9 - Reading

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Pavel's mood seems brighter in class. He has a faint smile as he writes and Vienna notices it as soon as she comes into the lecture hall. His head is cocked to the side, he's daydreaming as he writes and he almost doesn't notice her sitting down beside him.

"You look cheerful," she points out, tapping her foot against his.

"I'm in a good mood, yes," he says quietly, his eyes leaving the book and digging into hers. He has a subtle smile and she can only grin stupidly every time she sees it. He hasn't smiled like this over something so small in an eternity. He writes in his journal and draws stars in the margins.

"Come over tonight," she says softly, he looks over to her. "Come over and we can study together."

"Will your roommate be there? Will she mind having me over? We could away go to my dorm, it's normally empty anyway."

"Sounds good. I'll bring snacks."

He grins, back to drawing stars as his cheeks glow a gentle red. She asks if he's writing about their night together last night and he nods. She looks to what he's writing, looking for her name again. She can see it in the paragraph he's writing, and the moment and she wonders if he's writing about what she just asked him.

Vienna comes over a little earlier than planned and Pavel still has a towel around his shoulders. His hair is soggy and falling in his eyes and he dries it while Vienna starts reading through something on her PADD. He offers her a seat or his desk to use, but she lies with her stomach on the floor, her feet pointing up at the ceiling. He watches her as he dries his hair, asking if she wants a drink.

"I'm alright," she says. "I just want to wrap my head around a few of these questions. Do you have much homework to do?"

"Just a few questions for Astrophysics Three and a small writeup for stellar cartography."

"I thought you were in Astrophysics One? That's the first year course, isn't it?"

"I tested out of it," he mutters. "It was a lot of concepts I already covered in university. I should be testing out of Astrophysics Three on Monday afternoon assuming I pass."

"You're not nervous?"

He shakes his head. "I've studied for it. I'm confident enough. It's all stuff I've done before. I'll manage."

"You're pretty amazing. You know that, yeah?"


Pavel quickly learns that he enjoys sharing meals with Vienna. They sit right next to eat other on the couch and they nudge each other back and forth, trying not to smile too stupidly. He likes how relaxed her feels around her and he considers telling her. She loves how talkative he is as soon as he's out of a classroom setting.

"Pavel," she laughs softly. "I need to get back to studying."

"Ah," he says, "Or you can sit here next to me a little longer. I can help you with your questions but just stay a little more."

"How about you answer some of my questions while I sit here with you? I have a few I'm sure you can answer."

"And what are your questions, Vienna?"

She loves the way he says her name and asks why she's laughing, his deep blue eyes painted with a curiousity that she's loving getting used to seeing.

"Just the way you say my name," she laughs. "I love it, it's the cutest thing."

"Vienna," he says, grinning at her.

She loves the way he blends the sounds together, how his accent sounds floating from his lips. She nudges his side and he nudges her back, taking any physical contact she'll give him. He's far too shy to initiate anything yet and he hopes he'll gain the confidence before she notices.

"What were your questions?" He urges, assuming they're about space or nursing or something.

"So, I have to start with a confession. I looked up how to write my name in Russian to see if I could spot it in your journal. And I've seen my name in your journal... I want to know what's in there, what you write about. I want you to read me something, Pavel."

"I can't read you something," Pavel says, rolling his eyes. "Those are my private thoughts, Vienna, I didn't write them with the intention of them ever being read."

"Read me something you don't mind me hearing then. Tell me what you had for breakfast three weeks ago, I don't care. I just want to hear a little into your life."

He thinks for a few seconds, sighing and taking his journal off his desk. He flicks through a few pages, finding one and looking at her briefly before letting his eyes drop back down to the book. He starts reading, in Russian, making her roll her eyes. He reads wishing that she understood or that he had the courage to repeat his thoughts in a language she understands. He spills his heart out to her and for a few minutes, he feels better than he has in an eternity. She smiles listening to his Russian, and he pretends that she understands what he tells her.

"So?" He says, closing his journal. "You didn't say I had to read it to you in English."

"I realised that. It's beautiful hearing you speak in Russian, even if I don't understand it. I still think you should read it in English though."

"I..." He swallows, opening the journal. "Her... Her name is Vienna and... she's beautiful."

Vienna feels her own cheeks redden and she puts her hands on his knees, smiling at him.

"You don't have to continue," she says softly. "I'm more than happy with just hearing that. Plus we should really get back to study.

Pavel nods, a glow spreading quickly across his cheeks. He closes his journal and watches as she returns to her position on the floor. He goes into the kitchen to get a drink, placing a hand on his cheek to feel how warm it is. He wonders if Vienna's anatomy textbook would say anything about the comfortable expansion he feels in his chest.

(Author's Note)

Wow, a whole chapter where nothing goes wrong? That's rare. Enjoy~♪

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