39 - With You

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Pavel's anxious when they touch down. He rings his mum but doesn't getting an answer. He rings again and Vienna watches the way his hands start to shake. He's breath is starting to break into an uneven pattern and she tries to calm him down. He calls again and finally gets through, speaking in frantic Russian and sounding confused when someone else starts speaking. He starts shaking his head and he picks up his bag, taking Vienna's hand in the other, still on the phone. He breaks into a run as he hangs up and he wipes his eye quickly before flagging a taxi down.


"We'll make it," he mutters, not looking at her. "We'll make it. We'll make it." He switches to Russian and tells the taxi driver where to take them. The driver senses his urgency and moves with haste. Vienna squeezes his hand, worried about what he just heard on the phone.

The trip goes quickly and Vienna thanks the taxi driver, getting out with Pavel and running into the entrance. He asks a nurse something and she directs him down a corridor and Pavel breaks into another run. He comes into another small waiting area and someone comes out a room and Pavel stops in his tracks.

The person looks up and shakes his head. He comes over and mutters something in soft Russian. Pavel takes a few steps back and shakes his head, saying something weakly and feeling his breath catch in his throat.

Pavel sits down and breaks into tears, Vienna fearing the worst. She wonders if the other guy standing there is Pavel's brother. He looks a little older and has a similar face shape. His eyes are a little red and he runs his hands through his hair, taking a seat on the other side of Pavel. Vienna places a hand gently on his back.

"Vienna," he says. His voice cracks a little and she can feel his heartbreak. "Vienna. I'll find you later, okay? I... I need a... I..."

"Pasha," she whispers. "I booked us a hotel while we were waiting for the shuttle. I'll message you the address and just come over when you're ready. I'll have my phone on, call me if you want me back here, okay?"

He nods, thanking her. She gives his hand another squeeze and tells him that she'll be thinking of him.

Waiting for Pavel is agony. Vienna's jetlagged and Pavel doesn't come back until 2 am local time. He comes in and collapses at the door, breaking into tears and unable to breath. Vienna comes over to him and rubs his back gently. He rummages through his bag for his spray and his hands are shaking so badly he can barely pick it up. Vienna takes the bottle from his shaking hand and tells him to open his mouth, spraying it into his mouth and trying to calm him down. She holds him until the spray takes affect and as soon as it does, he just gets drowsy. She helps him into bed, kissing his head a few seconds before he passes out. She sighs, rubbing her hand along his back gently.

Vienna takes his shoes for him off before going to bed. She moves his backpack from the doorway and puts his spray on the bedside table. She worries he could wake up needing it. He's out cold and she climbs into bed next to him, worried about what happens next. She tells herself she'll message doctor McCoy in the morning and falls asleep quickly, cuddling up close to him.

When Vienna finally does get up, Pavel isn't in the bed. She looks around the hotel for him and can't find him in the kitchen or bathroom. She checks her PADD and there's a message from him. It only tells her a time he'll be back but it doesn't say where he is. She eats something and goes back to sleep, her body still out of time.

Pavel's there when Vienna wakes. He's lying in bed with his arms folded and his eyes wide open. She sits up a little and rubs her eyes, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Pavel," she says weakly. "You're here. Are you.... Are you okay?"

He shakes his head a little, his dark blue eyes seeming a little duller than usual.

"I'm going over to my mother's house later today. I... I would like you to come."

"I'll be there if you want me to be. The guy yesterday, he's your brother?"

Pavel just nods. He doesn't have the energy to be speaking much. She lays on his chest and he wraps an arm around her, endlessly glad she's there with him. He sighs, squeezing her tightly.

"We'll need to go soon," he mutters, still staring blankly at the ceiling. "I'm glad that you're here with me. I'm really glad that you're here."

She kisses the end of his nose and gives him a weak smile. "With you all the way, Pasha."

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