62 - Don't Touch My F---ing Hair

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After another little while Pavel's phone buzzes and he figures it's Erik. Vienna sits up and suggests that they ask Erik over. Pavel decides not to argue and answers his phone, standing up and stretching himself out. Vienna goes and washes her face to wake herself up a bit more.

When she comes back out, Erik is there and she smiles at him softly. Their bottle of scotch is still in the kitchen and they ask if she minds them drinking a little. She has no issue with it and they both pour a glass, clinking them together.

"Go on," Erik mutters, when they're all sitting down. "Go on Pavel, now's your chance."

"I need some more of this in me first," he mutters, taking a long sip of his drink.

"What's happening?" Vienna asks, looking at the two of them, a little suspicious.

"Nothing," Pavel mutters. "Let me finish this drink and I'll... It will make sense." Vienna starts giggling and Pavel and Erik ask what she's giggling about.

"Your accent," she smiles. "The more you drink the more noticeable it gets. What you just said..." She giggles again before copying the way he said 'nothing' and Pavel just rolls his eyes light-heartedly. He wraps his arms around her and keeps drinking, seemingly eager to finish his drink.

After another glass and a half, Pavel asks Vienna to stand up with him and she tries to figure out what he's doing. He pulls her over to where there's a little more space and he takes one of her hands and wraps the other around her hip. She raises an eyebrow at him, thinking that she might have an idea of what he's doing.

"Erik and I wanted to make it up to you for earlier today. This was his idea and I wish I was a lot more intoxicated right now but..."

Before Pavel can finish his sentence, Erik puts some music on and Vienna grins, letting Pavel try and lead. He doesn't have much confidence in what he's doing but Vienna loves the way his eyebrows are knitting together in concentration. He spins her around and dips her, grinning when it actually works. He pulls her up and kisses her.

"Just so you're aware," Erik starts, waiting until the two of them look to him. "Pavel and I didn't practise that part together."

Vienna giggles and thanks Pavel, kissing his cheek.

"Do I get a thank you too?" Erik smirks, turning his cheek towards her and tapping it with his finger.

Pavel mutters something in Russian to Erik and Vienna thanks him without kissing his cheek. He shrugs and takes a sip of his drink instead. Vienna voices how amusing the idea of Erik trying to teach Pavel to dance is and they both look at one another.

"It was very awkward," Pavel admits.

"For him, maybe. He's got the coordination of your average square wheel. He stood on my feet every four seconds, I'm amazed he didn't stand on yours."

For a little while, they drink and laugh and everything seems beautifully calm. Pavel leans on Vienna and decides to stop drinking before he gets too sick. This time he's a weird mix of sleepy and affectionate drunk and Vienna thinks she likes this version of him best. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek. Erik rolls his but Pavel doesn't seem to care.

Erik sleeps on the couch again. Pavel lays on top of the sheets while Vienna gets changed. He's humming a tune and periodically adding an odd mix of Russian and English. She pulls her shirt off and throws it at him, smiling as he breaks out into laughter.

"It smells like you," he laughs. "I love it."

She finds a shirt to sleep in and turns the lights off so she can put it on. She climbs into bed and kisses Pavel on the cheek. He whispers goodnight to her in Russian and holds her close. She whispers back to him in the very basic Russian she can manage but he appreciates it more than anything and swears he could light up the room with how bright his smile is.

Pavel wakes in the morning to find Erik and Vienna already in the kitchen. Erik's made porridge and Vienna's eating toast. He yawns and hugs Vienna from behind, kissing her cheek.

"I could never get sick of seeing your bedhead," she laughs, turning to look at him. His hair is sticking up in all sort of directions and she ruffles it with her free hand and he just rolls his eyes at her. He kisses her cheek once more and disappears into the bathroom. Erik gives her a look and she questions it

"You'd have to be the only person on the damn planet I've ever seen touch Pavel's hair. He'd have me on the floor if I tried touching it. Come to think of it, if you touched his hair he'd probably have you on the floor too but maybe for a different reason."

Vienna smirks at his comment and tries not to roll her eyes. "Has he really never let anyone else touch his hair before? Am I honestly the only one?"

"Jezzie tried once. He nearly took her hand off with his glare. Look up the Russian for 'don't touch my fucking hair, Erik' and I bet that he'll say those exact words if I try and touch it."

Vienna takes her PADD from her bag as Pavel comes back out of the bathroom. He gets himself some porridge and sits down, sticking the spoon in his mouth. Vienna watches the two of them and Erik quickly sticks his hand on Pavel's head and Pavel pushes his hand away, muttering at him angrily.

Erik smiles to himself and Vienna breaks into laughter. Pavel looks at the two of them and Vienna explains what Erik theorised and shows him her PADD.

"I told you," Erik mutters, putting his spoon into his empty bowl. "You're the only one he'll let touch it."

"You always pulled my hair when we were kids, of course I'm cautious about people touching my hair. I know Vienna won't pull it or anything and it's relaxing when she has her hands in my hair..."

"I didn't pull your hair," Erik argues.

"You always pulled my hair!"

"I'll pull both your hair if you don't quit arguing," Vienna mutters, glaring at them.

"Go for it," Erik smirks. "I'm into that."

Pavel switches to Russian and says something to him sharply. Erik doesn't argue back, just roll his eyes in exasperation and taking his bowl to the sink. Pavel apologises softly and Vienna tells him not to worry about it. Pavel seems substantially more bothered by it than Vienna is and she asks if he's okay when Erik's out of hearing distance. He just nods, finishing his breakfast and then placing a kiss on Vienna's cheek.

(Author's Note)

I loved writing this scene.
Enjoy ♪

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