Salad Bowl - Halloween 2021

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Stiles paused as he reached the steps of the house. Having you as a roommate had been Melissa's idea. Scott was moving out of town for a couple of years to do a few years at a different college. Which meant that Stiles had spare rooms and with Lydia and Malia out of town for college and travelling as well, he didn't have many options.

It wasn't that you were a bad roommate. It's just that he had once seen Peter convince you to let him inside Scott's house when he was Stiles' prime suspect, at the time, for some people going missing. He had the distinct feeling that you'd welcome Michael Myers into the house if he said he just needed to use the phone.

The house you shared was currently lit up orange. As in the sky around the house had a slight tint to it. The entire front of the house was covered in tiny pumpkin lights. He didn't want to know how many strings of lights it had taken you to cover the house. The pathway was lit with ghost solar lights and the lawn was covered in skeletons of all kinds of different people and animals. Taking in the sight of his house blasting off enough light to keep the whole street lit up, he took in a deep breath and headed inside.

The inside of the house was no better. The walls were covered in fake spiderwebs, glittering halloween tinsel hung on every inch of the ceiling giving it an itchy but festive feel. Heading into the kitchen he found boxes strewn across the floor, all empty and with the word, Halloween, scribbled on the side with black sharpie. Stiles eyed them dubiously and hoped perhaps, that he had already seen their contents, and that the rest of the house was just left alone or perhaps toned down. When he opened the kitchen cupboard to get a glass and found all of the cups and mugs had been swapped for pumpkin shaped ones. Taking a wild guess he opened the cupboard for the dishes and pots and pans. Again, more pumpkins.

"It's one day of the year." Stiles muttered to himself. He fished out the largest cup he could find and filled it from the sink. Noticing, while he did, that the soap dispenser was now shaped like a little ghost.

"Stiles! You're back. I've almost finished but I haven't started on your room yet. I wanted to ask you first." You said cheerfully. He turned to see you shuffling into the kitchen, arms full of pumpkins and a trail of black and green tinsel trailing after you.

"I think I might just leave my room as is." Stiles said. He had wanted to add 'in case we need a space to get away from your migraine inducing decor.' But decided not to.

"Not even one decoration?" You asked as you set the pumpkins down on the kitchen island and he could finally see you over the tops of them.

"I'm not really doing Halloween this year." He answered simply and frowned down at the cup in his hands. It was harder to drink out of a pumpkin than he had thought.

"How can you reject a holiday where you can serve candy from a salad bowl?" You asked him and he groaned. He'd intended to come home from work and head straight to bed. He didn't answer as he walked to the livingroom and slumped down on the sofa and closed his eyes. They snapped open when he realised that there was a ghostbusters ghost, blown up and watching him from the corner of the room. "That's not disturbing at all... I just don't see the point. My life is Halloween 24/7 you know."

"Oh... I can take it down." You said quietly. Stiles didn't say anything for a moment, his eyes falling shut. When he cracked them open he saw you quietly putting things back in one of your halloween boxes.

"No, you don't have to do that. I just... need to chill out for a bit." Stiles offered a lame excuse for his mood. You seemed unsure when to do so you just put everything down on the floor and backed out of the room. He had a moment's peace and turned on the tv, stretched out of the sofa before you popped your head back in and said.

"Just so you know all our food is halloween shaped... They had a sale at the store." You explained and held up a bag of nuggets that were shaped like ghosts. "Want some?"

"Yeah sure." He answered and started to laugh. He hadn't seen anyone enjoy Halloween this much for a long time.

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