99 - Practice Makes Perfect

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Vienna wakes up early and opens the front of the tent, making sure no one else is in the vicinity. She zips the tent up and kisses Pavel until he stirs. She coos his name and he opens his eyes, asking why she's up so early.

"No one else is awake... Maybe we can try again?"

He wakes up a little more then, requesting that he can have a minute first. He leaves the tent and comes back, looking far more lively than he normally does when getting woken up so early. He kisses along her neck and makes sure to keep quiet. His hands travel over her body and they take all their clothes off this time. Pavel tries to loosen her up a little first. She has to bite back moans so she doesn't wake anyone and he kisses the inside of her thighs. She giggles and he makes her squirm, writing all the dirty things he wants to do to her with his tongue.

The second time goes substantially better. It still hurts Vienna more than she thought it would but once she's adjusted then things are a lot easier than last time. He rocks his hips against her and moans, trying to keep quiet. He lets all sorts of Russian profanities leave his lips and he can't wait until they're alone somewhere without noise restrictions. He doesn't last long this time either and he apologises, feeling terrible about finishing far earlier than he'd like to.

"We can work on that," Vienna smirks. "We just need more practise, right?"

"Oh definitely," he says, kissing her neck. "For now, can we go back to sleep though? It's still early. I don't think the sun is even completely up yet."

She giggles and pulls him close. She's happy to go back to sleep for a few more hours, as long as he's right beside her.

Pavel is awake and out of the tent when Vienna gets up. She finds him alone with Erik and she takes a seat, yawning and leaning against Pavel.

"I have a hunch about you two," Erik mutters. "Sneaking off in the night and coming back with the same glow. Trust me, I know these things."

"If you're insinuating what I think you are," Vienna starts, looking to Pavel. "Then yes, we did. But don't ask any questions."

"Understood," Erik says, shooting his brother a sly grin.

When Vienna goes to check on Selwyn, Erik turns to Pavel and raises his eyebrows.

"So," he says, grinning.

Pavel says nothing, not interested in the conversation that was going to inevitably happen at some point in time.

"Was last night that first time or was it the other morning when I showed up and gave you the lube?"

"I'm not talking about it," Pavel says flatly. They're speaking in Russian so no one else can understand them anyway but Pavel still doesn't want to go into any detail about it. Erik smiles an tells him he should give a few details or he'll mention it to their mother. Pavel glares at his brother. "You wouldn't."

"I would. And it would be a lot harder answering her questions than mine."

"What are your questions, Erik?" Pavel asks, rolling his eyes.


"Last night."

"Just once?"

"This morning too..."

"Was it shit the first time?"

Pavel pauses before answering but just nods. "It wasn't great, but we enjoyed it. We were under the stars... It could have been worse."

"Are you two happy?"

Pavel meets Erik's eyes for that question. "We are. We really are."

"I'm glad," Erik says softly, and he means it.

All of them head out into the city and get lost in the streets of Russia. Vienna swears Pavel is glowing and she points it out to him. He makes a comment that sticks with her.

"Russia has never felt so much like home before."

She smiles at the thought, taking his hand and swinging it as they walk. They find some shops and Vienna finds some beautiful books. She wants to buy some, even though she can't quite grasp the meaning.

"They're children's books," Pavel remarks, picking one up and flicking through it.

"I know. They're probably still a little advanced for me but I'll get a few. They're beautiful. I really like the art style."

He kisses her head and finds the science books, enjoying getting to read in his own language. He flicks through an astrophysics book and most of the concepts are nothing new to him. He has a look through a few more and Vienna enjoys the sight, her boyfriend with his head in a book. Though the sight is hardly anything unusual.

They stay out in the city for a while and Erik suggests they play laser tag when it gets dark on the farm. Pavel and Erik used to play with their cousins when they were kids and they don't think the set has been used since. Erik plans to undergo the activity while cooked and Saxon agrees to join him. Pavel still isn't interested.

Selwyn and Vienna practise dancing together while it's still light and Pavel watches them, smiling at Vienna and loving how graceful she looks. Selwyn nearly drops her and apologises. Shaking his arms out and muttering in his native tongue. Vienna asks why he's been reverting back to Kelzenonian so much and he shrugs.

"I've just been thinking a lot since I got here. I don't even speak my own language anymore. I need to use it more, even if it's just to myself, so I don't lose it."

"Are you doing alright though? I know you struggled with being here on Earth after your cousin..."

"I'm not doing much better," he admits. "Being out with friends has brought my mood up but I think I need to head back home for a little while."

"Have you ever heard the term 'homesick'?"

"I haven't."

"I think it might resonate with you. You should go back though. Ever for a little while. I'm sure it would be good for you."

"Perhaps," he says. "I'll get back there eventually. But for now I'm stuck with you lot. I'm sure I'll manage."

"You know, us humans tend to talk about things worrying us or anything playing on our minds. Crazy thought but you could always give it a try. I don't want you to be stressed or lonely; you're my friend. I'm always around, just message me if you want someone to talk to."

"I appreciate the offer," he says, sincerely. "I have been talking to Erik a little bit recently. As you can imagine he's got a lot going on too. He told me about your conversation the other night... He regrets asking to kiss you. He feels pretty stupid for it. We've been talking a lot though. I know what unrequited love is like. He kind of understands being far from home. I'm glad I'm friends with him."

"He was quite stoned when he asked me," she notes grinning a little.

"You did the right thing in saying no though."

Vienna nods, she knew this already. Selwyn takes her hands again and they go back to dancing. She tells him about how much better he danced when he'd eaten one of Erik's cookies. Selwyn shakes his head at thought. He's had enough of those cookies to last a lifetime. Vienna keeps dancing for a few more minutes before Selwyn trips over and branch and pulls Vienna on top of him.

Vienna laughs and asks Selwyn if he's okay. He nods, his hair a pale green and she swears his cheeks are blazing as well. She climbs off him and he helps her up.They're covered in dirt and a little sore. Pavel calls out and asks if they're okay. They come back and sit down, a little out of breath.

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