ★

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