Chapter 23 - Surreal

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Chapter 23 - Surreal

"Living close to the ground is seventh heaven coz' there are angels all around
Among my frivolous thoughts, I believe there a beautiful things seen by the astronauts
The indications reveal that few of us realise life is quite surreal
But if you're dying to see, I guarantee there are angels around your vicinity"
Angels - Owl City

Pavel stirred occasionally but other than that, didn't move much. Erik came in and went out sometimes, saying only very little. I started to get sleepy myself, but refused to fall asleep in case Pavel woke up. As it started to get dark, Bones came in to check on Pavel. He was well rested and more ready for work this time. He was shaven and his hair was less of a mess. His expression harden when he saw me. "Vienna can I talk to you for a minute," he asked, gesturing to an empty hallway. I nodded, wondering what was happening, and followed him to the hallway. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a card in a ziplock bag. It was Pavel's ace of spades, and it was covered in his blood. I took it speechlessly and examined it closely. The corner was slightly charred and there was a thin slit through the middle of the card. "Where did you...?" I began to ask. Bones interrupted me, "it was on my wall with a knife through the middle of it. "

It fell suddenly deadly silent and Bones shook his head. "I can't put Jo in that kind of danger. I mean she's going back to her mother today but..." He looked away."I'm sorry Vienna." I nodded and shoved the card into my bag and went back into Pavel. He stirred again when I came in. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. "I'm not dead am I?" He grinned. I shook my head and smiled. "How do you feel?" I sat down and held his hand. "Sore," he muttered, touching his side where the wound was. "You're getting better," I smiled, kissing his cheek. He grinned, "I couldn't leave you now could I?" I stood up and called another nurse over, just to check up on him. Pavel was a lot more responsive than earlier, he was still weak though. As he talked, I sent Erik a quick text saying, 'He's awake.'

Erik seemed like he didn't know how to react to Pavel. I could see the tension between them but didn't really know what to do. Pavel spoke first, muttering something in Russian, and Erik replied back with an explosion of words, some of which I recognised as swears, but Pavel didn't seem to care. Erik finished speaking and sat down behind me. "I'm sorry," he muttered, looking up at Pavel. I squeezed his hand and smiled. There was an awkward silence for a while, before I finally spoke, trying unsuccessfully to change the subject.

Pavel didn't want to eat, but I more or less made him. He had eaten a bread roll, and some soup, but that was it since he'd been in hospital. He threw it up about half an hour later. Pavel was starting to get sleepy again but he tried not to show it. I brushed some curls out of his eyes and smiled. "Sleep if you're tired Pavel, I'm not going anywhere." He nodded and yawned. "You should go home and rest for a while, and then when I wake up, Erik can call you over." I shook my head, "I'm not leaving you Pavel." He yawned again. "You haven't slept in ages though..." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. He reached out for my hand and squeezed it. "Please, you need some rest..." He muttered. I looked into his deep blue puppy dog eyes staring up at me. I looked over at Erik, who was leaning back in his chair. "Promise you'll call me as soon as he wakes up?" Erik nodded. He had briefly gone back to Pavel's dorm room and slept for a while and had a shower. I sighed, "fine but call me the second he's awake." Pavel smiled and kissed me goodbye. "Sweet dreams," I muttered. Pavel started to fall asleep and Erik waved me a goodbye as I left the hospital.

It was weird being back in my dorm room, I hadn't been there in what seemed like forever. It was exactly the way I had left it, still with my pencil scattered over the top of the desk. I had a quick shower and changed into some comfortable clothes. I put my phone down beside me and fell asleep just about instantly.

The phone woke me up, and I sleepily answered it. It was just starting to dark outside, looking about 6:30 at night. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. Pavel answered it, "hey, I just woke up." I grinned, "Okay, I'll be over soon. Want me to bring anything?" He laughed. "Well I don't think they'll let me have any wodka so no thank you." I laughed and stood up. "I'll see you soon." He said hanging up. I stretched and yawned. I felt so much better than before, but still needed more sleep. I quickly got dressed and looked for something to eat. All the food I had left was mouldy and disgusting, so I just left it.

It was starting to get really cold outside as I went towards the hospital wing. It was getting close to the end of the year and snow was meant to start falling a week and a half from now. I walked quickly, breaking into a run. I enjoyed stretching my legs, I'd been sitting down for the past few days and it was nice to have feeling in my legs again. The coldness slowly faded as I reached the doors of the hospital wing. Getting around to places would be a lot easier this time now that I'd bright my ID card with me, I wouldn't be questioned as much.

Erik had a hat over his face when I got back, and Pavel was awake with a cup of green jelly in front of him. He smiled as I entered, brushing hair out of his eyes. "Hey," I grinned taking a seat next to him. "I miss you," I muttered quietly, taking his hand. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, squeezing his hand again. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Erik fell asleep a minute after you left." I rolled my eyes, "he was meant to call me...." Pavel shrugged and picked up the jelly. "I'm hungry but I might throw it up again," he frowned. I passed him the spoon and raised my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes in return.

Pavel was right about throwing up the jelly again. He seemed so much better but I kept forgetting he was really in a bad condition. He kept falling in and out of sleep and was really weak. He was sleeping when Erik finally woke up. "Hey," he yawned, stretching. "Is he alright?" I shrugged and looked at Pavel. "He's pretty weak at the moment. He tried eating again but threw up." Erik nodded. "Have you eaten?" He asked. I had but not much, there wasn't any food in my dorm room and I hated replicator food, it tasted like chemically composed edible disappointment. Erik grabbed his wallet and headed out towards the academy caferteria. I looked at Pavel and then at his monitor. His heart rate was a little slower than earlier. My fingers tangled with his and a tear slid down my cheek. I was so ridiculously scared, and felt isolated and alone. I couldn't loose him.

Pavel woke up with a few heavy breaths. His eyes opened, and opened widely. He gripped my hand and looked over at me. His breaths were short and sharp and he tried to sit up. I held him down a little. "Don't move, NURSE!!" I yelled out, pulling and oxygen mask out of the cupboard. His heart rate monitor started beeping again. Two nurse rushed in and started madly pressing buttons. Pavel's breath started to return to a more normal pattern. The beeping stopped and Pavel's eyes closed. "I'm fine," he muttered, placing a hand on his oxygen mask. "Keep that on," I said moving his hand away. "You scared me Pavel," I said sitting down. The nurses stayed for a minute scanning him and as soon as they left I let out a sob I didn't know I was holding. My eyes started going foggy and before I knew it I was a sobbing mess. Funny how that happens. Pavel gripped my hand and I looked up at him. "I'm so sorry," he began, looking downwards. "No," I sniffed. "Don't be sorry, I'm just so scared and I just can't loose you..." His place his hand on the side of my cheek. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. I wiped another tear from my cheek. "I love you," he said, words slightly muffled by his mask. "I won't leave you." I smiled weakly at him. "I love you Pavel."

"Everything alright?" Erik asked, looking up and down at my puffy red eyes and Pavel's oxygen mask. "Yeah, he just gave me a little scare," I muttered, standing up. Erik placed a plastic bag onto the table beside him. I kissed Pavel's cheek. "I'll be back in a minute." Before either of them could question me I'd walked out and towards one of the bathroom. I locked myself into a toilet cubicle, sat down and started crying. I cried for a good ten minutes before some foot steps echoed through the bathroom. I held my breath. The footsteps grew gradually louder. "Um hello? Is everything alright, I heard crying or something." I looked down and saw a battered pair or dark purple converse with little stars on them. "Hello?" The voice called out again, "Are you okay?" I wiped my eyes quickly and opened the door. The voice was a young woman, about my age with thick black glasses and with her short black hair as a pixie cut. She had the standard nursing uniform, with pocket watch necklace and a back chocker around her neck. "Im Harley," she said quietly, brushing her fringe from her eyes. "It's short for Harlequin because my parents are kind weird but anyway, what's your name," she asked, looking at me curiously through her crystal blue eyes. "Umm Vienna," I answered, swallowing and looking away. "Well Vienna it's great to meet you but you seem quite upset, may I ask what's wrong?" I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "My partners just been stabbed and had a heart attack, and I'm just worried that he won't make it and-" I stopped there, I'd started crying again. Harley wrapped her arms around me. I didn't realise at the time how much I actually needed just a hug like that. Harley let go of me. "I know what you've been through, I lost my best friend a few years ago. She looked a lot like you actually come to think of it..." My eyes widen. "This can't be real..."

(Authors note)
It's been ages yes, but school work got crazy last term and finally it's over so there'll be new stuff out soonish. Yay christmas season!! Um hope you like this chapter please comment and or vote if you do ^_^

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