26 - English?

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They curl up into bed together and lay there talking for a long while. She lays on his chest and starts digging his fingers into his hair again. He asks what makes her sleepy and she has to think for a little while.

"Well, whispering I guess. It makes me sleepy sometimes."

"What if I whisper in Russian...?" He asks, whispering and smiling to himself.

"I want you to whisper to me in Russian. I want you to teach me Russian... How do you say goodnight?

"Спокойной ночи," he whispers, brushing the hair from her eyes. She tries to repeat it and mispronounces it the first few times.

"Spakoynoi nochi," she finally says, Pavel smiling in approval. She says it again and he feels his heart rate pick up. He stares up at the ceiling and whispers to her in sleepy Russian, telling her everything that's on his mind. He tells her that he adores her, that he wants desperately to get better and that he doesn't want to see Damien for the rest of his life.

Vienna is asleep not long after he starts whispering but he keeps talking for a while. He switches to English, telling her he loves her again. She doesn't stir but he feels better saying it, even if she doesn't notice. He closes his own eyes, yawning and falling into a fast sleep.

Vienna wakes up with a start and Pavel just grunts as she sits up. He mutters something and she has no clue what it means or what language it's in. She tries to slow her breathing down a little. The boy in the hoodie fell again in her dream. Pavel gives her another incomprehensible string of syllables and she rolls her eyes at him.

"Go back to sleep Pav. I'm going to have a shower."

He grunts in response, digging his face into the pillow. She gets up and finds a towel, wondering if a universal translator would be able to pick up Pavel's morning babble. She washes her hair and thinks over last night. She feels an underlying guilt for not noticing that Pavel was still suffering, that she didn't make him get help earlier. She gets lost in thought for a while and finally hops out, running the towel through her hair.


"What's wrong, Pavel?"

"I'm sorry to rush you but I'm very close to wetting myself, could you please come out?"

She stifles a laugh and wraps another towel around her. She opens the door and Pavel's waiting on the other side. She raises an eyebrow at him and he thanks her, moving quickly into the bathroom. She quickly pulls some undies on while he's in the bathroom and fixes her towel up.

"Sorry about that," he mutters, stepping back out of the bathroom. "I didn't mean to kick you out early."

"It's fine," she laughs. "It was kinda funny."

His eyes are glued to the floor as she's there in only a towel. He's so innocent and she loves it. She comes over to him and places a kiss on his cheek. He smiles at her, his cheeks glowing red.

"Is this weird for you that I'm standing here almost naked?"

"Ah, well... I wouldn't say weird. It's... It's..." He finishes the sentence in a string of Russian and Vienna raises an eyebrow.


"It's... a little exciting."

She breaks into a grin and wraps her free hand around his neck and brings their lips together. He wishes his mind would quiet down, all he knows is that there's only a towel between her chest and his. He sleeps shirtless in the summer, she has been sleeping in a loose shirt and shorts. He places his hand on the small of her back, pulling her right up close to him. His mind goes quiet and he kisses her, his anxiety about how she'll respond quickly disappearing.

"How about you let me put a shirt on and we continue this? Having to hold up a towel is really taking away from the experience."

"Of course," he laughs, turning the other way so she can grab a shirt. She pulls it over her and decides not to worry about shorts. She takes his hand and pulls his towards the bed, smiling to herself.

Pavel face feels warmer than ever before as he sits beside her on the bed. She lays back, winking at him and beckoning him closer. He lets out a nervous breath, moving over and positioning himself on top of her. His hands are shaking and making it harder to balance but he just starts kissing her, hoping for the best.

Their kisses start heating up a lot and Vienna loves it. Pavel is trying not to look as awkward as he feels. Though he is enjoying it just as much as she is, it's showing a lot more visually than he'd like it to. If she notices, or cares, she doesn't show it. His arms are getting sore but he keeps kissing her, loving the way she grins and giggles against his lips.

"Relax a little, Pasha. You can... You can just..." She doesn't finish the sentence, putting her hand on his back and pushing him down.

"Oh, ah, okay. I'm sorry, I'm very nervous."

She can feel him pressing against her and she kisses the end of his nose. "Me too but I'm comfortable with this if you are."

He smiles and pecks her cheek, brushing the hair from her eyes. It's wet still and soaking into the pillow but neither of them really care. He kisses her neck softly and she lets out a gentle breath. He takes it as encouragement and kisses along her collarbone. She giggles a little and tilts her head, giving him space to worth with.

"Good?" He whispers, going back to kissing her neck as she nods.

"It's really good," she mutters, bringing his lips back to hers.

Before they can continue Vienna's phone starts ringing and he sighs, looking up at Pavel.

"I better get that," she sighs, Pavel moving off her and watching as she walks into the kitchen. It's her mum calling and they're probably planning on doing something today. Pavel zones out for most of the conversation until he hears his name mentioned. He looks up, raising an eyebrow.

"What's happening?" He asks when she comes back, stretching his arms out and yawning.

"Want to come out today? We're thinking of doing something fun."

"Something fun like another space museum?"

Vienna tries not to roll her eyes at his genuine question. He's oblivious to just how adorable he can be. She smiles at him, a soft fondness in his eyes. He tilts his head in subtle confusion at her lack of response and she just grins at him, only making him more confused.

"I'm sorry," she starts. "You're just... You're just you. You're adorable. I love it, I honestly do."

He smiles at her and kisses the top of her head. He feels like he's shining when he's around her. When they first kissed he could have lit up the whole night sky. He wonders if she feels the same every time they kiss.

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