Best Friend

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Normally you'd cheer for Stiles, it had been a tradition since forever, no matter what one of you was doing the other would cheer you on. But today you didn't feel like cheering. Stiles spotted you as he went to take his shot and smiled to himself, you were his lucky charm but as he swung to score you stayed utterly silent.

"Stilinski, we're aiming for the goal not the carpark!" Finstock yelled at Stiles.

"Yeah s...sorry coach." Stiles mumbled as he glanced up at you.

"Go Stiles you can do it!" Lydia cheered from the other side of the bleachers.

"I'd have scored if (Y/N) had cheered." Stiles told Scott who frowned, glancing over with surprise to see you silently watching them, smiling when he waved and you waved back.

"She looks upset, what'd you do?" Scott asked as you started to grab your things and leave.

"Why is it something I did, why can't she just be emotional?" Stiles asked when you rubbed your eyes and started to hurry off.

"Because when we were eight and you stole her Halloween candy you cried, she ate your candy too, when you upset her last year she calmly set up your room to pelt you with paintball bullets." Scott started to list things off as Stiles groaned, hurrying over to you, claiming to need a drink when Coach yelled at him.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked and quickly tried to wrap you up into a bear hug.

"Nothing, let go!" You snapped making him frown when he let you push him away.

"Hey what's up?" Lydia asked with a friendly smile as she jogged over, rubbing your shoulder when she saw you were upset. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?"

"No, I'm fine." You snapped when you glanced up at Stiles and saw the way he was gazing at Lydia.

"Are you sure cause we..." She started again but you just couldn't keep yourself contained.

"I said NO!" You yelled, sending Stiles flying backwards into the bleachers which promptly collapsed as you tried to calm yourself, not noticing when Scott hurried you away.

"What's wrong with you?" He sighed once he'd gotten you away from the people who had flocked around the bleachers.

"Why is everyone asking that?" You asked quietly.

"Because we're worried about you." Scott sighed.

"Oh yeah, so worried." You waved a hand in Stiles' direction.

Scott frowned when Stiles pushed up, despite holding his arm and checked on Lydia who hadn't been injured or even affected by your outburst. Scott sighed and pulled you into a hug, the gesture causing you to clutch onto the Alpha's shirt and sob.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hut anyone, I don't know what's wrong with me." You mumbled.

"It's ok (Y/N)." Scott muttered as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Stop ignoring me!" You growled finally when Stiles refused to engage in any attempt to talk.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being a little mad that you threw me into the bleachers for no reason." Stiles grunted sarcastically.

"I said I'm sorry and I even fixed your arm." You pouted a little despite not meaning to. "I'm sure you're just so worried about perfect lady Lydia." You muttered under your breath.

"So, she was right you hate her." Stiles said as he turned to face you.

"I don't hate her, I hate you!" You yelped and he flinched.

"Oh, well great, that's exactly what I wanted to hear right now, good to know." He defended, his voice shaking slightly as he shook his head. "Why... tell me why and I can stop?"

"Because of you and your stupid smile, your irritatingly cute turned up nose and your stupid face and it's so infuriating when you do that thing with your tongue and it makes me blush, the way your fingers fiddle with mine when you're nervous and..." You trailed off when you took in a shuddering breath, realising you were in such a state that Stiles was both frozen and trying to reach out to comfort you.

"Tell me." He insisted as he finally found his words and moved to cup your face as he wiped the tears away. "Come on magic girl, tell me so I can fix this."

"You can't fix it Stiles it's just me being stupid." You whispered.

"For the love of God (Y/N), tell me what is going on in that head of yours because it's killing me, I can't stop whatever is making you like this from hurting you unless you let me know how to help." Stiles all but begged as you pulled away.

"Please don't make me tell you Stiles." You whimpered. "I don't want to make you feel bad."

"(Y/N) I've known you longer than anyone, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me." He sat at the foot of the hospital bed as you winced.

"I sort of hate Lydia, but I shouldn't because she's nice and she's my friend." You mumbled after a deep breath. "Am I ugly?"

"No!" Stiles gasped, gawking at you as you stared at your fingers, smiling when his tangled with yours.

"Then why don't you look at me the same why you look at Lydia?" You whimpered, tears dripping onto his hand as he stared at you for a moment.

He didn't say a word, instead he did what he'd always do if you were crying, wrapped you up in his arms and cradled the back of your head, tangling his fingers into your hair as he soothed you with whispered jokes.

"Are we still friends?" You asked reluctantly, not wanting Stiles to let go.

"Forever." He mumbled into your hair.

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