Chapter 10 - Awkward

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Chapter 10 - Awkward (unedited)

I found myself thinking about death more and more after that night, and for some reason that floods of thoughts couldn't be stopped. Death, life, what happens to us, oblivion, purpose, reason, love, meaning and just about everything in between. I found myself asking a lot of questions, and I guess that's just what we do as people. We have this undying need to find answers, and furthermore find ourselves. But some people become caught up in their search, and never really leave this stage of looking.

"Pavel, I'm cold. Come keep me warm." He didn't argue. His arms wrapped around me and held me in a tight embrace. "There's a really nice café that we could get a hot drink at..." He trailed off, leaning his head on my neck. "Sure," I said standing up, and pulling him up with me. I grabbed yet another jacket and followed him out the door an into an olden and somewhat suspicious elevator. We hoped in, along with another heavily pregnant woman. The doors shut and the elevator creaked downwards slowly. The elevator started to make weird noises, and shake. I grabbed Pavel's hand and the rails. The elevator made a long bang and came to a complete stop. Pavel sighed. The woman next to us, started breathing heavily and making small moans of pain. Pavel started speaking crazy fast Russian, to woman replied in a desperate and helpless tone. He turned to me, "She's having a baby!"

I suddenly switched to nursing mode, taking off my jacket and kneeling down next to her. "Pavel will you translate for me?" I asked, probably already knowing the answer. He nodded and helped the woman down to the ground. Pavel started speaking more Russian. I pulled a bottle of water out of my bag and wet a small piece of cloth I had in my bag. I told Pavel to dab it on her forehead, while I motioned for the lady to drink the rest. She nodded and started sipping the water. Her breathing started getting heavier and she was going through more pain. She was squeezing Pavel's hand and he was trying to keep her calm. "Did you tell her I'm a nurse and that there's a good chance both her and the baby will be fine?" Pavel started speaking to the woman who nodded and muttered things back. She started screaming, "tell her to push now Pavel!"

"Its a girl!" I said passing the small and very unclean child to her. She smiled at the baby wrapped in Pavel's hoodie, which he insisted she kept. "She says she can never thank us enough, and she wants to name the baby after you." I looked at Pavel. "You can't really name it Vienna, no one will be able to pronounce it..." I said looking at the lady and then back at Pavel. "What's your middle name then?" he shrugged. "its a weird middle name and I don't really like it..." I said, looking down. "What is it?" He asked persistently. I sighed, "It's Chastity"

The lady, Pavel, little baby Chastity and I were only stuck in the elevator for another twenty minutes or so after the baby was born. When the woman wasn't staring affectionately at her baby, she was thanking us over and over again. I felt sorry for whoever had to clean the elevator, it was filled with some seriously nasty stuff. I found Pavel's hand and started holding it. We waited until eventually the elevator suddenly kicked into motion. We cheered happily as the doors creaked open. The were a few shocked expressions after seeing the mess from the woman giving birth but it was fine. The woman would still need to go to hospital, but the staff said that they would take care of it and we were free to go. "We're covered in someone else's blood and smell fairly horrible so should we just go up to our room and wash off, and maybe go somewhere later tonight instead?" I asked. Pavel nodded in return. I studied his face, he'd lost a lot of colour and he looked kinda dizzy. "Are you alright? Come sit down." I said pulling him into a chair. "I just don't like other people's blood, I can deal with my own, but not stuff like that..." He trailed off. He shut his eyes for a minute and took deep breaths. "Are you going to be sick?" I whispered softy. He was clutching his stomach and he nodded. "Here there's a bathroom just here..." I said pulling him up. He went in and came out a few minutes later. "I feel better now," he half smiled.

We went back up to our room, taking twelve flights of stairs. We were both fairly exhausted by the time we got there. "You were sick you can go in first," I said taking off my blood stained shoes and jacket. "We could shower together and save time..." He trailed off. I smirked, "Are you actually serious or are you just kidding?" He looked at me. I raised and eyebrow. He smirked back, "I don't really know, maybe" he shrugged. "I would but I can't, I'm..." I stopped. "You're what?" he asked, coming over to me. "You'd probably rather not know..." I said, fairly awkwardly and laughing a bit. "Oh... Sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut him off before he could finish, "It's fine, let's just forget this happened," he nodded in agreement. There was a long pause . "Did you clean your teeth after you were sick." I asked, draping my arms on his shoulders. He looked at me with a questioning look. "I'm a dentist, sorry it's just I don't really wanna kiss you after you've thrown up." He rolled his eyes. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Well today has been an incredibly awkward kinda day so I suggest we go do something and forget just about everything that has happened." I stated, standing in the doorway. "I agree," he smiled. "Let's go eat something, I'm starving." We walked out the door, and even though the elevator was fixed, we took the stairs. Pavel was taking me to this place he always went as a child, and we were almost there when Pavel stopped suddenly. He let go of my hand with his gazed fixed straight ahead. "Erik..." he muttered. "What is it Pavel?" I asked looking around. Directly in front, a few meters ahead of him, was another guy that looked incredibly similar. He was taller, tanner and more muscular. His hair and eyes were the same colour and style. "Your brother?" I whispered. He nodded, pursing his lips. Pavel's brother smirked and trotted over to us, flicking his hair. "Pavel! How wonderful to see you, how long has it been? Two, maybe three years? Much to long if you ask me." He gazed at me, looking at me up and down and smiling. "My my, you must be Vienna! I've heard all about you, and you are twice as pretty as described." He smiled politely and kissed my hand. I was fairly shocked and Pavel glared at him very angrily. "That's enough Erik..." he muttered. Erik rolled his eyes, "give it up Pavel, we're just having some fun." Pavel's breathing became heavier. I slipped my hand around pavel's waist, just so Erik would know that I'm 'off limits'. "Well then," he said eyeing Pavel, "I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow." He smirked, and left just as quickly as he came and Pavel sighed. "I'm sorry, he has always been quite flirty." I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry about it, let's go eat."

"Well Pavel Chekov, today has successfully been the most awkward day of my life, and that's saying something." I raised my glass, filled with water and Pavel raised his, filled with Vodka. "To awkwardness," he smirked. Our glasses clinked together and we drunk. "Pavel don't drink too much, you can't go to a funeral hung over." He took another sip. "Vienna, that is why I'm drinking." I rolled my eyes and watched him eventually finish the whole glass. "You shouldn't be drinking after you've been sick." I said, moving his glass away from him. "True," he said shrugging. I stared into the glass, and he level his eyes with mine. We smiled at each other. "Taste it," he said. "You won't get drunk from from having just a sip." I looked at the glass and then back up at him. "I've never had alcohol before." He smiled, "I know, but you've kissed a drunk Russian so it's basically the same thing." I laughed, he was quite funny with his Russian misconceptions. I raised the cold glass to my lips, and tasted the vodka. I gagged and put he glass down. "That stuff is awful how do you drink it like that?!" I gaped. My throat burnt and I regretted tasting it. I finished the rest of the water and another two glasses after that. "You're not used to it," he smiled. I raised an eyebrow in mock anger. I couldn't help but smirk, "Tastes like Russia."

(Authors note)

Very awkward chapter indeed ('twas meant to be that way)

I am so annoyed I got a modern history assignment to do over the holidays and I've been working on that all day everyday and I'm not allowed to write and so that's why the updates are slow. The next chapter of All In My Mind will be up later on.

Happy Easter everyone!! And thanks for almost 150 reads!!!!! Enjoy!



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