Chapter 22 - Not Yet

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Chapter 22 - Not Yet

I remember when I visited Russia with Pavel, I took photos of basically everything and one time I tried to capture a picture of this quiet village, but the photo just didn't do justice to the real thing. It was no where near as beautiful and I couldn't help but be disappointed in the picture. Later that day it wasn't just the photograph I was trying to capture. It was the moment it was lived in that I wanted remember. A camera couldn't capture the cold breaths from the frigid air, or the soft blankets that Pavel would pull me into. There is so much to anything than imagery, especially when it comes to people. A photo could never truly capture a person, only the image of them.

I can't remember the few seconds in between hearing the news and falling into Bones' arms. I can only remember sobbing and falling in and out reality. It took me a while to breathe again. There was just silence as Bones sat next to me for a while, occasionally hugging me when it seemed necessary and encouraging me to drink water. "How is he at the moment?" I managed to ask, my words sounding like odd splutters. "He's in a stable contrition now, but things aren't looking the best Vienna we don't think he'll make it to tomorrow, I'm so sorry." I nodded, still crying. "C-Can I see him?" I stuttered, putting down my water and tying my hair back. "He's in intensive care, it's unlikely..." Bones said, looking away from me again. "I need to see him Bones," I said standing up. I fell as soon as I stood up, and he caught me again setting me down. "You need a nurse," he muttered looking around. "I don't need a nurse goddammit I am one," I grumbled back, trying to stand again. Bones pulled out his phone and started to ask for a nurse, keeping me to the chair with one arm. "Stop it!" I yelled helplessly, trying to push him off me. "Vienna you can't see him alright," he said angrily, waving over a nurse. A figure appeared from behind the nurse, who started running as soon as he saw me. "Vienna? Vienna is he alright?!" Erik asked, looking quickly to bones for an explanation. "They won't let me see him!" I yelled, finally pushing Bones off me, and falling on the floor. Erik helped me up and Bones sighed, "They don't think he's going to make it to tomorrow..."

I woke up with a stabbing pain in my shoulder and Erik beside my bed. I shot upwards, "What's happening, where am I?" I asked frantically, trying to move. There was a large strap around my waist and two smaller ones around my wrists. "Erik?! What's happening?" I yelled struggling against the bed. "Calm down," he said, pushing me softly back downwards. "Pavel? Where is he, is he alright?" Erik nodded, "He's a little better than before we might be able to see him this afternoon." Erik reached behind him, passing me a box of tissues. "You just need to calm down a little and they'll let you see him." I sighed and lay back down, using one of the tissues that Erik had given me. "Is there any more news on him?" I asked, closing my eyes. "Nothing yet, but they keep saying that they don't think he'll make it and I... I don't know what I'd do without him..." A sob escaped my lips and Erik passed me another tissue. "I'm sorry," he muttered. I shook my head and shut my eyes tightly. I felt his warm hand take mine. I quickly looked up at his gesture and he half smiled, "I'll help you get through this." I nodded, "it's probably not that simple."

Another hour and a half had passed, and I slept while Erik promised to wake me if anything happened. His hand on my shoulder woke me up and I looked around, and up at a nurse who'd just approached. "Erik Chekov and you are?" She asked, indicating to me. "Vienna Hallows, Pavel's partner." The nurse frowned. Erik looked at me and then quickly at the nurse. "Only family members are meant to visit," she said looking at me. Erik stood up, "let her go instead of me, she means more to him than I ever could," he pleaded. The nurse looked around, "if anyone asks, you're his sister okay." I smiled, and stood up, thanking her.

"Pavel? Pavel!?" I asked, looking at the weak body I barely recognised. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me. "Wienna," he mumbled reaching his hand out towards me. I took it and started crying. "Erik," Pavel said softly, motioned for him to come closer. He started speaking in Russian, taking breaths between words and struggling to talk. Erik's eyes started going red, and tears fell from his eyes. "Nyet Pavel," he said back, shaking his head. "What?" I asked looking between them. Pavel kept talking and Erik shook his head, replying in more Russian. When Pavel stopped talking there was a few moments of silence before Erik left the room.

"I died Vienna," he mumbled, tangling his fingers loosely with mine. "They said I was clinically dead for nine minutes. My heart stopped beating Vienna..." he whispered, closing his eyes again. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, "I was so scared I'd loose you." He sighed, "They don't think I'm going to make it," he muttered squeezing my hand. I shook my head, "Pavel no! you can't die ,oh god please don't leave me." He ran his hand shakily across the base of my chin. "Before I was scared, but then I realised something," he smiled. "I'm not scared of dying, I'm scared of being without you."

He pulled my chin towards his, and he silently rested forehead on mine. "Vienna, if anything does go wrong, I need to to know that you are and always have been my angel. I wish there was some that was more powerful than just I love you, but I do and thank you for making me

the luckiest person in the whole universe." My tears touched his cheek as they fell and he held my hands as sobs escaped my lips. "Don't cry," he muttered, pressing his lips against my own.

"When I was dead... I had this vision... I felt the skin on my back moving and there was this bright light..." He said shakily, struggling to talk. He took a few deep breaths and tried to keep talking. "Hey it's okay," I muttered, squeezing his hand gently. "I had wings, and God they were beautiful... They were white and golden... I saw what happens, I know what will happen and I saw some things that I'll never forget..." He took a few more deep breaths. "I love you," he whispered again, smiling slightly. His eye lids fluttered, "Vienna, not all angels have wings...." His eyes dropped again and closed. "Pavel?" I asked, looking at his monitor. His heartbeat was steady and he was alive, but they were right his vitals weren't good and he was struggling. "Fight for me Pavel," I whispered, kissing his cheek and leaving the room.

Erik was curled up in a ball hugging his knees when in the hallway when I saw him. "Erik?" I asked, pacing a hand on his shoulder and kneeling down beside him. He looked up at me and wiped his eyes. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. It reminded me of when I first met Pavel in his room when I had found out about his self harm. Erik stood up slowly and wiped his eyes again. "What did he say?" I asked, hoping fora response. Erik took a deep breath and look away from me shaking his head. "He said a lot. Is he alright right now?" I nodded. Erik ran his hand through his hair and frowned. His voice shook a little as he spoke. "He told me to look after you."

(Authors note)

Please enjoy/vote/comment and share!

Sorry for the wait guys hopefully it's worth it :) I also realised I never mentioned Vienna's last name.

Thanks so much everyone

- Lucky clover

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