22 - Accent

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Vienna isn't there when he wakes but can still hear her voice. He finds her in the kitchen on the phone and he kisses her head before going to the bathroom. She's still talking when he comes back out and he wonders if it's her sister she's talking to. He makes a start on breakfast and she finishes her call, asking Pavel what he's cooking.

"Porridge," he answers, pulling a bowl from the cupboard. "It's the only thing I can cook. Do you eat porridge too?"

She nods, still half asleep. "That was Sydel calling. Mum and Dad are visiting this aunt of ours who neither of us really like. She asked if she could come hang with us today."

"That would be good," Pavel says. "I was telling her about the observatory, I wonder if we should go there."

"You're a nerd, Pavel," she laughs. "I love it, I really do. It'd be fun though, I think she'd like that. I'll ask her when we meet up."

"Where are we meeting her and when? I have enough time to eat, yes?"

"Yes, you've got time to eat. I thought it best not to have her come over here so we're meeting at the fountain we passed yesterday. I don't know how she'd respond to me spending the night in your room because you know... Raises a few questions."

"Oh," he says softly. "Yes, I see what you mean."

She smiles as he keeps cooking, humming to herself peacefully. She's been listening to less music than usual in the past few days and it's starting to get on her mind a little. Pavel smiles listening to her. He never imagined that cooking breakfast for a beautiful girl in his kitchen would be part of his Starfleet Academy journey but the fact that it is makes him grin to himself.

"Моя девушка," he laughs, stirring the porridge. "я люблю тебя."

"I don't know what that means," she says, rolling her eyes. "Are you intentionally speaking in Russian or is it still too early for English?"

He looks over to her and grins. "Both. It is too early and it's intentional."

"Eet ees too early," she mocks, smiling at him.

He raises an eyebrow at her and she copies his expression. He puts his spoon down and she narrows her eyes at him.

"You think my accent is funny?"

"I zhink eet ees wery funny."

He grins and runs around the bench, grabbing her and picking her up. She erupts into giggles as he puts her over his shoulder, carrying her away from the kitchen. He drops her onto the bed. She looks up at him and can't wipe the grin off her face.

"You going to punish me?" She asks cocking an eyebrow at him.

He bites his lip and nods, feeling his heart rate pick up and his cheeks flush. He feels another sensation that he tries to ignore as well, just taking his hands and placing them either side of her head. He leans down to kiss her and stops just before her lips. She opens her eyes to try and figure out what he's doing.

"Pavel?" She asks. He winks at her and goes back to the kitchen, grinning to himself as soon as she can't see him. "Come back here and kiss me!" She calls out, frowning from where she lays on the bed.

"I'll burn my porridge." He waits a few seconds before finishing the comment. "Still thinking my accent is funny?"

"You're a mean boy, Pavel Chekov."

He smiles to himself, putting the porridge in a bowl. He opens the cupboard and pulls out some cinnamon sugar and a hazelnut spread, asking if she has any preference for toppings. She asks him to surprise her and he nods, scooping some onto the top of hers and then sticking the spoon in his mouth to free his hands up. She laughs, loving seeing him bubbly like this. She never would have expected it from the boy she sat next to all those months ago.

Sydel is fascinated by the museum. She isn't remotely bothered that her sister is holding hands with Pavel. He was a little uneasy about the idea, fearing some sort of judgement from her that never came. He focuses on the different items in the exhibition and Vienna watches him, smiling to herself. She looks up and Sydel raises her eyebrow. Vienna just rolls her eyes, knowing what her sister is making faces at her for.

When Pavel gets caught up in an interactive space exhibit, Sydel nudges Vienna.

"The way you two look at each other when you're not looking... Oh my god, you two are hopeless."

"He does it too?"

Sydel scoffs and nods. "He adores you, he makes the same stupid eyes at you."

"Jealous?" Vienna muses, watching Sydel roll her eyes.

"Sorry," Pavel mutters. "This exhibition is really interesting. I got a little lost in the activities."

Vienna and Sydel laugh and he tries to figure out if he's missing something. They smile at each other and Vienna feels her heart skip a few beats and she looks at his confused expression with a deep fondness. She loves how he gets lost in the stars and how his mind wanders through science and the every part of the universe.

Sydel and Pavel talk for almost an hour about what they liked at the museum and Vienna finds an enjoyment in just listening. She can't put her finger on what she finds relieving about their interaction. She wonders if it's how well Pavel can fit in with her family but after mulling it over a little longer, she thinks she figures it out.

Pavel finally has a friend.

She smiles at the thought. Most of her friends are in Delaware and the few that she has made in class are yet to show any interest in spending time outside of class. She focuses back in and takes Pavel's hand as they walk. He continues his conversation with Sydel and squeezes Vienna's hand gently, just so she knows he's thinking of her.

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