Chapter 15 - Black and White

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Chapter 15 - Black and White

Intuition is a weird kind of thing. It keeps us safe, like a subconscious knowing about events that are yet to unfold. I started questioning fate and free will after I met Pavel. Are we all control by some unmeasurable force or can we choose our path in life? Who knows. I think it's free will, and Pavel believes it's a mix of both. Pavel has always had a strong intuition, he knows when something bad is going to happen or when we're in danger. One of the things that scared me the most though was on the day when he ran up to the top of the building, he said that he knew when he got up there that it wasn't his time yet, and he knew he wasn't going to jump.

It was mid term, and studying both dentistry and nursing was getting the better of me. Pavel was a huge help, keeping me going and helping me study. He was so smart, that neither were much of a challenge. He studied engineering in his free time, while I stayed up and worked on my written assignment. It was about two o'clock in the morning where I was really overtired and grumpy. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head in the crevice of my neck. "Hey you should go to bed, it's late." He said softly. "I can't I have to finish this," I replied, not looking up from my work. "Vienna come on I wanna go to bed," he yawned. I kept working, "Go to bed, I have to get this done Pavel." He let me go and sat in the chair next to me. "Your health is more important," he argued. I just ignored him. "Vienna," he groaned grabbing one of my hands. I shook him away, "Pavel, please I have to get this done! Please just, just let me work in peace!" I snapped, moving away for him. He looked at the ground unhappily and stood up. "I'm going to bed..." He mumbled, taking his coat and closing the front door. Sadness flooded over me and I instantly regretted yelling at him. I went back to my work and thought about what I was going to say to him.

I finished an hour or so later and stood up, stretching. I grabbed my own coat and headed to Pavel's dorm room. I knocked on his door and stood back. "Come in!" He called out sleepily. "It's just me," I said closing the door behind him, and finding him in his bedroom, reading. "I thought you were tired?" I asked watching him out down his PADD. "I was hoping you'd come,"1 he admitted, patting the space next to him, beckoning me over. "You finished?" He asked, yawning. I nodded and sat down next to him. His arm went around me and he smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, I just can't handle the stress that well and I'm taking it out on you... I'm sorry you don't deserve it." I said snuggling beside him. "It's okay, it's probably not easily having a boyfriend like me..." He admitted. "Sometimes it gets too much, but when normally it's amazing," I shrugged. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I throw up after you cut... It scares me..." I admitted, feeling guilty. "What why didn't you tell me?!" He asked, sitting up. "I didn't want to stress you even more, you don't need it." I said taking his hand. "I'm so sorry... I don't do it near as much as I used too, it's been really good in the past month or so thanks to you..." I kissed his cheek. "No don't be sorry, and I'm so proud of you," kissing him again, on the lips again. He smiled, "I wish I could explain how much I love you or how much you mean to me and his thankful I am that you saved me..." I melted inside, "I love you Pavel Chekov, whether you can explain it or not," I whispered, pressing my lips against his. "I would kiss you all night but we have class tomorrow," I shrugged, taking my coat off. "Will you stay here?" He asked. I nodded yawning, "can I borrow a shirt?" He reached across to a cupboard and rummaged through it, looking for a shirt. Here he said passing me a long black shirt. I thanked him and took my own shirt off, replacing it with his. He was blushing fairly obviously. I smirked, "You're blushing Pavel..." He put his over his face and muttered, "Dah no I'm not." I kissed him goodnight and closed my eyes. "Lights off," he muttered, wrapping his arms around me. "Goodnight Vienna..." He muttered, but before I could reply I fell fast asleep.

"Pavel turn it off..." I groaned, pulling the pillow over my head so I wouldn't have to deal with the alarm. "That's not the alarm, that's my phone," he groaned, reaching over to the bedside table. "What the hell do you want it's six in the morning?" Pavel groaned. He never usually talked like that to anyone. "Who is it?" I asked, turning over to deface him. "Erik," he muttered, saying random things in Russian. He hung up and put the phone down. "We have to go, now!" He muttered urgently, getting up out of the bed and pulling out a bag from his cupboard. "What?" I asked groggily. "It's Damien, we have to leave." I sat up, pulling on my skirt from last night while he wasn't looking. He threw a few more things in the bag, and pulled a shirt and some jeans on. "Come on," he said taking my had and pulling me out the door. We ran, and I meant ran back to my room. He passed me a bag and told me to start packing. He went into the kitchen and packed some food. "Pavel where are we even going?" I asked, rummaging though draws and other cupboards. "Erik told me where I can go that's safe, and hi to get there. He just said get out of here as soon as possible."

I quickly filled the bag and ran out with Pavel. He pulled my hand along to a nearby bus stop and hailed the first bus that came. "I'm scared..." I whispered quietly to him. He kissed my cheek and pulled me on the bus. We took a seat towards the back, and he wrapped an arm around me. "Remember that night when you first found me, you know... Cutting?" I nodded. "You promised me that you'd look after me, and I'm promised to try and stop. I slipped a few times, but how often I did it reduced dramatically and now I'm going to promise you that'll I'll look after you and do everything I can to protect you okay?" I smiled, "Thank you." He kissed the top of my head and let me lean on him. "You know, you're really different from when we first met. You aren't as shy and maybe a bit more serious..." He thought for a moment, "Is that... Alright?" I turned to look up at him. "It's great."

The bus ride was long, and Pavel let me sleep on his chest. I woke up and was asleep too. I nudged him, his eyes flickered open. "Hey, sorry to wake you but where are we getting off?" I asked. He looked around and at his watch. "We should be there in ten minutes or so..." He trailed off, smiling at me sleepily. He pulled his arm around from my waist and looked at it. "I can't feel my arm..." I giggled, "How long were we asleep for?" He shrugged, "an hour and a half maybe..." I nodded and yawned. "I'm sorry I had to drag you into this but Erik said Damien has something really bad planed and I need to just get you out of here." I kissed his cheek, but didn't say anything. I didn't need to.

Pavel insisted on carrying my bags for me, he always did. He placed the bags down onto the ground and stretched yawning. It was late afternoon and birth if us were tired despite our sleep on the bus. Pavel sat on the bed and took off his shoes before laying down and letting out a long sigh. I sat next to him, took off my own shoes and brushed the hair out of his eyes. He crawled across the bed and lay on his stomach, closing his eyes sleepily. I placed my hands on his back and drew small circles in a soothing and rhythmic pattern. He let out a low moan. "You like that huh?" I asked, he smiled and nodded happily. I moved my fingers across his back and slowly massaged his back. Pavel's shoulders ceased their tension and relaxed under my touch. "You're amazing..." He muttered happily. "Yeah I know," I replied sarcastically. He moaned softly again, "lower please," he mumbled, still smiling. I moved my hands down and he made some crazy high pitched noise. I took my hands off and he laughed, "Sorry I'm ticklish there." I grinned. I dug my fingers into his side and he let out a high pitch giggly scream kinda thing. "What is that noise?" I asked, still tickling him. "I don't know!" He said between laughs, tears falling down his face. "Stop!" He giggled trying to escape my fingers. He turned around and grabbed my sides, tickling me back. I screamed in laughter and fell down onto the bed. He slowly stopped and hovered over me smiling. "What is it?" I asked laughing. He smiled, "You." I smirked, and Pavel leant down to kiss me. He stopped for a second and I raised an eyebrow at him. His expression changed and he moved off me. "What is it Pavel?" He got up off the bed to where his phone was, and started at it for a few seconds. "Pavel?" I asked, keeping an eye one. Literally a second later his phone rung and he picked it up. "Erik? What is it?" He listened, and his eyes suddenly widened. He put the phone down and looked up at me. "Damien's found us, we have to leave right-" Before Pavel could finish, the door flung open. Damien stood there with four more of his friends. "Now," he muttered bitterly.

(Authors note)

Sorry this took so long, (and is kinda weird) I rewrote the entire chapter because I didn't like it :/

Who wants to hear a fun fact about me?! *cheering crowd* well if you insist. Okay so I'm really good at skating (ice, inline or normal skates) and I dunno why. Like yesterday for example I went skating with my cousin and I tried inlines (blades) for the first time. I could use them straight away, like properly skate with speed, and I didn't fall over, and ten minutes later I was doing like jump turns and skating on one foot. So yeah I don't even know.

Anyways thanks for 600 reads!!!

Lucky <3

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