2 - Pair Work

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Vienna finds Damien later in that cafeteria and takes a seat across from him. He asks how she found her first full day of classes and she isn't entirely sure how to respond. Difficult is the first word that comes to mind, and it's the only word she can offer him. He nods in understanding, a little overwhelmed from his own morning of training. They start talking for a bit and in the middle of the thought, he stops talking, his eyes following someone across the room. Vienna turns to see Chekov walking to a few tables away and taking a seat.

"You know him?" Vienna guesses. He shakes his head.

"Do you?"

"We were partners in class today. His name is Chekov."

"You're kidding?" Damien laughs. "The name rings a bell." He keeps his focus on Chekov for a little before turning back to Vienna. "Sorry," he says, distracted. "I should probably get ready for my next class."

"Me too actually," she mutters, bidding him goodbye.

Vienna's roommate is quiet. Vienna barely notices her there most of the time. She's studying engineering and always has her head in a book. They haven't said more than three sentences to each other at any one time but it doesn't feel awkward or hostile. They're both busy trying to catch up on the content for the day and get prepared for tomorrow.

Morning is equally as quiet. Neither of them eat breakfast, just taking fruit on the way to their classes and giving each other a quiet goodbye. Vienna is barely even thinking when she leaves her dorm room. She had dreamt about a boy on top of a building. He walked along the edges, every step had her a little more breathless. She doesn't remember what happened, she only remembers waking up worrying that she'd slept through her alarm.

Vienna is paired with Chekov again for partner work. Most people sit towards the back and there's only a few others in their row. This time they're talking about life onboard a starship and looking at how the safety controls work. They have to make a collective list of the different safety protocols Starfleet has in place and they come up with over a dozen. Chekov writes as Vienna guesses most of them. He can confirm if they're real or not and she trusts his judgement. He seems to know what he's doing in one way or another.

"Can I ask something?" Vienna says, tapping her pen against the side of her PADD. Chekov looks at her and nods, she continues. "Are you copying your notes out in Russian in that book?"

"Not exactly. It's a journal. Writing in my native language helps me clear my head."

"Have you been writing it for a long time or just since coming here?"

"Probably since I was eight," he says quietly.

"Wow," she says quietly. "Impressive. Not many people stick to something like that for so long. You must have a pretty interesting life if you have something to write about every day."

He studies her for a second, the slightest touch of a smile toying at his lips. "Maybe," he jests. "I chose a life of space adventure for a reason."

Vienna smiles a little at his comment, not sure how to interpret it.

The cafeteria is busy again and Vienna sits with Damien and a few of his friends. She's far from involved in the conversation. She's thinking about space when a familiar face passes by.

"Chekov," she calls, just loud enough to attract his attention. He looks over and smiles, taking a seat opposite her. Damien introduces himself, shaking Chekov's hand. Damien seems the slightly less relaxed than he normally is. Vienna wonders if he's met Chekov someplace before. Chekov doesn't seem to recognise him. They talk for a little while, Vienna having a few questions about the content they've gone over in the classes they had together.

For a few days, Vienna doesn't see Chekov or Damien. She decides to get away from studying for a few hours and leaves her dorm room, heading towards the city. She gets to the edge of the campus before seeing Chekov on a bench a little ahead. She sneaks up behind him and grabs his shoulders. He freaks out and shuts his journal, turning around and rolling his eyes upon seeing Vienna.

"You scared me," he says weakly.

"Sorry about that," she laughs, taking a seat beside him on the bench. "Writing again?"

He nods. "What are you doing? Are you heading out into the city?"

"I was planning on going for a walk into the city, maybe getting something to eat. You're welcome to join me if you're not busy."

He smiles a little. "I... I will, if you don't mind."

(Author's Note)

So, what do you think? Are you liking the rewritten version? Please give me some feedback, I'm hoping this is an improvement at least.

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