55 - Tea Towel

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Pavel leaves the room sheepishly, trying to fix his hair a little. Vienna is talking softly to her roommate and she encourages him over once he emerges.

"I don't think I've ever properly introduced the two of you," Vienna notes. "Pavel, this is Amahle. Amahle, this is Pavel."

"Is your name South African?" Pavel asks, shaking her hand.

"It is," she grins, surprised that he picked up on it. "I was born there. I moved to America a few years ago. I think Vienna has mentioned that you're Russian, right?"

"Yes, Russian," Pavel confirms.

"I won't be here long," Amahle smirks. "I just have a few things to get and then I'm out of your way. Sorry I interrupted."

Vienna narrows her eyes a little, muttering that she didn't interrupt anything. Amahle doesn't buy it and just shoots Vienna a wink. She picks up a few things off the bench and Vienna just raises an eyebrow.

"You two have fun," Amahle grins. "Nice formally meeting you, Pavel."

Pavel stifles a giggle at Vienna's expression and as soon as the door closes, he just puts his hands on her hips and pulls her close. She gives him a soft smile and they start kissing again. They're leaning against the kitchen bench and giggling a little.

"We have to cook dinner, Pasha," Vienna says softly between kisses.

"Later," he mumbles, pulling her lips back onto his. He puts his hand on her cheek and she does the same, telling herself they can worry about dinner later.

When they do finally make dinner, Pavel insists on helping and he cuts some vegetables while Vienna does anything that involves actual cooking skill. Vienna waits until he's finished using a knife and spins a tea towel around and then uses it like a whip against Pavel's backside when he's not looking.

He says something in incoherent Russian and turns around, wondering what's going on. Vienna goes to whip him again, a little more gently and he quickly gains a playful grin. He says something else in Russian and grabs her around the waist, grinning and picking her up.

"Pasha," she laughs.

He drops her down on the couch and takes the tea towel from her, wrapping it around her wrists and holding them above her head. She can't stop laughing and he's super gentle, grinning like mad. He's straddling her and she rolls her eyes, telling him they'll burn dinner.

"Burnt dinner doesn't worry me as much as missing out on this," he grins, leaning down to kiss her gently.

"After dinner, love."

He moves off her and passes back the tea towel, trying not to roll his eyes. As he starts moving back to the kitchen she whips his butt again and he turns back around, picking her up bridal style and kissing her cheek. She swears she's glowing more than ever. She probably couldn't care less about burning dinner at this point.

They eat together on the couch and Pavel gets the tea towel thrown at him for laughing at Vienna when she spills some of her food on her shirt. Pavel has a bright sparkle in his eyes that Vienna swears she'll never let herself forget. She takes her shirt off when she's finished eating and Pavel tries not to stare. He pulls his eyes away and looks to the floor, muttering to himself in Russian.

"I probably need to have a shower. Do you want to-"

"Yes," he interrupts. "Yes, definitely."

Vienna giggles, heading into the bathroom. Pavel puts his bowl in the sink and runs a hand through his hair. He's a little nervous. Vienna's there in her bra and a skirt and Pavel takes his own shirt off, discarding it and giving Vienna a nervous smile.

"I want to still keep somewhat covered. I know it's weird showering with articles of clothing on but I'm sure that's fine for now."

Pavel nods and smiles warmly, glad that they're on the same page. Vienna pulls her skirt off and Pavel starts undoing his jeans. He feels nervous being so close to naked in front of her. She turns on the tap and lets the water run through her hair. He gets lost watching her for a little.

"Planning on joining me?"

"Sorry," he mumbles. "Yes, I certainly want to join."

He steps into the shower and she moves a little so he can stick his head under the water. He holds her and starts to relax a little. She runs her hands through his wet hair and grins. She goes to put her hands on his back and he flinches a little.

"You don't like my hands on your back?" She asks, moving them to take his hands instead.

"My back is gross. I don't want you to feel how bad it is."

"What do you mean?"

He looks a little uncomfortable and turns around, showing her that it's covered with bad acne. She sighs, making him turn around.

"I have a shower gel for that. You should let me put it on you. I used to have the same thing, maybe not as bad but still there. Turn around and I'll put some on you. It smells like caramel."

She picks up a bottle off the shower floor and smiles at him, encouraging him to turn around. He does so reluctantly and she massages the gel gently across his back. He feels so relaxed and closes his eyes, enjoying the sensation of having her hands on his back.

"There," she says softly, moving the shower so it washes the excess gel off of his back. He kisses her gently when he turns around. His whole body is warm and loose. They start making out, bodies close and water falling over them.

(Author's Note)

Another chapter I throroughly enjoyed writing. Love this kinda stuff. Apparently 'Amahle' is pronounced like 'Amasha' for reference.

Enjoy ♪

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